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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Yeah, man, WE KNOW.
Inner cities worse than War torn areas. Literally can't get any worse than it is for african americans.

Pretty sure a lot of them remember a time when it was worse.

This asheville rally is vintage trump. Why is it even in asheville, It is super liberal there.
On the phone with this woman from the DCCC who just me, this is amazing. She's really trying to scare me into giving money.
I got a call from them - while canvassing mind you - asking for a generous donation of $300.

Like bruh I am unemployed I am lucky if I make that in a month.

(Exaggerating but still)


I suppose we'll see when we get a fresh round of polls, but I honestly think the media (specifically cable news) are revealing themselves to be out-of-touch with the group this comment was aimed at. I've seen very little backlash from people who weren't already firmly Team Trump or leaning Trump.

Hillary didn't anger her base or people inclined to vote for her.

I can agree with that. I think PoliGAFs analysis is pretty accurate (i.e. Clinton team wants to fire up the Obama coalition and this comment was aimed at that group), but it doesn't change the fact that a large group of the media are panning the comment.
I suppose we'll see when we get a fresh round of polls, but I honestly think the media (specifically cable news) are revealing themselves to be out-of-touch with the group this comment was aimed at. I've seen very little backlash from people who weren't already firmly Team Trump or leaning Trump.

Hillary didn't anger her base or people inclined to vote for her.

Yeah, I'm sticking by what I said here. The headlines and the online reactions to her comment were good.

To people saying "half" was a bad call, remember that Hillary literally said this same comment months ago and hedged on how many, and no one cared at all. Truth hurts.
I got a call from them - while canvassing mind you - asking for a generous donation of $300.

Like bruh I am unemployed I am lucky if I make that in a month.

(Exaggerating but still)



Ben Shapiro ‏@benshapiro 26m26 minutes ago

Ben Shapiro Retweeted Michelle

The swastika on your forehead.

Michelle @michelleisgayaf
@benshapiro I think you're deplorable. What makes you right and me wrong?

Yes, her twitter avatar literally has a swastika shopped on to her forehead.


On the phone with this woman from the DCCC who just me, this is amazing. She's really trying to scare me into giving money.

I had a lady from the DSCC call me a few months ago and she was R.E.L.E.N.T.L.E.S.S. I stayed on the phone for about three minutes just to see if she would give up. I ended up telling her I was ending the call now and she immediately tried to talk more as I was hanging up. She asked for money like six times, each time giving a fast and informative spiel. I responded that I had just donated and was not considering another donation at that time, etc. It was sad and amusing.

I prefer to make donations anonymously, when possible.
I wouldn't worry too much about what the media thinks of her comments. Not that they don't have any influence or anything, but the way they think a comment will play is not necessarily the way it will actually play, and already Pence has handed them something new to talk about because of it.
@TomLlamasABC 12m12 minutes ago
Tom Llamas Retweeted Candace Smith
This is all on camera. Will post shortly.

Wow, Guy in crowd just hits male protester in the face, tries to slap female protester at Trump rally

Gonna love the news. Trump pushes back on deplorable comment while violence against women breaks out at his rally.
The deplorable comment is great because now the media will cover all the nasty shit that happens at trump rallies.

The DCCC calls me every other day now lol. Last time I hung up on the guy after he said who he was and I felt bad. I'm saving him time at least.
Gonna love the news. Drumpf pushes back on deplorable comment while violence against women breaks out at his rally.
Yup, I said this is what would happen in the OT thread. If the media backs Clinton up it's going to be a win for her. A lot of the incidents were largely ignored before now.


FGC Waterboy
I'd imagine this is the case. I've talked to former-Obama staff folks on the campaign who are baffled by the way the Clinton campaign botches even the most simple things, turning one day stories into week long affairs by not being open.

Axelrod is not a dick, nor is he playing this up for media attention. Clinton literally coughed for 2-4 minutes on live TV and the campaign had nothing to say about it; if she really has pneumonia it should have been made open before or immediately after that situation. Instead they waited and here we are.

Huh...so it's not just on our little knothole the grumbling has occurred. I thought maybe part of it was some lingering bitterness over '08 and how brutal the primary was on all of us, but..huh. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought that. It is frustrating watching the campaign botch basic things - if we knew what the hell we were doing we'd be looking at a Dem Senate and even possibly a Dem House I think.


Personal diablos activated.

Inside the Mind of the Undecided Voter

I weep.

Serious question: why are people surprised? You've had a country where unless one party controlled both sides of Congress and the presidency, that has basically run into complete partisan gridlock, so much so that SCOTUS is now functioning as the legislative branch as well as the judicial branch. The gridlock's been going on since what, when Gingrich went after Clinton in the late 90s? You have wealth inequality and corporate creation approaching Gilded Age levels, the economic recovery being disproportionately distributed to upper middle class and wealthier...yeah, not terribly surprised that their is some subset of folks who are like "fuck it, we need to cause chaos before anyone feels the need to do something" Progress has been slow (especially compared to the lightspeed the world reports news now), student loans and health care loans are crippling folks. I don't agree with it, but I understand where folks who are in the "burn it all down" phase of their lives might be coming from. We don't have the equivalent of a vote of no-confidence unfortunately.

Also, the person quoted is a political reporter based out of DC. So I'm not surprised at the loathing of the Clintons and the frustration someone in those shoes would have seen daily for decades now. Basically take all the frustrations the average person has felt towards the political process and amplify them 1000x, that's what being a political reporter in DC the last two decades would feel like. You get to see and live the low level pervasive corruption part of DC (cue John Oliver's segment on fundraising). Skews your perspective in pessimistic ways, unfortunately. :(

"Why don't these two parties who are literally opposite on their ideas of government form one ticket"

Eh, it's messed up but I see where he's coming from. If you're tied to progressive ideals but think that the government has gotten too authoritarian (Hi NSA!) or has just become a functional arm of corporate lobbyists - you see the values in both the Green and Libertarian party. But yeah, their solutions to the problems are 180 degrees from each other.


Gee, I'm sorry former-team Obama people. I'm sure you're gonna do everything fine with Hillary Clinton, a white women who is hated for even breathing.
Man, Hillary being like FUCK WATER and then getting pneumonia while also having a heat-based fainting spell is like the most Hillary thing ever. I mean, she's still going to win, but she's like FUCK IT, LET'S MAKE IT INTERESTING!


Back to the important question.
What other game encapsulates PoliGAF as well has Civilizations?
I mean you have selfserving asshole leaders ready to bomb you on account of not trading them cinnamon or getting nicer boats than they do then turning around the next year and asking for free trade treaties.
EU4? It's got a bit more complexity.
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