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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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FGC Waterboy
Gee, I'm sorry former-team Obama people. I'm sure you're gonna do everything fine with Hillary Clinton, a white women who is hated for even breathing.

Psh - we worked for a black man named Barack Hussein running to be president in this country post 9/11. Nothing scares us in terms of hate. :p

Even if it's Bill Clinton commenting about how Obama should be getting him water.

As for "hated for even breathing" - Clinton does get a lot of unwarranted hate. But she also gets a lot of legitimate criticism that her supporters ignore because of this belief that everyone is a bunch of haters. Regardless of people wanting to brainlessly put all criticism of her into that category - if you're going to run for president, you have to be able to separate the two types. Her veil of privacy makes sense growing up in the 70s/80s/even early 90s political environment. In a modern time with twitter and the information revolution happening, where everyone has a recording device on them at all times, and in lieu of the failings post 9/11 this country went through with pushing security at the cost of privacy? It's outdated at best and actively detrimental at work.

Everyone will make errors. But making the same unforced error over and over, even when your own party is telling you it is an unforced error? Come on. If they had said "oh she has pneumonia" or even "she has a really bad cold" after her coughing fit, it would have lasted like a few hours or so and then everyone would have moved on. Hell, she could have even turned it into a positive point, that she was under the weather but that this is important and she had to keep fighting through. But by hiding it and then having it spill out into the open not on her campaign's terms - it has hurt her (only temporarily I think). Little stuff like that.

Cesare is like our very own Politico-style anonymous Democratic insider.

Cesare is way more connected to the political end of the machine then I am. It's kind of fun. :D

I don't believe in undecided voters, like true to the definition of the term undecided.

There's a technical definition of undecided that is used in polling - lemme see if I can find a link - but the short version is that you're looking for folks who have voted both Dem and Republican recently, and when questioned ideologically, don't lean republican or democrat in their ideology. They're rare, but they do exist. I would assume GQ would be using that level of definition.


LOL Bill, but he specifically says it's when she's severely dehydrated, not because it happens to her or that it's constant. He could just clarify that it's happened throughout the years, not recently. But it goes with the rumors that Hillary doesn't drink enough water (IIRC, Clinton is a major coffee addict too).

Damn, Trump's not having a good day today either. Looks like vintage Trump is making a comeback.


Unconfirmed Member
These idiots wearing the word deplorable as some sort of badge of honour likely are. So thanks for self identifying I guess.
Wonder why "I'm a Taker" shirtsnever took off at Obama rallies in 2012.

Oh, that's because it would be ducking stupid that's why.


1) people get sick

2) as previously stated, it was a landline only poll

3) because he's won many times in IN before?
1. Still, awful timing

2. Was the previous one landline only

3. Yes I'm aware. I just think he has an uphill battle tho because Trump is going to win the state easily. I was an Evan Bayh fanboy back in the Bush years when I thought the party had no one. Ask Incognito.

Why oh why did Strickland totally abort his campaign?


FGC Waterboy
I really want to know who the fuck this is.

My suspicion is that it's a Fox News / conservative leaning reporter who probably started in the late 90s / early 2000s. Would explain the loathing of Clinton, hatred of overly managed presidents (GWB was also notoriously handled), love of dumpster fires, and struggling with Trump.


Psh - we worked for a black man named Barack Hussein running to be president in this country post 9/11. Nothing scares us in terms of hate. :p

Even if it's Bill Clinton commenting about how Obama should be getting him water.

In fairness, we now understand he was just worried Hillary would faint.
1. Still, awful timing

2. Was the previous one landline only

3. Yes I'm aware. I just think he has an uphill battle tho because Trump is going to win the state easily. I was an Evan Bayh fanboy back in the Bush years when I thought the party had no one. Ask Incognito.

Why oh why did Strickland totally abort his campaign?
The fact that Trump is going to take the state easily might be a small silver lining for Bayh, if anything. People might see him as a check on a potential Trump presidency.

Like I don't know if that ever actually works, but still.
1. Still, awful timing

2. Was the previous one landline only

3. Yes I'm aware. I just think he has an uphill battle tho because Trump is going to win the state easily. I was an Evan Bayh fanboy back in the Bush years when I thought the party had no one. Ask Incognito.

Why oh why did Strickland totally abort his campaign?

1. okay

2. Yes. They're just not a high-quality pollster.

3. I mean, ticket splitting still happens. Happened in 2012 in that state that Obama won easily! And Young > Mourdock, but Bayh >>>>> Donnelly.


Trump supporters beating up protestors while media wrings its hands at 'deplorables'.
Bill Clinton saying Hilldawg has been on her deathbed plenty of times before.
Pence chumming it up with the Grand Master Warlock Wizard Summoner Duke.


Really want to see the postmortem on this campaign season man whew.
So I just got done doing a bunch more canvassing for today, I was actually able to turn some undecided voters into at least leaning (and honestly with one I think it became more than leaning).

The best part is that Trump supporters were always too embarrassed to say they support Trump so they just answer at first with "well I'm not supporting Hillary" and then when me or my partner ask if they are supporting Trump it's always a softer, more embarrassed "yeah".


Psh - we worked for a black man named Barack Hussein running to be president in this country post 9/11. Nothing scares us in terms of hate. :p

Even if it's Bill Clinton commenting about how Obama should be getting him water.

As for "hated for even breathing" - Clinton does get a lot of unwarranted hate. But she also gets a lot of legitimate criticism that her supporters ignore because of this belief that everyone is a bunch of haters. Regardless of people wanting to brainlessly put all criticism of her into that category - if you're going to run for president, you have to be able to separate the two types. Her veil of privacy makes sense growing up in the 70s/80s/even early 90s political environment. In a modern time with twitter and the information revolution happening, where everyone has a recording device on them at all times, and in lieu of the failings post 9/11 this country went through with pushing security at the cost of privacy? It's outdated at best and actively detrimental at work.

Everyone will make errors. But making the same unforced error over and over, even when your own party is telling you it is an unforced error? Come on. If they had said "oh she has pneumonia" or even "she has a really bad cold" after her coughing fit, it would have lasted like a few hours or so and then everyone would have moved on. Hell, she could have even turned it into a positive point, that she was under the weather but that this is important and she had to keep fighting through. But by hiding it and then having it spill out into the open not on her campaign's terms - it has hurt her (only temporarily I think). Little stuff like that.

Cesare is way more connected to the political end of the machine then I am. It's kind of fun. :D

There's a technical definition of undecided that is used in polling - lemme see if I can find a link - but the short version is that you're looking for folks who have voted both Dem and Republican recently, and when questioned ideologically, don't lean republican or democrat in their ideology. They're rare, but they do exist. I would assume GQ would be using that level of definition.

Even as a fervent Hillary supporter, I will admit that she has some transparency issues. And not even just transparency, but getting in front of the press in general, even when it would help her.

But I excuse it in the case of Hillary's health because I think this time her team was faced with a very real dilemma.

Trump and his cronies have been banging the drum on Hillary's health and her not having the stamina to lead. Then BAM! Suddenly Hillary actually is sick. Reveal she's sick and play into the false narrative Trump's been harping on, or keep it hidden and trust Hillary to soldier through it.

Honestly, even knowing it was a gamble, I likely would have made the same choice they did, because even now I still think the fallout from her announcing she was sick would have been worse than what she's going through now.
I mean I think she should have just released a full medical history. It would have put Trump on the defense from the beginning with his pathetic letter. To be honest though I still don't think she owed the press an announcement of a temporary disease that she expected to get over in a week.


I mean I think she should have just released a full medical history. It would have put Trump on the defense from the beginning with his pathetic letter. To be honest though I still don't think she owed the press an announcement of a temporary disease that she expected to get over in a week.

Maybe she should apply for disability. Then they'd do a full, 12 month review of her health records.


Gwen Ifill spitting truth. "Half of Trump supporters do believe Muslims should be banned, half of them do believe that blacks are lazy and half of them believe the more offensive things he's said on the stump. Is what she said wrong?"

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Posters who diablos are deplorable.
I've been in full blown panic here lately. When that happens, I go back to lurking. Work has been awful, the wedding plans aren't as far along as they should be with less than a month to go, and then I check into PoliGAF and get even more anxious. My only good quality is that I stop posting when I start diablosing.


Gwen Ifill spitting truth. "Half of Trump supporters do believe Muslims should be banned, half of them do believe that blacks are lazy and half of them believe the more offensive things he's said on the stump. Is what she said wrong?"

Holy shit. I need video.
Yeah, this "we ARE deplorable" thing is a terrible look for Trump. I'd call him a gaffe machine, but the man is just one giant living gaffe, a total unnecessary mistake of a human being.
I say this too damn often. This world isn't getting any better.

By a lot of metrics, the world is getting better all the time. Not all metrics (see the effects of global warming), but many.

We just live in an echo chamber of shit here in the PoliGAF thread, so it seems worse than it is.
By a lot of metrics, the world is getting better all the time. Not all metrics (see the effects of global warming), but many.

We just live in an echo chamber of shit here in the PoliGAF thread, so it seems worse than it is.
I think xenophobia and extreme racism towards immigrants is growing though. Which is gonna be terrible when the climate change refugee crisis hits.


By a lot of metrics, the world is getting better all the time. Not all metrics (see the effects of global warming), but many.

We just live in an echo chamber of shit here in the PoliGAF thread, so it seems worse than it is.

Maybe so. But even if Trump loses I feel he's emboldened that element. They aren't going away. How much political power, and voting power they end up having after this remains to be seen though.


Yeah, this "we ARE deplorable" thing is a terrible look for Trump. I'd call him a gaffe machine, but the man is just one giant living gaffe, a total unnecessary mistake of a human being.

Hillary should take this further.

Next speech:

"You know, I'm going to be grossly generalistic here...but, there is a large group among my opponent's supporters who are...just fucking awful."


Ok, so I keep getting emails from "Our Revolution", the organization that spun out of the Bernie Sanders campaign, but if I click on a link in the email, it takes me to "Our Revolution" pages hosted on berniesanders.com... I'm assuming it's not against the rules of a 501c4 since they're doing it, but it still seems odd to me. Anyone know more about this stuff than I do that might be able to explain why this isn't an issue when a 501c4 isn't supposed to work directly with campaigns?

Also, I just got a Trump ad in this thread that just said "You & Ivanka" with a picture of her... is he really auctioning off a date with his daughter for some campaign contributions? Gross.
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