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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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More would-be autocrats flipping America the bird on the world stage

Thee United States’ relationship with the Philippines has been on somewhat rocky footing since June, when Rodrigo Duterte became president.

On Monday, Duterte made the latest in a series of comments that have put the countries at odds on the world stage: He called for U.S. special forces to leave the southern Philippines, where they have advised and assisted the Armed Forces of the Philippines in missions against Islamist insurgents since 2002. At one point, more than 1,000 U.S. troops were working in and around Mindanao, the largest major island in the archipelago’s south. In recent years, the mission has wound down, but some 200 U.S. advisors remain on the ground.

Duterte Wants U.S. Special Forces Out of the Southern Philippines

Lets hope he doesn't murder and eat them on their way out.


Unconfirmed Member
I honestly think that, a while after Hillary wins the election (if she wins the election...lol), the "Basket of Deplorables" statement will be looked at as a pivotal moment of the campaign, and American politics in general.
I highly doubt this. If I had to make a wager I would bet on it being political trivia within months.


Someone on my Facebook is irked Hillary called the pepe mean racist.

I swear, I have no idea how I fell into a free company of Trump supporters. Do mmos just draw those types of people?
Hmm, a downfall of Thomas Jefferson movie seems like a dream movie to make for any director with how much interest and controversy there would be. One has to be made soon, right?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I saw this cartoon going around and thought it fairly interesting as one of Trump's only campaign promises is to end the first and sixth amendments:



Can't help but feel we're going to some ugly polls in the future. Wish I could wake up in the morning and realize this was all a bad nightmare.

Tomorrow should be the first day of polls that include the deplorables/pneumonia weekend, although one or two national and state polls (the California one) included this weekend, and didn't show any movement one way or the other, but yeah, tomorrow we could get more polls.

But it's still going to take a couple of more days for this news cycle to fully appear in polling. Probably until Thursday.
Tomorrow should be the first day of polls that include the deplorables/pneumonia weekend, although one or two national and state polls (the California one) included this weekend, and didn't show any movement one way or the other, but yeah, tomorrow we could get more polls.

But it's still going to take a couple of more days for this news cycle to fully appear in polling. Probably until Thursday.

The LA times polls has a +3% change in favor of Trump today. So Trump went from being tied to leading with 3% in a day. Now, it is of course way too early to say if the lead holds.



So people, like Don Lemon, casually throwing out "it's not the crime, it's the cover up" know having pneumonia isn't criminal? Trump surrogates are going to start adding this to the crime list.


This election is just poisonous. I normally enjoy American politics, but right now the double standards are just digusting.

Donald trump releases a medical note that a 10 year old child wouldn't write - and there#'s no follow-up, nothing. Clinton gets sick and is immediately accused to another cover-up and having a problem with being dishonest.

It's just ridiculous. There's literally no pretence at being equal between the two candidates. The press has decided that Hillary Clinton is corrupt and dishonest, and that's all there is to it. Meanwhile no-one dares tackle Trump head on and he happily gets away with things every day that would have sunk any other campaign.
I saw this cartoon going around and thought it fairly interesting as one of Trump's only campaign promises is to end the first and sixth amendments:

The "they" in the second panel is ambiguous and the interpretation changes the whole meaning of the comic. Is this a conservative or liberal comic?

It works both ways,depending on whether your worldview is modern or retrograde.
Poll: Clinton's Lead Narrows Among Independents, Voters Nationally

Hillary Clinton's national lead over Donald Trump continues to narrow. Clinton now leads Trump 48 percent to 44 percent, a decline of 2 points since last week, according to results from the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.


In a four-way match-up, Clinton leads Trump by just 2 points — 42 percent to 40 percent. Libertarian Gary Johnson maintains 11 points, essentially unmoved even after his "Aleppo" campaign gaffe, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein maintains 4 points.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
That's because Johnson voters are protest voters and don't actually know or care about anything and certainly don't pay attention. They probably won't vote. I'm relatively certain of this.
Clinton campaign doesn't have anybody to push narratives and she herself took a 2 week break to fundraise which was a big mistake. Nobody else was campaigning for her too during that time.

The whole Sunday thing is Clinton's fault because they didn't even tell everybody in the campaign that she had pneumonia. So for a few hours on Sunday nobody had any idea what happened.

If you whining about the media not giving you a level playing field you are losing the plot...plain and simple. And that has what Clinton campaign has been doing lately.

And if they are holding back any oppo on Trump it's about time to break it out.

Can't wait to see how today ends up being crap for Clinton campaign.
Other than the painfully obvious shit job that Lauer did the campaign itself hasn't been campaigning about the media treating Trump with a feather touch. So I'm not really sure what you're talking about beyond your usual attempt at outdiablosing Diablos.

And she has to fundraise because it takes money to run an actual campaign with actual offices and staff.

She has a mild acute respiratory infection, under treatment, that will be gone in like a weak. What else should she disclose. Her pap smear results? If she has a UTI? Her mole map?

Donald Trump's medical letter is full of bullshit hyperbole and is addressed "To Whom My Concern."


Worth noting this is from 9/5 thru 9/11. Probably hadn't caught the full effect of the deplorables comment and her fainting, and it's still tightening.

Johnson can clearly afford a fuck up or two.

This isn't really ideal. Senate is getting closer too. I'm afraid this election might be a nail biter if we keep getting polls like this.

But people in here insisted Trump couldn't get more than 40. Odd how that happens.
Yeah, that's definitely starting to change.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
But people in here insisted Trump couldn't get more than 40. Odd how that happens.

An odd statement is how you make a comment about "people in here" on this poll when the NBC SurveyMonkey poll has shown him north of 40 in the two way for weeks. ODD.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
An odd statement is how you make a comment about "people in here" on this poll when the NBC SurveyMonkey poll has shown him north of 40 in the two way for weeks. ODD.

Sorry--it is a growing frustration for me. And, yes, people a few weeks ago were still stating he wouldn't top 40 or that was his ceiling.

It's not just people in here, though. I think I am weary of democrats brushing off the republican opponents with statements like, "They'll never win," "It won't be close," "People won't vote for him," etc. Yet, here we are. I don't know if it's arrogance, indifference, or what it is. I have faith Hillary's team isn't doing this, and maybe I falsely equate their beliefs with the beliefs of people in this thread.

A few of us last month weren't freaking out but mentioned a concern about how Hillary wasnt doing much for press in August and it may hurt her. Instantly, people bash you as "Diablosing." I just get frustrated when people can't even admit Hillary may have made tactical errors. No way a candidate like Trump should be this close.

Edit: I also find it hilarious that my phone has added "Diablosing" to its dictionary.
The LA times polls has a +3% change in favor of Trump today. So Trump went from being tied to leading with 3% in a day. Now, it is of course way too early to say if the lead holds.


USC poll cohort is full of weirdos though.

It actually has nothing to do with being full of weirdos, although....probably? It has to do with a shitty methodology that is freaking insane when it comes to how they selected participants. Only half of their entire sample has ever voted before. They selected partisans based on who they claimed to vote for in 2012 . The other half of their sample are people who are either newly registered or have never voted before.

Trump went from 3% of the African American vote to 13% in a single day. There was also a 5 point swing in the 18-24 year old group. This should not happen in a single day of tracking if your "poll" (which this isn't even!) has a good sample.
Her lack of press conferences aren't why some polls are tightening.

Nobody gives a shit about press conferences.

She had a press conference the other day. It will do nothing.
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