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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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No Scrubs
Come on guys, of all the things to go bananas over, don't do it over this. Dr. Oz does not literally practice medicine on his show. Trump isn't walking out with some terminal diagnosis. This isn't the gamble for his campaign people think seem to think it is.

Watch him have brain cancer now that you've said this.


Trump responded Monday to the Lauer controversy, and growing calls for the TV journalists steering the debates to challenge Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s falsehoods, by proposing there should be no moderators at all.

“I think, maybe, we should have no moderator,” Trump said on CNBC. “Let Hillary and I sit there and just debate. I think the system is being rigged so it’s going to be a very unfair debate. And I can see it happening right now. Everyone’s saying that [Lauer] was soft on Trump. Well now, the new person’s going to try and be really hard on Trump just to show the establishment what he can do. So, I think it’s very unfair what they’re doing. I think we should have a debate with no moderators, just Hillary and I sitting there talking.”


Time for Lincoln/Douglas Part 2.
Trump doesn't know what he'd even be getting into with Hillary 1v1 with no moderators. At this point, the moderators are the ones that are going to be helping him not be absolutely ripped to shreds by enforcing time limits and asking inane questions about emails.
I just realised we're living in a Parks and Rec episode.

Only the real world sucks.

One of my favorite things this election is hearing Trump supporters genuinely confused as to why people think they are racists. These people aren't going to learn from this election or any election because they are incapable of self reflection.
If Dr.Oz is involved, he will have something to sell. Expect nothing but softball half answers with one minor concern that is perfectly normal for someone Trump's age that Oz just so happens to have a great remedy for. Oz is an absolute hack and a grade A shill. Trump could hand him x rays with tumors the size of his baby fists and Oz wouldn't say anything. It is reality TV grade PR and the farthest thing form a proper medical review. I fucking hate our media. A candidate like Trump should have been dead and buried ages ago if there was a shred of integrity left not wholly superseded by ratings driven mania.


Really looking forward to seeing Obama bait Trump into replying to whatever he says. He is THE best at this. Maybe even better than Warren. You just know he's going to include a psychological dig or two in his speech that Trump won't be able to resist.
Like, I don't think anyone is saying Dr. Oz is going to discover that Trump has a hole in the place where his heart is supposed to be or something. My criticism is that 1) it's stupid and 2) you do not send a candidate into a situation in which you don't know what the person is going to do slash say. I assume they'll scrub the fuck out of the records, which makes this exercise in futility even more futile.
I slammed Jill Stein on facebook for pandering to 9/11 truthers. Some of her supporters told me that she wasn't a truther, as if I'd said she was.

Those supporters are truthers.

Because of course. OF COURSE.
Like, I don't think anyone is saying Dr. Oz is going to discover that Trump has a hole in the place where his heart is supposed to be or something. My criticism is that 1) it's stupid and 2) you do not send a candidate into a situation in which you don't know what the person is going to do slash say. I assume they'll scrub the fuck out of the records, which makes this exercise in futility even more futile.

Even if Dr Oz found that Trump had a hole where his heart was supposed to be, he'd probably miraculously cure him with alternative medicine, like fart sniffing.

Dr Oz is a fucking kook. Going on Dr Oz to set the record straight on your health is about the most Donald Trump thing Trump has done so far.


I slammed Jill Stein on facebook for pandering to 9/11 truthers. Some of her supporters told me that she wasn't a truther, as if I'd said she was.

Those supporters are truthers.

Because of course. OF COURSE.

I'd just leave Stein supporters alone. They've suffered enough.
Like, I don't think anyone is saying Dr. Oz is going to discover that Trump has a hole in the place where his heart is supposed to be or something. My criticism is that 1) it's stupid and 2) you do not send a candidate into a situation in which you don't know what the person is going to do slash say. I assume they'll scrub the fuck out of the records, which makes this exercise in futility even more futile.

There is a 99.9% chance Oz won't say anything even remotely scathing about Trump, no matter what they hand over. They don't need to scrub anything. Oz is a yes man across all aisles so long as it increases his brand. If anything he will be honored to have a fellow conman alongside him. It is a win win for Trump. Appear like he is being reviewed by a legit doctor.. hey everyone knows Dr.Oz right? So he must be really good! I will eat a handful of green coffee beans or whatever horseshit Oz got busted for, if anything even half resembling a proper medical analysis comes out of his mouth.
5.2% median real income growth in 2015, what the fuck.

How is America facing its biggest threat to liberalism in times which are... pretty good?

Cause some coal miners and factory workers are out of jobs so that is representative of the real America, so the real America is doomed and one giant shit salad with no alternative other than to magically return to pre WWII levels of manufacturing. Oh, and this of course must be accompanied by mass deregulation.
There is a 99.9% chance Oz won't say anything even remotely scathing about Trump, no matter what they hand over. They don't need to scrub anything. Oz is a yes man across all aisles so long as it increases his brand. If anything he will be honored to have a fellow conman alongside him. It is a win win for Trump. Appear like he is being reviewed by a legit doctor.. hey everyone knows Dr.Oz right? So he must be really good! I will eat a handful of green coffee beans or whatever horseshit Oz got busted for, if anything even half resembling a proper medical analysis comes out of his mouth.

He doesn't need to cross the aisle politically. He's a republican.
Nate Cohn just noted this:


Reminds me of the conversation we had a few weeks back about rural America suffering, especially in light of urban America prospering.

As someone who works in real estate and has done this since just after the recession this is true. The early recession hit cities very hard, now it's the rural areas in decay with gentrification being a driving force in urban areas. Each time I go out to see properly in rural areas it seems less and less is out there.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Am I reading this correctly? The gains for "full time" workers are lower than the overall gains, indicating that part time workers had a greater proportional gain?
GOP bed wetting:

Republicans Privately Panic At “Terrifying” Prospect Of Trump Win

The Clinton campaign’s wobbly performance over the past 72 hours has set off a rash of behind-the-scenes handwringing among professional Republicans as they confront an unnerving new possibility: What if their nominee actually wins the White House?

For months, the prevailing wisdom within GOP political circles has been that Donald Trump stands little chance to win in November — and a large number of the party’s consultants, fundraisers, and operatives privately preferred it that way. Though many of them are reluctant to say so in public, they argue that a Trump presidency would fracture their party, decimate the conservative movement, and wreak havoc on the global economy (not to mention their own industry).
But now, with polls tightening and Hillary Clinton’s illness temporarily sidelining her from the campaign trail, those Republicans are expressing alarm at Trump’s sudden electoral viability.

“It’s terrifying,” said one GOP consultant, who like others spoke to BuzzFeed News on condition of anonymity. “He’s not qualified … and it’s a massive problem. I’m not a fan of Hillary Clinton, but at least I feel like some of those jobs that are required for president, she could do them.”
“It would be terrible for America, and for the world,” said another Republican strategist, referring to a prospective Trump victory. “I can’t think of one good thing that would come of it.”

A third Republican said that after watching the Clinton campaign’s missteps in recent days, “I’m curled up in the fetal position watching The West Wing and drinking a basketful of deplorable liquor.”
Fueling this quiet panic in the political class is a broad frustration with Trump’s general-election staying power, and growing doubts about the Clinton campaign’s ability to put him away.

In the weeks since the Democratic National Convention, national polls have narrowed, and Trump has pulled even with Clinton in some swing states (though the electoral map still presents an uphill battle for the Republican). Trump’s critics fret that he’s benefitting from perversely low expectations. Clinton, meanwhile, walked back comments she made at a fundraiser last week consigning “half” of Trump’s supporters to a “basket of deplorables.” And after a high-profile health scare, the campaign admitted Sunday that they’d mishandled the disclosure of her recent pneumonia diagnosis.

“I’ve heard a lot of conservatives voicing frustration, like, ‘How fucking hard is this, Hillary?’” said Ben Howe, a conservative ad-maker and an outspoken Trump detractor. “That’s the only reason I’m panicked these days … I’m losing faith in Hillary’s ability to win this easy-ass election.”

Rick Wilson, a Florida-based GOP consultant now working on Evan McMullin’s independent presidential campaign, said few of his #NeverTrump compatriots believe a case of pneumonia will sink Clinton’s candidacy. But her impulse to conceal the illness — and her campaign’s clumsy response once it was revealed — reinforced a core political weakness.

“There are a lot of Republicans on the ‘Never Trump’ side that are starting to feel very nervous,” Wilson said, “because no matter how minor the next thing is there’s a possibility [the Clinton campaign] is gonna screw it up by lying about something. They can’t help themselves. It’s genetic.”

Pragmatic high-dollar donors, meanwhile, are experiencing their own form of trepidation as they survey the campaign landscape less than two months from election day.
“A lot of these guys are really pissed,” said a conservative donor adviser. Over the summer, when Trump’s campaign was foundering, “they thought they’d gotten a pass — but now that Clinton is going off the rails, they’re like, ‘Damn it, now am I gonna have to give this guy money?’”
The adviser added that most Republican donors will hedge their bets and contribute to Trump if the race is close, but he said they are generally less wary of a Clinton White House. “If she wins, they aren’t going to love it, but they’re not going to be facing the apocalypse either — and by apocalypse, I mean actual nuclear warfare.”
5.2% median real income growth in 2015, what the fuck.

How is America facing its biggest threat to liberalism in times which are... pretty good?

The fact liberals say stuff like this is insanely frustrating and ignore all the evidence how people make decisions, especially voting. The "everything is good" is a silly argument to make to people who don't already agree.

We talk about this constantly in this thread (at least when its not election season)

but we're still shocked people aren't mindless robots who can act like spock and logically choose the "best"
I still got Trumpers arguing with me on FB about the Veteran Suicide Rate being 22. They refuse to acknowledge the new lower number. The resources are biased they claim. I posted the link to the actual report.

Conservatives really just don't like facts.


Democrats are bad at messaging.
Republicans are constantly lying and rarely are ever called up on it because the media fears of being labeled 'liberal', which ironically they've already been labeled that by most conservatives. So to make up for that they end up accusing Democrats and liberals of every wrong committed and denying them any success.

We don't take into account the huge power the media has on public perception and if we expect them to be tough on orange turd in the horrific event that this ignorant fascist fucker wins, then we are making a huge mistake. The repercussions of this are unmitigated and will not only reverse the trend of a country becoming more progressive, it will make it even harder for Democrats to take back the white house and congress. Orange turd is not only legitimizing ignorance and prejudice, he is also making it perfectly acceptable to lie at an unprecedented level without any repercussions. So how can we expect the next presidential candidate to not do the same, considering how successful it has been.
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