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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I just saw her interview on A360. I know it's expected, but she did make a good point about her transparency vs other candidates. It's sad she's held to this crazy standard and not a single person cares about Trump's enough to make it an issue. We knew it was going to be like this, but to see it actually played out in real time. Meh.
Well. Donald Trump only shows positive results. And his results were astonishingly excellent. And his strength and stamina are extraordinary. Unequivocally the healthiest individual ever to be elected President when he wins.

What's to question about any of that?


will learn eventually
Got a hearty chuckle out of this Trump ad:


Hillary: Racists, Bigots, Xenophobic, Islamophobic....

Voice: People like you, and you, and you

It's like they have no self-awareness at all


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Her lack of press conferences aren't why some polls are tightening.

Nobody gives a shit about press conferences.

She had a press conference the other day. It will do nothing.

I don't think anybody is saying this any more, although, to be fair, the one she gave on her plane did help in that respect. My argument is that she should have been granting more interviews and doing a better job dealing with them about the email stuff. Her initial response was awful and it took a long time for her to actually mold it into something appealing. If you give a good enough response, people will stop asking. She didn't.

Also, why in the world was that email from Colin Powell not released by her campaign immediately after Powell said he never sent her one?
I actually think this one is a bit better, simply because it's book ended with his own qualifiers for office. It's a minute long, so I'm not sure how often it's going to be aired like that, though.

But it's the same footage rehashed.

His CNBC interview is a goldmine that the Clinton campaign has to use.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think Hillary needs to hit the Trump lack of transparency storyline HARD over the next two months. Get clickbaity with a commercial. "What is he hiding in those tax returns?" Pictures of the Russian flag, video of Putin and Russian soldiers in the background. Really tie the two of them together without actually saying the words.
Also, why in the world was that email from Colin Powell not released by her campaign immediately after Powell said he never sent her one?
Because you don't do that. You just...don't. That's not something the campaign can or should do. If a surrogate or member of Congress wants to do it, that's fine. But the moment the campaign releases something like that, it will be (rightly) called an attempt at deflection. There are some things campaigns simply cannot or should not do.
But it's the same footage rehashed.

His CNBC interview is a goldmine that the Clinton campaign has to use.
This is an attempt at controlling the messaging of "deplorable." They gave them the sound bite that they absolutely wanted. It would have been remiss not to use it. There were a few quotes in there that hadn't been in the ads that are running.
I just saw her interview on A360. I know it's expected, but she did make a good point about her transparency vs other candidates. It's sad she's held to this crazy standard and not a single person cares about Trump's enough to make it an issue. We knew it was going to be like this, but to see it actually played out in real time. Meh.

In this article it basically says that people themselves already just have a low expectation of Trump. When he says something crazy they just say it is Trump being Trump. Donesn't really mean they like what they hear they just aren't surprised that he may be an asshole or corrupt. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/why-donald-trump-gets-a-pass-228009


That's because Johnson voters are protest voters and don't actually know or care about anything and certainly don't pay attention. They probably won't vote. I'm relatively certain of this.

I mean just supporting a Libertarian candidate should make you question the relevance of foreign policy to these specific voters. Obviously it' a protest vote - Gary Johnson probably hopes Clinton and Trump continue to flounder so he could make a debate. It's all together questionable whether he is ready for the main stage considering the light he painted himself in with his Aleppo stumble. It doesn't appear even Gary Johnson is taking Gary Johnson very seriously and Libertarians are mainly aiming for federal funding this election. A missed opportunity for 3rd party candidates - had they chosen more charismatic, well spoken and informed candidates they could have framed their run very differently.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Kellyann is spinning so hard on CNN this morning.

It annoys me how they don't press her. They let her spout nonsense.

Crazy how they have been able to downplay the tax return stuff.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Because you don't do that. You just...don't. That's not something the campaign can or should do. If a surrogate or member of Congress wants to do it, that's fine. But the moment the campaign releases something like that, it will be (rightly) called an attempt at deflection. There are some things campaigns simply cannot or should not do.

If it's a privacy/legal issue, I completely get it.

The problem, though, is if it's one of those "unwritten rules" of politics. "An attempt at deflection" means nothing if it comes from opponents when the email shows the person calling you a liar is the liar themselves.

Trump is having an amazing week.

Which he isn't. But he is tho.

To people that pay attention, he never does. To the people who only read headlines (which I believe to be the majority of people), that's a totally different story, and my problem with the media this election.


Sorry--it is a growing frustration for me. And, yes, people a few weeks ago were still stating he wouldn't top 40 or that was his ceiling.

It's not just people in here, though. I think I am weary of democrats brushing off the republican opponents with statements like, "They'll never win," "It won't be close," "People won't vote for him," etc. Yet, here we are. I don't know if it's arrogance, indifference, or what it is. I have faith Hillary's team isn't doing this, and maybe I falsely equate their beliefs with the beliefs of people in this thread.

A few of us last month weren't freaking out but mentioned a concern about how Hillary wasnt doing much for press in August and it may hurt her. Instantly, people bash you as "Diablosing." I just get frustrated when people can't even admit Hillary may have made tactical errors. No way a candidate like Trump should be this close.

Edit: I also find it hilarious that my phone has added "Diablosing" to its dictionary.
Preach it. August was a really bad month for Hillary. The fact of the matter is the polls should not be this close. The Senate majority should not be up in the air. I never thought it would've been this close right now. Everything that's happening isn't Hillary's fault, but it's definitely fair to say she made some tactical errors over the past month or so.

You pretty much explained why this didn't apply to Gore in your own post
Yes but the point is that if things go bad or you do too many things wrong you can't count on your president being popular to be a deciding factor.
This is a serious question that I'm asking, 100% serious because I don't live in the states; why is it insane?
Well, Dr. Oz is a wackjob. Totally. He's a TV doctor (although he does practice, so that's at least something!) But, there is no campaign that should let their candidate go into an interview without knowing what the other person is going to say. Like, not if you can control it. That's too damn wide a net. Unless, of course, they're going to sanitize the hell out of the medical records ahead of time, which...probably? Also, the use of the word "specimen" repeatedly is weird as all hell.
This is a serious question that I'm asking, 100% serious because I don't live in the states; why is it insane?

Former reality tv star took a physical last week and instead of revealing them in a professional manner, will go first to another tv show that's hosted by a doctor that was promoting bogus health products and its benefits and got busted by Congress.
Well, Dr. Oz is a wackjob. Totally. He's a TV doctor (although he does practice, so that's at least something!) But, there is no campaign that should let their candidate go into an interview without knowing what the other person is going to say. Like, not if you can control it. That's too damn wide a net. Unless, of course, they're going to sanitize the hell out of the medical records ahead of time, which...probably? Also, the use of the word "specimen" repeatedly is weird as all hell.

It's his penis.
My main thing is that you never, ever send your candidate somewhere where another person is going to review something and you have no idea what they're going to say. Like, that's just crazy. It's Dr. Oz, so whatever, but still. I'm sure they'll sanitize the records to hell and back, but there's still risk that's pointless.

Plus, Dr. Fucking. Oz? lolol This whole election is just a farce. Seriously.
I'm sure the bloodwork haso already been examined. Most of the physical information you get from the doctor asaid he's going over everything anyway. Also a physical is pointless without a past medical history because they need to be take in context.


Well, Dr. Oz is a wackjob. Totally. He's a TV doctor (although he does practice, so that's at least something!) But, there is no campaign that should let their candidate go into an interview without knowing what the other person is going to say. Like, not if you can control it. That's too damn wide a net. Unless, of course, they're going to sanitize the hell out of the medical records ahead of time, which...probably? Also, the use of the word "specimen" repeatedly is weird as all hell.

Former reality tv star took a physical last week and instead of revealing them in a professional manner, will go first to another tv show that's hosted by a doctor that was promoting bogus health products and its benefits and got busted by Congress.

So let me get this straight, this geezer is going to tell Trump on TV what his medical results were, and this isn't going to be checked over until after the results are announced, despite for all we know revealing any underlying or noticeable health concerns?

Jesus Christ.....


Anyone know if Dr. Oz is a nutcase like Dr. Drew? I know he's into herbal supplements but he's also a sufi Muslim.

Dr. Oz, like Ben Carson, was once a respected doctor in his field. He is a cardialogist turned TV quack who has peddled bogus medical discovered and bogus life style tips for years.

I blame Oprah.
Anyone know if Dr. Oz is a nutcase like Dr. Drew? I know he's into herbal supplements but he's also a sufi Muslim.

It's a bit of both. Half is that Dr. Oz is sincerely a true believer that actually does believe in crystal healing and homeopathy (he admits his wife, a new-age shamanistic guru, is a huge influence on him). The other half is that Dr. Oz is a cardiothoracic surgeon that likes to pretend this qualifies him to be a family doctor / internist - so a lot of the content of the show is beyond his scope of practice so it's kind of fake it until you make it.

I imagine he'll just say everything looks good, because he hasn't actually done a non-surgical assessment of a patient since medical school. People thinking he's going to do or say something drastic (either for or against Trump's actual health) are over-anticipating.
Come on guys, of all the things to go bananas over, don't do it over this. Dr. Oz does not literally practice medicine on his show. Trump isn't walking out with some terminal diagnosis. This isn't the gamble for his campaign people think seem to think it is.
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