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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Hrm; I guess I wasn't sure that the GOP establishment had lost control of their party on the base level or they had just let Trump loose in hopes of taking out Cruz, and then Trump got away from them all. I think that's the part that folks don't quite see - that the failure of Jeb! is as much on the RNC / party elites as it is on Jeb. The reason Clinton only had one ornery old white dude as her challenger is (I'm assuming) that the Dem party had already talked to everyone else who might run and negotiated with them. That's what the GOP leadership needs to do in 2019; start cutting deals with Cruz / etc to have them not run and instead support ye olde moderate candidate.

Though I guess I'm still thinking of the 2000s era GOP party that was good at this stuff, and maybe not the more modern GOP. I just figure they will do what the Dems did in 2004 / GOP in 2012 where they went for a moderate because they just cared about winning, and no longer cared about the purity of the candidate. But maybe a lot more has changed permanently in those 4 years.

You're right, it's the smart move, I just don't think they can do it. That base is unruly right now and I just think the days of "democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line" are over. McCain and Romney seem like the last "next in line" guys for the short term, until the party figures out a path forward.

Imagine if Hillary pulls off some major immigration action via executive order...things will get insane. I just don't see how Kasich or Sasse can cut through that.

Source? I can't find anything on it.
Correction: house dems have requested the investigation
"These payments may have influenced Mrs. Bondi's official decision not to participate in litigation against Mr. Trump," Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee wrote in their letter Tuesday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The Democrats specifically cite anti-bribery laws in their request.
It's all but guaranteed.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm glad to see that the media didn't spend too much time washing Trump's balls for having the decency to not attack Hillary's health for one day.
I still think Republicans will at least try to find a Dukakis-type figure to be a fresh face. I don't really know who it could be, maybe Sandoval, but I think after losing 5/7 of the last elections that the voters will ask themselves why they aren't winning and look for some sort of way to win.

I mean, they tried to do that this time! And they had a bunch of seemingly more palatable candidates who at least tried to not be tea partiers! And then they gave all their money to Bush before he exploded and no one wanted to go murder-suicide on Trump like Gephardt (I think) did to Dean in 2004, because they were all waiting for someone else to do it. I'm not convinced that Trump's base is that invincible in the primaries or that they'll stick with Trump-like candidates after he loses, especially if it's embarrassing.

I think cutting through the GOP's bench was good and bad for Democrats, since it paves the way for a less contested field for someone like Sandoval next time. 2012 had a weakass primary roster because everyone who mattered other than Romney were waiting for this year.

Yeah, Sandoval is moderate on some issues right?(abortion, increased public education funding last year?) He could be a strong candidate for republicans but, whenever he, Huntsman, or Haley are brought up I always ask myself "Are they enough?" I mean what do they provide that Romney didn't in terms of policy other than being slightly more moderate on some things? Unless Clinton has a really negative approval rating I can't imagine them winning,
The GOP, operationally at the Presidential Election level, is a gigantic mess and has been since 2011.

The wheels came off in 2004-5.

After Dubya was re-elected, he then tried to mess with Social Security (note that one of Trump's less talked about heresies was his embrace of Medicare and Social Security, which his base absolutely relies on) and that failed badly. Then the House refused to pass immigration reform in 2007.

These attempts inflamed the Buchanan-like reactionary/nativist base, which reared its head as it became more clear that Obama was going to win. "He's a muslim!" , "He's an arab!", etc.

They became the Tea Party, were in turn exploited by the GOP astroturfing to extract cash for their useless campaign patronage machine. They turned to Trump when their movement was so muddled it stopped meaning anything, while Trump made it very clear what he stood for-the kind of white-dominant monoculture that America had when it was "great".


Julian Assange is the shittiest kind of leftist
He's not a leftist (and neither are a lot of people who we typically call leftist)

They're mostly anti-western first and since the west is "right" they pretend to be left. But they really don't have any real economic believe besides anti-elite
Just to point out. Like Snowden, Assange is a self-proclaimed libertarian. A "left-libertarian" (not self-proclaimed...but based on his views regarding let's call it "corporate property") but a libertarian nonetheless.

EDIT: He has clear economic beliefs for example, not anything vaguely "anti-western":
http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2010/11/29/an-interview-with-wikileaks-julian-assange/5/ said:
What do you think WikiLeaks mean for business? How do businesses need to adjust to a world where WikiLeaks exists?

WikiLeaks means it’s easier to run a good business and harder to run a bad business, and all CEOs should be encouraged by this. I think about the case in China where milk powder companies started cutting the protein in milk powder with plastics. That happened at a number of separate manufacturers.

Let’s say you want to run a good company. It’s nice to have an ethical workplace. Your employees are much less likely to screw you over if they’re not screwing other people over.

Then one company starts cutting their milk powder with melamine, and becomes more profitable. You can follow suit, or slowly go bankrupt and the one that’s cutting its milk powder will take you over. That’s the worst of all possible outcomes.

The other possibility is that the first one to cut its milk powder is exposed. Then you don’t have to cut your milk powder. There’s a threat of regulation that produces self-regulation.

It just means that it’s easier for honest CEOs to run an honest business, if the dishonest businesses are more effected negatively by leaks than honest businesses. That’s the whole idea. In the struggle between open and honest companies and dishonest and closed companies, we’re creating a tremendous reputational tax on the unethical companies.

No one wants to have their own things leaked. It pains us when we have internal leaks. But across any given industry, it is both good for the whole industry to have those leaks and it’s especially good for the good players.

But aside from the market as a whole, how should companies change their behavior understanding that leaks will increase?

Do things to encourage leaks from dishonest competitors. Be as open and honest as possible. Treat your employees well.

I think it’s extremely positive. You end up with a situation where honest companies producing quality products are more competitive than dishonest companies producing bad products. And companies that treat their employees well do better than those that treat them badly.

Would you call yourself a free market proponent?

Absolutely. I have mixed attitudes towards capitalism, but I love markets. Having lived and worked in many countries, I can see the tremendous vibrancy in, say, the Malaysian telecom sector compared to U.S. sector. In the U.S. everything is vertically integrated and sewn up, so you don’t have a free market. In Malaysia, you have a broad spectrum of players, and you can see the benefits for all as a result.

How do your leaks fit into that?

To put it simply, in order for there to be a market, there has to be information. A perfect market requires perfect information.

There’s the famous lemon example in the used car market. It’s hard for buyers to tell lemons from good cars, and sellers can’t get a good price, even when they have a good car.

By making it easier to see where the problems are inside of companies, we identify the lemons. That means there’s a better market for good companies. For a market to be free, people have to know who they’re dealing with.

You’ve developed a reputation as anti-establishment and anti-institution.

Not at all. Creating a well-run establishment is a difficult thing to do, and I’ve been in countries where institutions are in a state of collapse, so I understand the difficulty of running a company. Institutions don’t come from nowhere.

It’s not correct to put me in any one philosophical or economic camp, because I’ve learned from many. But one is American libertarianism, market libertarianism. So as far as markets are concerned I’m a libertarian, but I have enough expertise in politics and history to understand that a free market ends up as monopoly unless you force them to be free.

WikiLeaks is designed to make capitalism more free and ethical.


FGC Waterboy
The party barely succeeded in 2012. Every month was a "not romney" candidate.

It's just that those candidates were either super religious or really just peddling a book (Newt) that it didn't work because they couldn't align behind one (but remember in 2012 it also had a fairly large lineup to start).

The GOP has no control over the base right now. Trump gave them someone to unify behind and create a plurality. That wasn't an option in 2012 but it was clear then they had no control.

The GOP, operationally at the Presidential Election level, is a gigantic mess and has been since 2011.

Romney wasn't that bad - sure there were a few moments where Santorum looks like he might have pulled a Trump, but the party was able to herd enough cats to get Romney the nomination.

You're right, it's the smart move, I just don't think they can do it. That base is unruly right now and I just think the days of "democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line" are over. McCain and Romney seem like the last "next in line" guys for the short term, until the party figures out a path forward.

Imagine if Hillary pulls off some major immigration action via executive order...things will get insane. I just don't see how Kasich or Sasse can cut through that.

I don't think Clinton can do much in the way of executive order to deal with the immigration issue.

That's a good point, there seems to be a lot of in-fighting for who should be next in line. I think Ryan throwing himself on the Speakership sword put them in disarray. I think the GOP has to get their internal party fight done in the next couple of years and they have to hope Trump losing + anger at Clinton would be enough to unify the base. Will be interested to see if the GOP electorate can do that, or if the GOP tries to re-orient and drag their current electorate along with them (with the "you have no better choice" argument)

It'll be an interesting four years, regardless.

EDIT: Also, can we dispel the myth that Trump supporters are poor? They make more than Clinton supporters (and significantly more than Sanders primary supporters)

Yeah, Sandoval is moderate on some issues right?(abortion, increased public education funding last year?) He could be a strong candidate for republicans but, whenever he, Huntsman, or Haley are brought up I always ask myself "Are they enough?" I mean what do they provide that Romney didn't in terms of policy other than being slightly more moderate on some things? Unless Clinton has a really negative approval rating I can't imagine them winning,
He seems to have a pretty solid approval rating in Nevada and seems like a competent governor who had good results from the Medicaid expansion (like every other state), he's hispanic and if he came out in favor of immigration reform (assuming it hasn't been passed by then) that could be a big win to try and get some of the hispanic vote back to the GOP, and it's unknown what kind of potential problems people will have with the Democrats in 2020. Even if he loses, he helps rebrand the GOP the way Dukakis did and helps them attempt to correct what they failed at in 2024.

I don't think he or Haley is a guaranteed win but they're certainly more palatable to people in the Obama coalition than a Romney type.


Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 9m9 minutes ago
That's not to say he can't win one or more of those states but he's got a lot of work to do in all of them.

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 10m10 minutes ago
Trump probably needs to win at least one of CO-NH-PA-VA-WI to win. HRC has led 91/99 polls in all 5, according to RCP. He led 3, 5 ties

I ended up going with Mark Connolly in the NH Democratic gubernatorial primary today. I expect Colin Van Ostern to win though, although I'd really be fine with either of them, or Steve Marchand... we'll see!


My big cover story in @Newsweek that could change the dialogue about this election season will be published online tomorrow.

Kurt Eichenwald Retweeted Corbin Reiff
I wouldn't scoop myself on twitter. Story is about something else. But it's good.

Weeks ago,Trump tweeted "“I think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary and myself, should release detailed medical records.'' Now -- no.


If the youtube video associated with that tweet is the banner they provided then holy fuck dude, it's not worth the money.

Also both candidates having medial issues isn't exactly something I'm surprised by tbh. They're old as fuck.
The fact that it's an angle is sorta shitty.
Not to disparage anyone who deals with mental health issues (Hello OCD! Hello depression). I really, really, really want that to be true. In the name of baby Jesus, I will it into existence. Amen.
Come on guys he's trying to rev up attention for the story. I mean I'm sure it could be interesting in a normal cycle but short of Trump being institutionalized the media won't care.

Also we shouldn't be playing the conspiracy angle when we have no proof.


It should be stated he said the story tomorrow isn't about Trump in a mental hospital.

Not to disparage anyone who deals with mental health issues (Hello OCD! Hello depression). I really, really, really want that to be true. In the name of baby Jesus, I will it into existence. Amen.

I highly doubt it's related to mental health. As someone who suffered from depression and having lost a cousin to suicide less than a month, i wouldn't want anyone's mental health to be used as a stick to flog them in public, no matter how much I hated them. However, if this is about physical health, then it will raise pause for thought after all this talk about Clinton.
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