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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Wow. Gross!

What the hell?

Despite that fart right there, I do believe that the conversation will quickly turn to Trump's health, especially after tomorrow's inevitable Dr. Oz debacle. With Hillary recuperating, the media will want to move on to Trump again.

What happens if Trump confesses to having mental problems in the 90s on Dr. Oz' show?


Somebody probably would have noticed if Trump disappeared off to a mental institution in the middle of the Trump Taj Mahal opening and going bankrupt, his affair being exposed and his divorce starting as a result.

Of course, these days it's practically standard procedure that somebody announces they're going into some kind of rehab to escape the media attention and hope it blows over.

Instead he was giving interviews to Playboy and Vanity Fair.
Russia leaking that Simone Biles takes ADHD medication in response to Russia getting banned from the Olympics is the saltiest, most pathetic shit I've ever seen.

That country is ruled by sewage-based lifeforms.


Russia leaking that Simone Biles takes ADHD medication in response to Russia getting banned from the Olympics is the saltiest, most pathetic shit I've ever seen.

That country is ruled by sewage-based lifeforms.
Which begs the question, why aren't democrats making a case that orange turd admires and sees Russia as a foundation for turning the United States into an oligarchy led dictatorship.
Romney wasn't that bad - sure there were a few moments where Santorum looks like he might have pulled a Trump, but the party was able to herd enough cats to get Romney the nomination.

The party didn't do shit. There simply wasn't any other candidate to rally around. The GOP base also thought 2012 was a slam dunk because Obama was horrible in their bubble and they were convinced that a Romney type would win. When he didn't, their eyes opened up a little that things in the country were changing. Trump is basically their last stand.

Trump might have won 4 years ago, too. Romney won by default and nothing more. That's not to say he is a bad politician or anything, it's just by 2012 the GOP lost all its power in this respect.

If you don't think so, think about the staggering amount of money Romney had to spend just to fend off Santorum and Newt.

EDIT: Also, can we dispel the myth that Trump supporters are poor? They make more than Clinton supporters (and significantly more than Sanders primary supporters)


This is misleading. This is among PRIMARY voters. Primary voters across the board are more well off.

Sure, I agree, not all of Trump's supporters are poor. I think his support is actually interesting. I think a lot of well-off racists support him because they don't want their tax dollars going to the "others" and poor rural America votes for him too (just not as much in the primary as will be in the GE).

The real divide in America is rural vs urban.


I don't remember this, but it is both funny, sad, and depressing all at the same time

Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro paid a visit this month to Villa Rosa, a pro-government neighborhood on Margarita Island, expecting to be greeted with cheers. Instead, he was chased through the streets by protesters calling for his ouster, beating pots and pans and shouting, “we are hungry!”

A prominent opposition journalist, Braulio Jatar, caught the confrontation on his cellphone camera and quickly posted it online. International news outlets picked up the story and soon Venezuelans, suffering from extreme shortages of food, basic supplies and life-saving medicine, were reveling in the sight of their apparently humiliated president. Twitter users shared cartoonish memes of the president under the hashtag #VillaRosa.

But the very next morning Jatar, who holds both Chilean and Venezuelan citizenship, was detained on his way to host a radio show. He was charged with money laundering and trying to fund a terror attack. Meanwhile, the government, trying to downplay the grainy video, said it was manipulated and released footage of their own showing Maduro cheered by supporters during his visit.

Chile Demands Information on Detained Journalist Who Embarrassed Venezuela’s President

Tweet with funny picture

Doesn't really have a whole lot to do with America, but thought it was interesting and I doubt it would get a lot of attention on the OT

Wold Blitzer actually missed a HUUUUGE opportunity yesterday. Yes, he got Pence to not call Duke deplorable but he should have followed up with this.

"Okay. You say you're not in the name calling business. But Donald, this morning, called Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas, which is a racially charged epithet. What's your response to Trump using this name-calling language."

Then follow-up on that. Pence is obviously bad at thinking on his feet...so like demonstrate it.


If you don't think so, think about the staggering amount of money Romney had to spend just to fend off Santorum and Newt.
Who notably, had basically no money outside of Adelson's that Newt wasted somehow and still ended up stiffing vendors. And both had such a poor campaign apparatus that they failed to get on the ballot in multiple states and had zero staff in more.
Worst Nate could be now Best Nate?

Here's a math-y way to think about the problem critics have with media coverage of Clinton and Trump. Maybe it will provide some clarity. 1/
Let's invent a unit called the mitt, after Mitt Romney, which measures a candidate's scandalousness. Romney himself=1 mitt (pretty low). 2/
Obama is/was also about 1 mitt. There are a few issues around the margin—e.g. Rezko. But overall, a pretty clean bill of health. 3/
On this scale, Hillary Clinton measures 5 mitts. Some stories are exaggerated. But there's a lot there! Much more than Romney or Obama. 4/
Clinton is in fact treated by media as a 5-mitt candidate. Sometimes the balance is off. But overall she deserves—and gets—much scrutiny. 5/
But Trump is a 50-mitt candidate! There's everything: corruption, racism, lying, fitness for office. Like nothing we've ever seen before. 6/
Trump gets harsh coverage. But it can't, or doesn't, fully scale up to his candidacy. He's treated as a 7 mitt when he's really a 50... 7/
The compromise winds up being that media covers Trump broadly, but thinly. Many vectors of reporting but not much sustained focus. 8/
Arguably the reverse would be better. Focus on fewer stories but in more depth. Some examples of this, e.g. @fahrenthold, but not many. 9/
It's not an easy problem—do you ease up on Clinton because you don't have enough bandwidth to fully cover Trump? I hope not. 10/
Still, some outlets are managing the balance a LOT better than others. So news orgs can do better than just throw their hands up. 11/11
The real divide in America is rural vs urban.

This is mostly true, but I believe it's more accurate to say that the real divide is urban culture ( multicultural, inclusive, and diverse) vs. rural culture ( uniculture, does not value diversity, not inclusive ). Everything more or less feeds from that split and it better explains why some suburbs and especially exurbs with a more rural culture vote the way they do even with location well within an MSA.


If Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s purpose was to criticize the Palestinian leadership, there are many issues he could have raised in his latest short video posted on Sept. 9. He could have spoken about their celebration of terrorists, or he could have raised their demonization of Israel through anti-Semitic conspiracy theories or their repeated rejection of any Jewish connection to the Land of Israel. He could have pointed to how the Palestinian Authority has abandoned the path of direct negotiations for a quixotic quest to delegitimize Israel in international organizations.

Instead, the Israeli prime minister chose to raise an inappropriate straw man regarding Palestinian policy toward Israeli settlements.

Netanyahu claimed that the Palestinian demand that no Israeli settlers remain in a Palestinian state, in the eventuality of a peace agreement, constitutes “ethnic cleansing.” He argued that just as Israel accepts and treats Israel’s Arab citizens with respect, so too should Palestinians accept and respect Israeli Jewish settlers.

Whatever one’s views of settlements, settlers are not the equivalent of Israeli-Arabs. They always have seen themselves as part of Israel and have demanded at every stage to live under the protection of Israeli sovereignty and security. These demands cannot coexist with the idea of a two-state solution, which requires Palestinian sovereignty over the territory agreed upon for their state.

Sorry Bibi, the Palestinians Are Not ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Jewish Settlers

Thats some tone-deaf shit right there


A mental breakdown over 20 years ago would have no real bearing at all on Trump's current mental state.

I really do think that Trump is a very different character now than he was in the 80s. Watch his old interviews - much more soft spoken and composed. I'm not saying there is anything to this, but I do wonder.


Worst Nate could be now Best Nate?
jfc, get a blog or something

I really do think that Trump is a very different character now than he was in the 80s. Watch his old interviews - much more soft spoken and composed. I'm not saying there is anything to this, but I do wonder.
what's next, you'll start looking at Hillary back when Bill was Governor of Arkansas and she was being a cattle futures trading expert and not dying from obamacare?


Don't people always say this issue "won't affect my vote"

Its a pretty stupid question
It's probably true that for 80% of people nothing would affect their vote. They'll vote for the R or D regardless.

But the electroshock stuff did not matter until McGovern screwed the pooch. It was a non issue until McGovern started waffling and ultimately chopped Eagleton. Poor guy.
The best part was the reveal 35 years later that he was the source of the amnesty, acid and abortion quote.
I had a minor spat with my Trump-supporting father that I was able to walk away from feeling good, for once.

He said "did you hear the new WikiLeaks rumor? That Hillary is on (some medication)?"

I asked why that is a rumor and why that matters, while also saying that Julian Assange was a rapist who has been hiding in Ecuador posting FOIA'd documents for the last two years. He didn't know who Julian Assange was, losing his footing slightly.

He explained that this prescription would be used as/to make speed. I asked if he seriously thought Hillary Clinton Was taking speed. He said "you never know! Low energy!"

To which I said, we have had a president so fat that he got stuck in a bathtub. JFK had Addison's Disease. We had a president who could not physically stand up. Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's. I said I was not worried about a seventy year old woman taking prescriptions.

My father is a brick wall of ignorance and can be very hard to stagger. He ended this one by asking "but what if she kicked puppies?"

It made me feel like that people's minds are already made up and that the only people who care about the health scare thing are the people looking for anything to validate their negative perception of Clinton. I needed that. Because the only person who Diabloses more than Diablos is me.
Good job fighting ignorance with accusations and myths.

I know. I admit I was looking for something heavy to destabilize my father. I would rather be honest about what I said, though. I also admit that, despite being 25, I am very afraid of my father and it was the best I could do on the spot.

Elegant, no. Emotionally cathartic, yes.

I didn't, however, know the Taft-in-the-tub-thing wasn't true. Some quick reading says an extra-huge bathtub was required to be installed for him, which is what I always thought. I guess I have to investigate further.


I have a hard time believing Trump and Clinton are that close in Texas. And if they are within that range, then I struggle to believe that Clinton's national lead is only 3-4%
Trump's voting base is less educated whites that think everything is going to hell. So they're poorer than their well educated white counterparts that are splitting more evenly.

Also he's still bad Nate. It doesn't take a painfully tortuous analogy to just say Trump is getting nowhere near the scrutiny he deserves.
America is not mature enough to try to manage a conversation about a presidential candidate with a history of mental health issues. We're just not. So seriously it's better that it's not real. Watching Democrats try to straddle the line between saying it was fine now versus people having concerns would be PAINFUL. Leave that kind of moral doublespeak to Republicans talking about Clinton. At the same time it'd be incredibly painful to watch Republicans try to dismiss it as No Big Deal given how picky they've been about Clinton.

I receive practically a crate of pills every month that attempt to put me in some combination of alive + sane. Would it theoretically make me a shitty president? Uh, I don't think so? Assuming me treatment was going extremely well in this thought experiment. Would I understand if people were terrified by this? Oh hell yes. We can't even manage to talk about mental health for veterans and among our own family members. Basically even I don't know what degree of "important" I'd rate it. The social stigma is suffocating. I feel like I'd be better off from a societal perspective if I had cancer. People at least understand how that might impact someone's daily life, its trials and can learn how there's actual treatment that can make the person lead a normal life. Depression or bi-polar disorder might as well be a terminal case of ebola walking around a large sporting event.

Had Trump actually been institutionalized for anything I'd probably think better of him. It means he, at some point in his life, admitted he wasn't perfect and sought help for something. That's not a Trump I've ever seen before.


Gary Johnson on the ballot in all states now. What about what's-her-face?
Stein is on 46 ballots + DC. The most ever for the Green Party iirc. (Nader ran on the Reform Party line or as an Independent in many states.)

Castle (Constitution Party) is on 35 ballots. (Technically 34, as Scott Copeland is the candidate in Idaho.)

Gloria (Party for Socialism and Liberation, Peace and Freedom Party, Liberty Union Party) is on 8.

Tom Hoefling (America's Party, a spin-off of the Constitution Party by Alan Keyes supporters because the CP was too liberal on abortion and gay marriage) is on three.

Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente (of benji's Democratic Primary vote fame) is on fourteen. Two of which he's using the ol Reform Party line.

Monica Moorehead (Workers World Party) is on four.

Ron White is on zero.

Evan McMullin is on eleven as an Independent.
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