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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How long until we hear about "+4 in the polls" kellyann who is brilliant and capable giving up


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Kellyanne is the "undercover Trump voter" theorist. She's already on the ignore polling koolaide.

Brilliant and capable and thank god she didn't totally reinvent 70 year old Donald trump in May instead of August Kellyanne is so good
Red Dead is good but I think has a lot of the same flaws GTA4 had. The setting is more novel I think so people forgive it.

I think the game is a suspension bridge of sorts with the high points being the two strong women in the game-- at the beginning and at the end. The middle seriously descends into trashola and you basically are doing the same, "Oh...you are horrible...but I will work for you anyway!!!" crap.

I thought the beginning and the end were genuinely great though.

Ban fans of GTA4.
Ban fans of Alan Wake.

Why do you want to play me like that? What did I ever do to you? As if we don't have to put up with enough crap for liking these titles, now you want to deport us to kazhakstan and build a wall around it and then bomb us all to death and then pave over it to make a giant parking lot?

Just because we don't conform to your standards of taste? I can hear you now...

"You people, coming here, not integrating into our society. Refusing to play the accepted popular or cool games. Daring to like foreign studios games set in America as if they know the first thing about the country."

If a fellow fan of Alan Wake and GTA4 put vinegar in your coffee and sprinkled detergent all over your daily morning banquet of donuts and hash browns and biscuits and gravy steak and eggs, that almost certainly wasn't me. I almost never do that anymore these days.

We are but fellow humans. Who enjoy a certain type of immigrant story. Who enjoy a certain type of mystery. Aside from being an educated, thoughtful, well mannered and not unattractive person, who the hell are you?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
That tweet is pretty bad. There is so much there, I don't even know where to start. Misspelling his name. Using Twitter to gloat about being right in the face of a tragedy (again). Not offering any condolences to the family. Implying that African-Americans will vote for you because...I don't know Wade is some Black Ambassador? It's actually impressive he was able to make 1 tweet be so crass, tasteless, and patronizing.
The Trump tweet OS filtering bot is an actual agent of good that Gawker gifted us before it's demise.

Screw Civ6, and I swear I'm not just bitter because my PC won't be able to run it. It's a series that draws from a larger player base so I hope they don't alienate people by pushing with anything too heavy for specs. The "new" SimCity (on top of being awful) was a resource hog and kept some people away, previously used to the older games which could practically run on toasters. As a minor consolation, Civ5+mods is soooo good and still extremely entertaining. It'll even chug along (barely) with a laptop's onboard graphics.


He's on a roll this morning.

And I don't know what his intent is with that Wade tweet. Violence in Chicago has been a thing for years, but he thinks this incident will make black people vote for him?
He's on a roll this morning.

And I don't know what his intent is with that Wade tweet. Violence in Chicago has been a thing for years, but he thinks this incident will make black people vote for him?
Check wade's Twitter. I think Trump is trying to play off his call to action

Outside of looking cynical as hell I think he's just making a play here.


He's on a roll this morning.

And I don't know what his intent is with that Wade tweet. Violence in Chicago has been a thing for years, but he thinks this incident will make black people vote for him?

“I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored,” Trump said in his speech formally accepting the Republican nomination for president.

that and what i posted in the OT thread, a snippet from his bizarre O'Reilly interview

TRUMP: All I know is this. I went to a top police officer in Chicago who is not the police chief, and he — I could see by the way he was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy, they respected him greatly. I said, how do you think you do it? He said Mr. Trump, within one week we could stop much of this horror show that’s going on.

O’REILLY: But he didn’t tell you exactly precisely how.

TRUMP: No, I didn’t ask him. Because I’m not the mayor of Chicago. But I’ll tell you what. I sent his name in and I said you probably should hire this guy. Because you have, you know, the expression you have nothing to lose. Look at what’s going on in Chicago. It’s horrible. This guy felt totally competent that he could stop it at a very short period of time.

Trump will solve everything if given the chance. More violence just reaffirms the need for Trump, in his mind.


I find it funny for most of the race Trump was trying to win over poor white people in the rust belt by shitting on minorities. Now he wants the minorities to vote for him.


I try not to think about it too much, because when I really start thinking about Trump and the 30% of Americans who will vote for him *no matter what he does or says* I get so furious

I feel better focusing on the progress angle of Hillary's campaign and the good it will do, rather than how much I hate Trump. It's hard sometimes though


Joy Reid should take Chuck Todd's spot on MTP. At least she should be a moderator at one of the debates. She's so good. Her and Brianna Keilor have been MVPs.



I'm predicting (based entirely on my own intuition, I have no inside sources) that this weekend, NYTimes will have a massive story about Trump and his racist past, with brand new research.

Just a gut feeling.

From NYTimes just now:

‘No Vacancies’ for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start, and Was First Accused of Bias

But an investigation by The New York Times — drawing on decades-old files from the New York City Commission on Human Rights, internal Justice Department records, court documents and interviews with tenants, civil rights activists and prosecutors — uncovered a long history of racial bias at his family’s properties, in New York and beyond.

That history has taken on fresh relevance with Mr. Trump arguing that black voters should support him over Hillary Clinton, whom he has called a bigot.

While there is no evidence that Mr. Trump personally set the rental policies at his father’s properties, he was on hand while they were in place, working out of a cubicle in Trump Management’s Brooklyn offices as early as the summer of 1968.

Then and now, Mr. Trump, who declined to be interviewed for this article, has steadfastly denied any awareness of any discrimination at Trump properties. And there has been no suggestion of racial bias toward prospective residents in the luxury housing that Mr. Trump focused on as his career took off in Manhattan in the 1980s.

Much more here:



Now please stop posting daily movement in tracking polls! It's pure noise!
I'm just responding to you both at once, because it's 4am and I'm still reading polling information and I need help> Send help.

The USC poll is not a poll, it's a panel. Part of the way they determined to have a balanced sample was to ask people who they voted for in 2012. Problem is, people rarely admit/remember voting for the loser. So, like Nate said, their numbers are probably off because of that. And, ya, they do 1/7th of the sample every day.

The fact that nearly everyday we see a different leader is what makes adding it to Nate's model so fucking annoying to me. Each days sample can't possibly be representative. If it were, I don't think we'd see such changes every single day.

Like, Trump was at 4% of the AA vote on the 15th. His support for the next seven days was 14%. He went from 4-14% in a single day of the panel. He's now cratered back to 4. So, those 7 days should have been the whole entire panel...and he magically gained and lost 10 points?

Also, these fucking IPSOS things that 538 is using are just ridiculous

I'm supposed to believe that Hillary is winning Nebraska, but losing NH by 14.
Hillary is winning Ohio by 7, but losing Wisconsin by 3.
South Carolina is tied, but Trump is winning Michigan.
Trump is winning Maine, but Hillary is winning Iowa.
Hillary has a larger lead in Pennsylvania, than Trump does in West Virginia.

The IPSOS poll seems less useful, but I think we just look at polling differently. I don't think a poll has to be a 100% correct snapshot of the race to be useful. The USC poll can still be useful as a rolling 7 day average. It does track a type of movement in the electorate. They are trying something new, which I think is very important.

Traditional polling is becoming more and more difficult. We are going to have to find new techniques to keep up. This type of panel polling has merit.

Silver built his model to be omnivorous. He has the philosophy that the more data the better. It's like the Mr. Fusion on the Delorian, you can throw garbage in and get something useful out. A lot of that philosophy comes from the world of sports statistics and Sabermetrics, which is where Nate got his start. I think it's foolhardy to attack a statistical model when you are in the middle of things. I prefer to wait until after the election.

Trump and Clinton plans related to gang violence. Once again, both sides are "the same".
I love when people say Clinton doesn't have a plan on anything.

Clinton has a plan on everything. You just didn't notice because none of them are as bombastic as Trump's. Trump only gets attention when he actually rolls out specific policies because he doesn't have any to begin with.





Alex Witt on MSNBC is interviewing the President of the NAACP, and she tried to play a clip from Hillary's speech this week...but they accidentally played a KFC commercial clip. The look on her face. LOL

I'm dead.

I'm done.

Bury me.





Alex Witt on MSNBC is interviewing the President of the NAACP, and she tried to play a clip from Hillary's speech this week...but they accidentally played a KFC commercial clip. The look on her face. LOL

I'm dead.

I'm done.

Bury me.
lol glad someone else saw that.





Alex Witt on MSNBC is interviewing the President of the NAACP, and she tried to play a clip from Hillary's speech this week...but they accidentally played a KFC commercial clip. The look on her face. LOL

I'm dead.

I'm done.

Bury me.

I need to see this video.

Also, poor Alex. I would totally freeze up deer-in-headlights for at least 5 minutes in that situation.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling



Alex Witt on MSNBC is interviewing the President of the NAACP, and she tried to play a clip from Hillary's speech this week...but they accidentally played a KFC commercial clip. The look on her face. LOL

I'm dead.

I'm done.

Bury me.
That's kind of amazing. I think I would die right there on the spot from embarrassment.


Inside debate prep: Clinton’s careful case vs. Trump’s ‘WrestleMania’

Hillary Clinton is methodically preparing for the presidential debates as a veteran lawyer would approach her biggest trial. She pores over briefing books thick with policy arcana and opposition research. She internalizes tips from the most seasoned debate coaches in her party. And she rehearses, over and over again, to perfect the pacing and substance of her presentation.

Donald Trump is taking a different approach. He summons his informal band of counselors — including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, talk-radio host Laura Ingraham and ousted Fox News Channel chairman Roger Ailes — to his New Jersey golf course for Sunday chats. Over bacon cheeseburgers, hot dogs and glasses of Coca-Cola, they test out zingers and chew over ways to refine the Republican nominee’s pitch.

Trump’s aides have put together briefing books, not that the candidate is devoting much time to reading them. Trump is not holding any mock debates, proudly boasting that a performer with his talents does not need that sort of prepping. Should Trump submit to traditional rehearsals, some associates are talking about casting Ingraham, an adversarial chronicler of Clinton scandals, to play the Democratic nominee.

“Donald Trump is the unpredictable X-factor and Hillary Clinton is the scripted statist,” said Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s new campaign manager, in an interview. “I fully understand why Team Clinton feels the need to drown her in briefing books and Hollywood consulting.”
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