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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Best mexican food I ever had was in a shitty part of a neighborhood in a mexican area.

It was in a store that you could trade food stamps for pretty much anything you wanted and the store looked like it was filled with whatever the people who ran it to get your hands on. I remember they had a prom dress on sale next to cat litter and calling cards.

But they made a hell of a taco.

When I walked in they gave me a stare like I was about to ask for their green cards.
I really hope Johnson is on the debate so it isn't just Trump bloaviating.

He's averaging about 9.8% in the 5 polls he has to average 15% in. The polls utilized for this will be out in 2-3 weeks. I doubt he hits 15% in any of them, let alone an average of the 5.


Young people are really into counter culture and get upset easily when things don't go exactly their way. Especially the ones that were given everything when they were younger and have finally experienced the cruel realities of the world. So it's not wonder they don't like Hillary. She's not a "I'll make everything better for your specific life situation" candidate, she's a "I'll make things easier for you to make your life situation better on your own" candidate.


Is there any graph on 538 that compares this year's probabilities to those at the same point in time in '08 and/or '12? Could be informative.


Young people are really into counter culture and get upset easily when things don't go exactly their way. Especially the ones that were given everything when they were younger and have finally experienced the cruel realities of the world. So it's not wonder they don't like Hillary. She's not a "I'll make everything better for your specific life situation" candidate, she's a "I'll make things easier for you to make your life situation better on your own" candidate.

No offense, but this is the same dumb old people stuff people say about every generation. And often every Democrat!

To the degree that young people prefer revolutionary changes to incremental ones, I think it is mostly about having less stake in the existing order and potentially less memory of its historical trend, not some made up thing about them being entitled.


I really hope Johnson is on the debate so it isn't just Trump bloaviating.

That would be terrible. The more people on the stage, the more Trump can deflect, hide and run out the clock. Trump needs to be exposed as a know-nothing and be harassed and harried so he makes mistakes. Adding Johnson, who has no chance of being president, just gives Trump cover.


The best case scenario for the debates is:
- Trump and Clinton attend the first debate
- Trump comes out swinging, lands a few blows, but realizes that he can't do that for 90min straight. Looks like he's bullying Clinton.
- Clinton comes across as presidential and knowledgeable.
- Consensus is that Clinton dominated the debate and she gets a sizeable polling bump
- Trump screams that the debate was rigged and pulls out of the other rigged debates
- He looks like a bitch and it further craters his poll numbers
- Clinton attends and gets to frame herself in a positive light and further bolsters her numbers. Landslide mode activated.

Please Lord Elon Musk let this happen.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on at the AP right now?

The AP tweeted this as well:

AP Interactive ‏@AP_Interactive 2h2 hours ago
INTERACTIVE MAP: The Road to 270 – What will it take to win the White House? http://apne.ws/2bIAyJS


Just look at that fucking map. They have to make Minnesota a toss up to make things seem even? Sweet Jesus. It's tied 233 to 233 guys! It couldn't be any closer!

Then when you go to the actual site you get a for more reasonable map.
The milk's gone bad, but the news is fresh.

Missed this week of PoliGAF? Here's a recap.

Trump said he would consider legalization

But then walked it back...

And cancelled all of his rallies and speeches for the week, including his immigration speech

Giuliani starts a new "Beat her!" chant.

Terry gives felons their vote back again.

Hillary opens a jar of pickles to demonstrate that she is not yet dead

Cher sounds off for Hillary Clinton:

Before the political revolution can even start: half of Bernie's staff quits because Leave It To Weaver

Trump donated $100k to the Clinton Foundation; thought they did a lot of "good work"

Trump flops his flip on immigration. Will focus on violent criminals first.

Clinton associates Trump with white nationalism and alt right conservatism in scathing speech

Bannon's registered to vote from a soon to be demolished vacant house in a swing state

Paul LePage leaks his own voicemail (?) calling lawmaker a cocksucker:

And then called people of color The Enemy

And is now under a FOAA request by the ACLU.

Steve Bannon didn't want his kids in a school full of Jews.

Trump exploits death of Dwyane Wade's cousin, misspells name

NEWS OF THE WEEK: Irish fishing island accepts American refugees if Trump becomes president.

Post of the week: Lothar offers an anthology of a liberal's lone fight against Bill O'Reilly.
I just saw Kirsten Powers on CNN. I looked it up and read that she just left Fox News. That's a real shame because she was one of the few tough dissenting voices on the channel. She wasn't like Alan Colmes or Juan Williams. She took it to O'Reilly hard.

For people that don't know her,
[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tXJ9xFaLbU - Here she's defending democratic socialism on O'Reilly and telling people he doesn't know what he's talking about. My parents only watch Fox News and I remember seeing this and being glad. Now no one would defend democratic socialism.

[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2GStezt_EE - Telling O'Reilly that he's wrong about his criticisms of Obama not proposing spending cuts while she's holding a paper in her hand of the proposed cuts.

[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATXap3XMOQg - Passionately defending open borders

[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRQwsNzg3Kk - Battling Bill over Trans bathroom rights

Her leaving is a big blow to the Fox News audience seeing conservative ideas get some push back.

I hope she doesn't get lost in the mix in CNN. She had a purpose on Fox.


And that student's name? Albert Einstein.

The extent of what happened was a guy was (by my judgment) looking too hard to find a time to call his professor out on being "politically correct". And then no one really reacted to him and then the professor moved on from that topic.

But I'm boring and thought it was funny - and I was slightly irked at the time because he interrupted what I found to be the most interesting part of an otherwise dull lecture to say some irrelevant comments about political correctness.

6/10 lecture overall, I guess it accomplished it's goals for the sake of the class, but as an observer I was not entertained.

I would have said this was my class, not his, that if he wanted to argue then get his doctorate and write a thesis about political correctness, but in the mean time we'll just keep using my personal definition for the class.

I've actually done this before.

Problem was that it actually wasn't my class, and I felt weird further interrupting since I wasn't supposed to be there.

I've never had problems in the past sneaking into lectures and sneaking friends into mine, but I also usually sit in the back and stay out of the discussion.

In classes I'm actually enrolled for I've done that sort of thing in the past too. Maybe it's the laid back vibe on campus and the fact that it's a majority minority student body, but I only ever hear whining interruptions from the right.

Then again, the obnoxious parts of the left probably just don't show up for class, just like they don't show up to vote in midterm elections.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on at the AP right now?

The AP tweeted this as well:

AP Interactive ‏@AP_Interactive 2h2 hours ago
INTERACTIVE MAP: The Road to 270 – What will it take to win the White House? http://apne.ws/2bIAyJS

Just look at that fucking map. They have to make Minnesota a toss up to make things seem even? Sweet Jesus. It's tied 233 to 233 guys! It couldn't be any closer!

Then when you go to the actual site you get a for more reasonable map.
You missed the craziest part. West Virginia is a toss up. Someone just arbitrarily shifted things to get a tied number.
I have to wonder if the media's "BOTH SIDES!" from recently (even regarding Trump hiring a NeoNazi and a rapist and then celebrating after the death of a black woman) is because they want a horse-race or because they are super racist.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You missed the craziest part. West Virginia is a toss up. Someone just arbitrarily shifted things to get a tied number.

Hillary has led every poll of Ohio since the DNC.

Hillary has led every poll of Florida since July except for the rnc chamber of commerce poll.

Lol ap


What are the main arguments?

I think the main problem that young people have with Clinton is that she doesnt tickle people's lizard brain like a Sanders or an Obama. She doesn't fill people with powerful emotions like hope, zeal, and the desire to fight back against strong injustices (Righteous indignation - just thought of the word)

Therefore, people, and young people especially (since they aren't jaded yet from experience) have a hard time being inspired and moved by her, and some can easily fall into the republican narrative that she is just some corrupt establishment insider who really doesn't care about people. She cares about power and will say and do anything to get it.


I have to wonder if the media's "BOTH SIDES!" from recently (even regarding Trump hiring a NeoNazi and a rapist and then celebrating after the death of a black child) is because they want a horse-race or because they are super racist.

They want a close race. Better for ratings. Barring anything catastrophic it'll be funny seeing this election called early.

But you'll have Wolf Blitzer calling it a "dead heat" until then.
Can't wait. Im gonna join a few friends to watch them. We all dislike both candidates.
You really are incapable of making a comment without explicitly mentioning this aren't you?

You should also venture outside your bubble a bit. Polls show that, with very few exceptions such as in China or Russia, that people around the world like Hillary.
They want a close race. Better for ratings. Barring anything catastrophic it'll be funny seeing this election called early.

But you'll have Wolf Blitzer calling it a "dead heat" until then.

But I mean, "Wade and Trump speak out after NBA's star cousin is killed." by the AP feels, uhh, extremely racist.

That's the tweet that makes me wonder.
I think with the media it comes down to a few things. I do believe they want a close race. That's how you make bank on ratings. It's why Nate tweets OMG 3 POINT SWING GUIS ...but ignore she's still over 80% okay?

They also have this tendency to pretend that all stories are equally important so they appear fair. I've loved watching people tear CNN and MSNBC a new one over their attempt to equate Hillary's speech with Trump calling her a bigot. No rational person believes these two things are remotely the same, but the media tries to push that narrative..

I also think they have no idea how to cover a race that isn't really close. We saw this in the primary too. At no point was Hillary in any danger of losing, but, my god, they had to try and make it look like she was. Blowouts are boring.

Then, you know, Clinton Derangement Syndrome, etc.


Just asking, at this point the CPD will only have one poll from each to factor in.

There's a month until the next debate

They will probably start releasing weekly polls after Labor Day. Especially because the debates depend on it

Also, they are using the average of the last poll from each of the five. It's not like the primaries where they averaged it over a month or three.


will gain confidence one day
I have to wonder if the media's "BOTH SIDES!" from recently (even regarding Trump hiring a NeoNazi and a rapist and then celebrating after the death of a black child) is because they want a horse-race or because they are super racist.
It's entirely possible (probable?) that it's both.


I think with the media it comes down to a few things. I do believe they want a close race. That's how you make bank on ratings. It's why Nate tweets OMG 3 POINT SWING GUIS ...but ignore she's still over 80% okay?

They also have this tendency to pretend that all stories are equally important so they appear fair. I've loved watching people tear CNN and MSNBC a new one over their attempt to equate Hillary's speech with Trump calling her a bigot. No rational person believes these two things are remotely the same, but the media tries to push that narrative..

I also think they have no idea how to cover a race that isn't really close. We saw this in the primary too. At no point was Hillary in any danger of losing, but, my god, they had to try and make it look like she was. Blowouts are boring.

Then, you know, Clinton Derangement Syndrome, etc.


Written 20 years ago, and it seems like it has only gotten worse.
Young people are really into counter culture and get upset easily when things don't go exactly their way. Especially the ones that were given everything when they were younger and have finally experienced the cruel realities of the world. So it's not wonder they don't like Hillary. She's not a "I'll make everything better for your specific life situation" candidate, she's a "I'll make things easier for you to make your life situation better on your own" candidate.

This sounds like something a republican would say.

I think it's rather clear why young people dislike Clinton. They have no nostalgia for her husband's presidency/her FLOTUS years, they aren't impressed by her record, she's old and doesn't come off as authentic to many of them. They didn't like her in 08 (back when they weren't old enough to vote), they don't like her now. Young people tend to be very politically illiterate, and those types respond the best to idealist candidates who appeal to their higher ideals on how things should be. Obama, Sanders, RFK, JFK, etc types.

Hillary Clinton (or the facade of Hillary Clinton, created by the media/republicans - or the real Hillary Clinton, after dealing with the media/republicans for decades) is the exact opposite of what many young people want in a candidate. She has blatantly flip flopped on a variety of important issues, she supports foreign policy that most young people despise, her demographic outreach is awkward/forced, she can't answer basic questions during an interview, etc. She's a flawed candidate who doesn't make up for it by being charming/deceptive like Bill Clinton.

There's some sexism thrown in too, not to mention the double standards she is held to plus dealing with decades of hit jobs. But at the same time I think it's wrong to dismiss her flaws or the reasons many (non republicans) have issues with her. There's no such thing as a perfect politician, everyone has flaws.

Kid Heart

I have to wonder if the media's "BOTH SIDES!" from recently (even regarding Trump hiring a NeoNazi and a rapist and then celebrating after the death of a black child) is because they want a horse-race or because they are super racist.

It's probably just the media trying to seem as impartial as possible, even if they end up looking rather silly in the process.


will gain confidence one day
The whole media is racist? No, they just want ratings.
I think most people are at least unconsciously racist. It's not anyone's fault, we've all just been exposed to so much racial programming that we've developed racist schemas that cause us to have unintentional racist behaviours sometimes. So, yes, I think it's probably both.
There's a month until the next debate

They will probably start releasing weekly polls after Labor Day. Especially because the debates depend on it

Also, they are using the average of the last poll from each of the five. It's not like the primaries where they averaged it over a month or three.

Oh in that case, yeah then it's no problem.


No Scrubs
You really are incapable of making a comment without explicitly mentioning this aren't you?

You should also venture outside your bubble a bit. Polls show that, with very few exceptions such as in China or Russia, that people around the world like Hillary.

Reporters covering the State department all expressed some shock at this, overseas she'd get an Obama-esque reception when she traveled and did speeches. One of them wrote an article about it a few months ago.


We need a new term for what AP's doing with the map there. If Yellow Journalism is purposely trying to agitate, then this is "Grey" journalism; trying desperately to make the race look close or dead even when it clearly isn't.

That, or last night I slipped into an alternate reality where somehow West fucking Virginia is in play. Are the Bears Berenstain or Berenstein in this universe?
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