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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Bucks is historically a pretty conservative County with close election results, but it's about as old school Republican as it gets. If Romney couldn't pull it off in 2012, Trump is going to get blown the fuck out.

What I'm concerned about is if a few percentage points can swing a few congressional districts on this shitty map

I also am not worried about PA. It's also a close race in both FL and OH. Would be kind of silly to write both off as getting away from us after 2 bad state polls in OH and 1 in FL.

Until I see any good polls not sure I can be comfortable with the margin. Also if race is close to tied nationally, Trump leading in Ohio is possible.

Remember Nate Cohn, the electorate is more white than exit polls show.
Clinton campaign also keep hitting Trump on being dangerous but they need to go beyond that in ads. Trump has said a lot of things like deregulating wall Street further that they haven't brought up at all.


Clinton campaign also keep hitting Trump on being dangerous but they need to go beyond that in ads. Trump has said a lot of things like deregulating wall Street further that they haven't brought up at all.

Because the people who would care about that already know.

It's not ignorance of how vile this man is that's driving Trump at this point.
I have automatic payments set up monthly for Abuela and the Democratic Party. They're small, but they're all I can afford.

I gave all my $27 to Bernie Sanders before he lost me. I wish I had all those $27 back. I gave it to him every time he asked. It seemed so much different back then. Nothing seemed as dire and the risks didn't seem so immense. I was a young fool.

Nothing wrong with supporting someone you believe in. Those feelings didn't change and Bernie was real. He lost, you moved to the next best shot to get the same policies. Can't fault you for that and you shouldn't regret the time or money you spent on Sanders.


It's so annoying how we treat the debates in this country. "Clinton! Trump! Head to head for the first time!" - deep voiced narrator on CNN (which I'm watching because I'm in an airport, lol)


With less than eight weeks before Election Day, Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton are locked in a tight contest, with both candidates still struggling to win the confidence of their respective bases, the latest New York Times/CBS News poll finds.

Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic nominee, has the support of 46 percent of likely voters nationwide, to 44 percent for Mr. Trump, the Republican, including those who said they were leaning toward a candidate. Looking more broadly at all registered voters, Mrs. Clinton holds a wider edge, 46 to 41 percent.

In a four-way race, Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton are tied at 42 percent each. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, has the support of 8 percent of likely voters, and the Green Party nominee, Jill Stein, takes 4 percent.



The third-party candidates draw their strongest support from younger voters. Twenty-six percent of voters ages 18 to 29 say they plan to vote for Mr. Johnson, and another 10 percent back Ms. Stein. A little more than one in five political independents say they will vote for one of the third-party candidates.
Are you fucking kidding me?


I'm more surprised that Trump is getting over 30% among 18-34y/o in a two way.
She's just not getting what she needs from younger voters. Obama managed to get re elected safely due to lots of support from these voters.

Depressed turnout of the Dem side seems like a real possibility this year. Trump won't win by having a formidable coalition, he will win by too many Hillary voters staying home while some young people also go third party.

Her campaign has lots of work to do.
Doesn't third party support drop the closer it is to Election Day? My bet is Hillary gets a bump in polling after the first debate.
Hopefully a subsequent bump after Kaine stomps all over Pence at the VP debate.

I'm not worried, I just want Trump to lose biggly spectacularly so the alt-right will crawl back into the hole they came from.


Why is this surprising?

To be totally fair - Hillary isn't that appealing to a young voter, relatively speaking.
And that's a huge problem as Trump continues to gain in the polls. Not supposed to happen.

I'm surprised because if the evidence of Trump rising doesn't make people in my age bracket realize they're playing Russian roulette by supporting Johnson or Stein that's just absurd. Hillary isn't Obama I know. But he gave an enthusiastic endorsement and is marketing her as his third term basically. Why is it so hard to support her? The Clinton campaign has to figure something out.


And that's a huge problem as Trump continues to gain in the polls. Not supposed to happen.

I'm surprised because if the evidence of Trump rising doesn't make people in my age bracket realize they're playing Russian roulette by supporting Johnson or Stein that's just absurd. Hillary isn't Obama I know. But he gave an enthusiastic endorsement and is marketing her as his third term basically. Why is it so hard to support her? The Clinton campaign has to figure something out.
Weed, college and Wall Street.


Huge, colossal, disastrous mistake by Trump.

If this is on video, it's his "47%" moment.

All Hillary's campaign needs to do is market this well.
No one seems to be talking about it this morning.

Weed, college and Wall Street.
There are way more important things. Healthcare, the Supreme Court (this is CRITICAL if young people really want to keep progressing), not throwing away your vote to ensure this country doesn't elect the closest thing to a fascist who inspires fear and incites violence, managing the economy, not starting dumb wars or baiting foreign nations...

Some things are more important.

If he wins any kind of movement even tilting to the left is totally fucked for the next 15 years.


No one seems to be talking about it this morning.

There are way more important things. Healthcare, the Supreme Court (this is CRITICAL if young people really want to keep progressing), not throwing away your vote to ensure this country doesn't elect the closest thing to a fascist that we have ever seen, managing the economy, not starting dumb wars or baiting foreign nations...

Some things are more important.
I'm not saying they're not. But young people don't care about healthcare. I think young people realize she's the best candidate, but her positions aren't directly tied to their interests in a way that would motivate them. Her stance on weed is garbage. And I don't think young people trust her on foreign policy either btw
That quote isn't going to go anywhere. I mean it's as boorish as anything of course but it's a joke about how everyone has to work harder now and the audience laughs.
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