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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That quote isn't going to go anywhere. I mean it's as boorish as anything of course but it's a joke about how everyone has to work harder now and the audience laughs.

Doesn't matter. If used correctly in a commercial, it could be extremely damaging. Cut off the audio before the crowd laughs.

Also, Trump called the female pastor from yesterday a "nervous mess."


Fantastic. This is offensive enough to make people who were thinking to vote for him stay home, and people who were iffy about Hillary to come out and vote.
Is it? I don't see it getting picked apart like the deplorables comment. People are so used to this kind of thing from him that they've become desensitized. That wouldn't matter much if he's not gaining in the polls but he is.

No one cares.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Is it? I don't see it getting picked apart like the deplorables comment. People are so used to this kind of thing from him that they've become desensitized. That wouldn't matter much if he's not gaining in the polls but he is.

No one cares.

No, THE MEDIA doesn't care. Like always during this election. Average Joe Voter, though? They'll care. That's why I said if Hillary's team markets this well.


No, THE MEDIA doesn't care. Like always during this election. Average Joe Voter, though? They'll care. That's why I said if Hillary's team markets this well.
They probably won't. I don't have a sense that they know what they're doing right now as they try to navigate through the fallout from the past month or so.
Is it? I don't see it getting picked apart like the deplorables comment. People are so used to this kind of thing from him that they've become desensitized. That wouldn't matter much if he's not gaining in the polls but he is.

No one cares.

Because he was clearly having fun with the crowd and joking sarcastically with them. Most people looking at the video recognize that , if the media ran with that clip it would only make trump stronger and enforce the narrative that they were out to get him.

In contrast, when Clinton made her comment it wasn't her joking with the crowd it was a prepared statement.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They probably won't. I don't have a sense that they know what they're doing right now as they try to navigate through the fallout from the past month or so.

I, too, am losing faith in this team. There are mountains of material out there, and I just don't think they are being used effectively at this point. Who knows--maybe they have some seriously good stuff ready for the airwave rollout next month.


I, too, am losing faith in this team. There are mountains of material out there, and I just don't think they are being used effectively at this point. Who knows--maybe they have some seriously good stuff ready for the airwave rollout next month.
Honestly - they're the experts. That said, this Trump pivot is real and he isn't gonna implode. The "unfit" angle is fine, but loses steam if Trump is restrained. They need to really get out there with policy.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Honestly - they're the experts. That said, this Trump pivot is real and he isn't gonna implode. The "unfit" angle is fine, but loses steam if Trump is restrained. They need to really get out there with policy.

The "experts" thing is a pointless argument. Most political campaigns are run by "experts." They don't always make the right decisions for the current climate.

In better news:

Alan Abramowitz ‏@AlanIAbramowitz 26m26 minutes ago

CBS/NYT poll has Trump with only 11 pt. lead among white LVs, much smaller than Romney's margin in 2012 in exit poll (20) or ANES (17).

Good news here, but what it tells me is that excitement among democrats is waning. This absolutely has to be improved before the election. This is also where the ground game is of colossal importance. Trump's supporters are rabid--they'll vote no matter what. Hillary's ground game needs to be strong (and it appears it will be) so they can get these people to voting booths.


Missouri legislature overturned the governor's veto on voter id laws. So they are joining the stupid train citing voter fraud.

This cry against imaginary voter fraud is super loud and trying to drown out the actual voter fraud the GOP is committing by doing all they can to limit someone's right to vote.

I can't with them anymore.


I, too, am losing faith in this team. There are mountains of material out there, and I just don't think they are being used effectively at this point. Who knows--maybe they have some seriously good stuff ready for the airwave rollout next month.

I think it's unfair to criticse them for this.

There is a vast wealth of material out there. Trump commits wildly publicised gaffes on a weekly basis that would kill other campaigns - and they just don't do much. He has a solid 40% voting basis that honestly doesn't seem to care what he says or does, and then an additional 5% or so of wavering republican voters who drift away when he does something truly appalling but then come home after a week or so.

Plus she is airing vast amount of adverts highlighting all this stuff in the key battleground states. It's not like the campaign is silent - adverts with the disability mocking, the khans, and all the other stuff are on the air all the time - they are spending serious,mysterious cash trying to keep his numbers down. Personally I'd be interested on what % of their adverts and spend is on positive stuff rather than attacking Trump - from the outside it seems like there's a risk that Hillarys campaign is seen entirely through the lense of 'not trump', and even though we know that's rubbish and she vast amounts of policy proposals I'm curious how much of that is being pushed.

(I do think it grossly unfair that no-one covers Clintons policies at all, yet Trump comes up with a half baked maternity plan and it gets lots of coverage. Talk about grading on a curve!)


Honestly - they're the experts. That said, this Trump pivot is real and he isn't gonna implode. The "unfit" angle is fine, but loses steam if Trump is restrained. They need to really get out there with policy.

- Roll out some policy that gets young people/non-LV Dems more excited to vote for Hillary
- Chip away hard at the "Hillary is dishonest/untrustworthy" narrative with hard actions.

That's key. I'm sure they have a lot of ammo on Trump but hard to believe it's going to be much worse than what he has already said publicly (unless Obama forces the tax returns out).


I saw the Upshot updated its election odds, and that Clinton is still at 78%. It harkens back to this analysis from the Washington Post last year:

For the GOP candidate to get an Electoral College win in 50% of all simulations, he must win the popular vote by almost 1.5%. By a decent margin, a popular vote tie now favors the Democrat due to distribution of population in relation to electoral vote distribution.

That said, I'm hiiighly skeptical that it'll end-up this tight. I still think she wins by a 2012-ish margin.


Thiel? The kook who lamented women getting the right to vote? Great.


I, too, am losing faith in this team. There are mountains of material out there, and I just don't think they are being used effectively at this point. Who knows--maybe they have some seriously good stuff ready for the airwave rollout next month.
It will boil down to turnout. Obama overcame his polling woes because his voters wanted to vote for him. Anyone can answer a poll stating they prefer Hillary over Trump but they have to show up on 11/8. Hillary isn't doing much to inspire confidence that she can connect with enough of them. I don't know how she can overcome it completely by November.


Garrison Keillor nails it again

Garrison Keillor said:
The woman who does not conceal her own intelligence is a fine American tradition, going back to Anne Bradstreet and Harriet Beecher Stowe and my ancestor Prudence Crandall, but none has been subjected to the steady hectoring and jibber-jabber that Clinton has. She is a major-party nominee who is being pictured in prison stripes by the opposition. She is the first Cabinet officer ever to be held personally responsible for her own email server, something ordinarily delegated to I.T. The fact that terrorists attacked a U.S. compound in Libya under cover of darkness has been held against her, as if she personally was in command of the defense of the compound, a walkie-talkie in her hand, calling in reinforcements.

Extremism has poked its head into the mainstream, aided by the Internet. Back in the day, you occasionally saw cranks on a street corner handing out mimeographed handbills arguing that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor, but you saw their bad haircuts, the bitterness in their eyes, and you turned away. Now they’re in your computer, whispering that the economy is on the verge of collapse and for a few bucks they’ll tell you how to protect your savings. But lacking clear evidence, we proceed forward. We don’t operate on the basis of lurid conjecture.

Someday, historians will get this right and look back at the steady pitter-pat of scandals that turned out to be nothing, nada, zero and ixnay and will conclude that, almost a century after women’s suffrage, almost 45 years after Richard Nixon signed Title IX into law, a woman was required to run for office wearing concrete shoes. Check back 45 years from now and if I’m wrong, go ahead and dance on my grave.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The "experts" thing is a pointless argument. Most political campaigns are run by "experts." They don't always make the right decisions for the current climate.

In better news:

Good news here, but what it tells me is that excitement among democrats is waning. This absolutely has to be improved before the election. This is also where the ground game is of colossal importance. Trump's supporters are rabid--they'll vote no matter what. Hillary's ground game needs to be strong (and it appears it will be) so they can get these people to voting booths.

IMO, Hillary needs to stop just saying "trump sucks" and start promoting herself. Her numbers went up after the DNC because it was a positive message for the most part. All she does (in the general public's eyes) is bash trump. I haven't seen a single positive Hillary ad yet. She can keep attacking him, but that's not enough. You have to give people a reason to want to vote for you. All her negative ads and messaging are doing anymore are getting swing voters to support Johnson. You have to give them a reason to vote for you, not just against the other guy. Hopefully the debates will help here.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
IMO, Hillary needs to stop just saying "trump sucks" and start promoting herself. Her numbers went up after the DNC because it was a positive message for the most part. All she does (in the general public's eyes) is bash trump. I haven't seen a single positive Hillary ad yet. She can keep attacking him, but that's not enough. You have to give people a reason to want to vote for you. All her negative ads and messaging are doing anymore are getting swing voters to support Johnson. You have to give them a reason to vote for you, not just against the other guy. Hopefully the debates will help here.

Yes, absolutely. The problem, though, is that even when she promotes her own plans, the media doesn't cover them (e.g., her release of a college plan which got zero airtime, while Trump's paid maternity leave thing got all the airplay).


IMO, Hillary needs to stop just saying "trump sucks" and start promoting herself. Her numbers went up after the DNC because it was a positive message for the most part. All she does (in the general public's eyes) is bash trump. I haven't seen a single positive Hillary ad yet. She can keep attacking him, but that's not enough. You have to give people a reason to want to vote for you. All her negative ads and messaging are doing anymore are getting swing voters to support Johnson. You have to give them a reason to vote for you, not just against the other guy. Hopefully the debates will help here.


She needs to promote her policies and herself. I still think she'd benefit greatly from a mid-late October 30 min promo ad like Obama did highlighting her and her policies.
Yes, absolutely. The problem, though, is that even when she promotes her own plans, the media doesn't cover them (e.g., her release of a college plan which got zero airtime, while Trump's paid maternity leave thing got all the airplay).

Yep, but she needs to keep talking about it, release press reports about it to the media. Keep talking about it loudly, get some ads about it. From my view she will will release a plan once, than sorta move on.

Im a student with huge student debt, so the college plan is something I would greatly pay attention to. I pay attention to politics very much, and I didn't even know she released a new college plan lately.


She needs to promote her policies and herself. I still think she'd benefit greatly from a mid-late October 30 min promo ad like Obama did highlighting her and her policies.

Yep, that will def. help but it may be too late. Obama ran an entire campaign on a positive message, so he was already seen in a positive light.


Yes, absolutely. The problem, though, is that even when she promotes her own plans, the media doesn't cover them (e.g., her release of a college plan which got zero airtime, while Trump's paid maternity leave thing got all the airplay).
This is part of why I'm a fan of the last-minute primetime infomercial, maybe in the final week before Election Day. She can bring her surrogates aboard, and sure, they can bash Trump a bit.. but the bulk could be all about her plans. It's pretty clear that the American public liked what they saw when they got a direct look at this kind of thing back in July, so I'd say it's worth trying again. If it bumps her a point or two, it'd be well worthwhile.

It'll likely be her best bet on bypassing this bullshit media filter that's clearly in effect.

(Hell, if she has the money, do two infomercials in October.)


Why are you all surprised that young people are stupid? Have you not met young people?

Stupid compared to whom, it's still the best age demographic for dems. If Young people are stupid what do we make of the older voters. But yeah sure throw young people under the bus after they chose the other candidate in the primary overwhelmingly.
Come to think of it, I havent seen a single Hillary positive ad. All her ads are of Trump making a fool of himself.

Are there any? Maybe one or two around the convention. The negative ads have done their job, peoples views on trump are locked in. I'm not saying remove all negative ads, but she needs to start heavily promoting/marketing her own positive message.
No one actually cares about policy though. They just like to say they care. She can talk about mental health access plans or college affordability plans or whatever plans.

But she coughed. Is she dying?
Stupid compared to whom, it's still the best age demographic for dems. If Young people are stupid what do we make of the older voters. But yeah sure throw young people under the bus after they chose the other candidate in the primary overwhelmingly.

Best age demographic? They stay at home more than any other age group cycle after cycle while old people actually vote. I wish young people pretended to give a shit in non presidential elections


Stupid compared to whom, it's still the best age demographic for dems. If Young people are stupid what do we make of the older voters.
They're stupid with a streak of bitter and vindictive. It's those last two qualites that will drive them to the polling places.
They don't even vote. I don't care who they voted for in the primary. The primary was over ages ago no one cares about it anymore except for weird obsessive weirdos. They're stupid in general.

Why are you under the impression that I think old people aren't stupid.
The focus on negative advertising against Trump has been effective, though. Even during a bad period for Hillary where she's shedding support, it's not people going to Trump. He has been well defined, and there is a clear ceiling on his support. Now it's just a matter of turning out votes for Hillary.

An emphasis on policy will dovetail with the debates. I would imagine you'll see a number of ads with clips from the first debate where Clinton is discussing populist ideas. Hillary has a lot of weapons to use in the GOTV campaign. Let me put it this way, Gary Johnson won't end up with 13% of the popular vote.
Any chance that Johnson will fall off after he doesn't make the debates?

Third party candidates always out-perform their actual election day results in polls. Johnson received 1% in 2012, around 4% in his home state iirc; I could see him receiving 2-3% of the total vote nationally this time, given the two major party candidates. Jill Stein is a joke and will simply match her 2012 results (500k or so iirc).

It's amazing watching the media pretend like Johnson is really going to get 10% of the vote.
The focus on negative advertising against Trump has been effective, though. Even during a bad period for Hillary where she's shedding support, it's not people going to Trump. He has been well defined, and there is a clear ceiling on his support. Now it's just a matter of turning out votes for Hillary.

An emphasis on policy will dovetail with the debates. I would imagine you'll see a number of ads with clips from the first debate where Clinton is discussing populist ideas. Hillary has a lot of weapons to use in the GOTV campaign. Let me put it this way, Gary Johnson won't end up with 13% of the popular vote.

Possibly one of the reasons he has not still gone up by much he is still in the 40-44 range for the most part. Hillary support just went down.
Yes, suddenly coming out pro-legalization will look totally sincere and not calculated and pandery. Young voters will completely believe she intends to follow through once she's in office.
It'll just look like blatant pandering.

Because it will just be blatant pandering.

Eh she can say she had some treatment with it during her recent illness :p

Also! Legalizing weed is an objectively positive thing, particularly for the coalition she needs to win . Easier to play off rather than an issue with arguable sides.
Eh she can say she had some treatment with it during her recent illness :p

Also! Legalizing weed is an objectively positive thing, particularly for the coalition she needs to win . Easier to play off rather than an issue with arguable sides.
She has a reputation with young voters that she just changes her views at a whim to get votes. She probably shouldn't reinforce that reputation by doing exactly what they say she does.
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