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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Haha, everyone just got played hard by Trump. Fucking hell, that Ailles and Breibart backing have been revolutionary for his campaign. Don't expect this shit to stick for more than the afternoon. No one cares about this anymore. He not only got to plug his hotel, get felated by military heroes, stand next to black people, but then got to take credit for ending the birther movement that he pins on Hillary. LOL. Amazing. This is a fucking nightmare.

Are we looking at the same news? The media is ripping him to shreds over this. They're furious.


I don't think this is going to work as intended. Brought birthirism right back up to the forefront two weeks before the first debate.
Turning the media against him is the absolute worst thing Trump could have done at this point. They've basically been giving him free screentime.

It's kind of hilarious how personal they are. They were fine with all the shit he did but then he locks them out of a rally one day and now they turn on him.


Haha, everyone just got played hard by Trump. Fucking hell, that Ailles and Breibart backing have been revolutionary for his campaign. Don't expect this shit to stick for more than the afternoon. No one cares about this anymore. He not only got to plug his hotel, get felated by military heroes, stand next to black people, but then got to take credit for ending the birther movement that he pins on Hillary. LOL. Amazing. This is a fucking nightmare.

The media was rightfully calling that press release last night bs. This isn't the best look since he still didn't back off the birther issue. He lied about it.

We'all see what the media does


Oh please let them band together on this:

Kelly O'Donnell
Kelly O'Donnell – Verified account ‏@KellyO

We have obligation to cover Republican nominee when he is in public but that may not mean images of his hotel tour must be disseminated


Haha, everyone just got played hard by Trump. Fucking hell, that Ailles and Breibart backing have been revolutionary for his campaign. Don't expect this shit to stick for more than the afternoon. No one cares about this anymore. He not only got to plug his hotel, get felated by military heroes, stand next to black people, but then got to take credit for ending the birther movement that he pins on Hillary. LOL. Amazing. This is a fucking nightmare.

No, this one is going to stick. You can't back off of 8 years of birtherism with 2 sentences, one of which is blatantly untrue.

He raised more questions than he answered.


I don't see how this is anything more than opening himself wide for a metric fuckton of criticism in the coming week and a massive target on his back for the debate for an awful question where they can just roll out receipt after receipt on him against his word.

Dumb seems an understatement for this. Who thinks this is a good play?


Candace Smith ‏@CandaceSmith_ 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
As the designated pool producer; attempted to go on pooled tour, as is customary. Was physically restrained from accompanying the camera.
4 retweets 2 likes


Maggie HabermanVerified account
A source says Trump broadcast pool just erased tape of his tour of the hotel in protest of bait-and-switch w no editorial access.
I know we like to whine and moan about Hillary's campaign, but how frustrating must it be to be a Trump supporter and watch as Trump takes what was his best week this entire election and throw it all away with a self inflicted wound.
No, this one is going to stick. You can't back off of 8 years of birtherism with 2 sentences, one of which is blatantly untrue.

He raised more questions than he answered.

A few weeks ago I would be with you in my optimism that this would stick, and you are right it will probably stick.. a little. Maybe through the weekend? I am very skeptical the media shifts their tone or coverage after this. It will be back to normal by Monday. The debates are the only needle mover left I fear.


I know we like to whine and moan about Hillary's campaign, but how frustrating must it be to be a Trump supporter and watch as Trump takes what was his best week this entire election and throw it all away with a self inflicted wound.

You have no idea if that's actually going to happen.

I heard this after the forum last week. How did that work out for him?

All he has to do is whine about the liberal media and claim he isn't being treated fairly. We've seen this shit a hundred times.

Wake me up when it changes his polling.
And then Trump says "I'm being treated unfairly by the media" and the media is butthurt and back to the lovefest.

This hasn't how its worked in the past, curiel and Khan.

And the way this helps hillary is this weeks polling isn't a surge of support for trump. Its a dive in her support. This kind of story reminds people why they're not voting for trump. As its gets closer and people realize 3rd parties aren't viable and these issues keep popping up clinton will gain support


trump can't get to 45. Clinton is far more viable. Trump has 45 able to vote for him. No more. Clinton has potentially 50 at her highpoint (they're averaging like 47-42 over the whole race)
Spaces before exclamation points is a quirk I see most often from European users. Usually French.
I remember reading an article a while back about the split between the two main Trump subreddits: The _Donald being primarily Americans; and Mr. Trump, which was dominated by the European far-right. I wonder if this poster is European.


Roland Martin fired up and dropping truth bombs about what the Clinton campaign needs to do now, which is get the voters out. They are going against a huge group of motivated Obama haters and it must be countered with enthusiasm.


contribute something
Kanye and Trump are both gonna be in Miami today, speaking at venues a couple blocks from each other

Traffic will be wild
This hasn't how its worked in the past, curiel and Khan.

And the way this helps hillary is this weeks polling isn't a surge of support for trump. Its a dive in her support. This kind of story reminds people why they're not voting for trump. As its gets closer and people realize 3rd parties aren't viable and these issues keep popping up clinton will gain support
Well the issue itself (using the media to plug his hotel) isn't similar to khan and the judge. This isn't the end of the birther controversy though, he just prolonged it.

The last thing the media wants is to be considered unfriendly or openly hostile.


Roland Martin just spit hot fire on MSNBC.

Democrats have an intensity problem, and the Clinton can't afford to play this softly because Republicans are motivated.

Fuck the media; they'll always try to hold Hillary to the old rules of politics. This ain't that kind of election.

I truly believe that the mistake Hillary made with #BasketofDeplorables was apologizing at all. Play hard. If you're going to attack, attack hard and attack them all. If you're going to talk up Hillary, make her the best thing since Jesus.

Trump can't be allowed to build anything on this.
You guys remember when we were all worried about Clinton's transparency and penchant for abusing power?

The media is getting their first taste of what Trump will do and it is ugly.


I was watching CNN while on the treadmill and I was really surprised to see that they (finally) got angry at Trump for playing them. Maybe they'll finally press him on his lies going forward.
Roland Martin just spit hot fire on MSNBC.

Democrats have an intensity problem, and the Clinton can't afford to play this softly because Republicans are motivated.

Fuck the media; they'll always try to hold Hillary to the old rules of politics. This ain't that kind of election.

I truly believe that the mistake Hillary made with #BasketofDeplorables was apologizing at all. Play hard. If you're going to attack, attack hard and attack them all. If you're going to talk up Hillary, make her the best thing since Jesus.

Trump can't be allowed to build anything on this.

Where is their campaign on this?


I think Trump's plan, at this point, is to refuse to speak to reporters until he can get a friendly Fox interview in, set up an interview where they establish the birther thing is now over because he says it is, that there is no more point in asking about it/dwelling on it, and hoping the rest of the media gives up at that point or doesn't pursue it further than a quick question he can brush off as something they've moved past (he never backed down on the Khan fiasco, for example--just stopped talking about it and people let it drop when he did. )

Weirdly I think the photo op hotel tour after the announcement may be the biggest flaw in his plan because it creates an opening for the press to just focus on him dodging questions and lets them cement in a story without his participation/brush-off.
You have no idea if that's actually going to happen.

I heard this after the forum last week. How did that work out for him?

All he has to do is whine about the liberal media and claim he isn't being treated fairly. We've seen this shit a hundred times.

Wake me up when it changes his polling.

After the forum last week, polls starting moving back to Hillary.
Glad to see some actual spine. I am hoping it lasts longer than three days. If they can keep this up all the way to the debates, I might just be able to upgrade my outlook back to cautiously optimistic.
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