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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Hate being stuck at work, so CNN is flipping their shit about this?

What are they saying?

Pretty much everyone is pissed and calling him out for A. Lying about Clinton's campaign somehow starting this, and B. saying he "finished it", which means nothing, especially since he's been insinuating birther shit constantly since 2011.


I think Trump's plan, at this point, is to refuse to speak to reporters until he can get a friendly Fox interview in, set up an interview where they establish the birther thing is now over because he says it is, that there is no more point in asking about it/dwelling on it, and hoping the rest of the media gives up at that point or doesn't pursue it further than a quick question he can brush off as something they've moved past (he never backed down on the Khan fiasco, for example--just stopped talking about it and people let it drop when he did. )

Weirdly I think the photo op hotel tour after the announcement may be the biggest flaw in his plan because it creates an opening for the press to just focus on him dodging questions and lets them cement in a story without his participation/brush-off.

Trump is like two steps ahead of the press ! Going to Fox to tell his story, is brilliant !!!


So, this may seem like Scott Adams level, but...

This was not a gaffe, it was premeditated. He didn't misspeak. I'm a bit scared he'll apologise to Obama in the debate.
Roland Martin just spit hot fire on MSNBC.

Democrats have an intensity problem, and the Clinton can't afford to play this softly because Republicans are motivated.

Fuck the media; they'll always try to hold Hillary to the old rules of politics. This ain't that kind of election.

I truly believe that the mistake Hillary made with #BasketofDeplorables was apologizing at all. Play hard. If you're going to attack, attack hard and attack them all. If you're going to talk up Hillary, make her the best thing since Jesus.

Trump can't be allowed to build anything on this.

Said it at the time, this is the truth. It was something completely able to be reinforced. Shit all the things his campaign did in the last week would've made this a perfect attack route. Don't know if they got spooked with the 47% talk but extremely disappointed it was walked back.


So, this may seem like Scott Adams level, but...

This was not a gaffe, it was premeditated. He didn't misspeak. I'm a bit scared he'll apologise to Obama in the debate.

He either lied to the American people or is dumb enough a conspiracy theory for years after the evidence totally 100% disproving the theory came out.

There's no way to wriggle out after what he said this morning.

If he gets asked "Why did you believe Barack Obama wasn't born in the US?" during the debate, he's sunk.


This was not a gaffe, it was premeditated. He didn't misspeak. I'm a bit scared he'll apologise to Obama in the debate.

He just regurgitated his campaign's position so it was definitely premeditated but it isn't going over well because it felt like he was attempting to sweep it under a rug (which he was). Even if he apologizes to Obama later, which I seriously fuckin' doubt considering the dude never apologizes, it wouldn't look great.
So, this may seem like Scott Adams level, but...

This was not a gaffe, it was premeditated. He didn't misspeak. I'm a bit scared he'll apologise to Obama in the debate.

It only matters how the media follows up. Clinton apologized for the private server but the media kept following up.

Apologies usually mean the issue actually goes further in politics.


The one Hillary supporter doing good work cutting through bull on Outnumbered but I really feel for her.

"but but but Ted Cruz too, it's not racist"
"There is no evidence Hillary Clinton's campaign didn't start the rumors but you know they were probably whispering it"


Trump seems to have took playing the media for a fiddle a notch too far. Every channel is apocalyptic over his boldface lies here, even Fox went in lol
I really, really, really hope voters remember that Trump basically started the birther movement

I doubt that is what matters. What matters if the voters are okay with voting him despite what he thinks on birthism. Pretty sure that a lot of trump supporters believe in the birthism, but what Trump did was trying to finalize it. It could work if the campaign is disciplined enough, when the questions are asked. All he needs to say that he either changed his mind or he believes that Obama was born here. Does anyone believe that?Nope. But I guess the entire point was to hope to drop it.He'll be questioned, but Trump will just play the victim.

We'll see if this was a good move to play, or it just Trump trolling the media just because. It looks like the media isn't backing down and we will see if the voters would even care about such a lie. Republicans might be relief,even if he is lying because maybe they can move on and of course Democrats will think he is flat out lying. It will probably backfire in the end though.


We'll see. If he apologises, he owns the entire debate night.

I hope you guys are right. It just seems odd after a few weeks with no major missteps to actually organise this shit. Someone would have stopped him.


No Scrubs
We'll see. If he apologises, he owns the entire debate night.

I hope you guys are right. It just seems odd after a few weeks with no major missteps to actually organise this shit. Someone would have stopped him.

Even if he says sorry, he'll still have to explain himself.


We'll see. If he apologises, he owns the entire debate night.

I hope you guys are right. It just seems odd after a few weeks with no major missteps to actually organise this shit. Someone would have stopped him.

It's too far gone for an apology to actually matter, especially after today.


Trump is like two steps ahead of the press ! Going to Fox to tell his story, is brilliant !!!

It's not like I'm claiming he's smart or doing something obscure, just that his messaging around birtherism is focused more on how over and old the issue is and how everyone has moved past it. If he can get a safe interview in where he doubles down on that, and then everyone else reports on that interview, he gets to set the tone of the discussion and never has to really talk about it.

It's mostly interesting to me because the hotel tour move is really destroying that possibility; instead of the story being Trump says Obama was born in US, time to move on, it becomes Trump reversed himself on birtherism and then runs away. I'm surprised nobody on his side stopped that.
I know; it's my sloppy way of throwing shade. I take pics of brains all day, and we joke like this at work.

Where and what do you do? Sounds like my dream job (depends what type of brains you are imaging and how you are, thats what I spent my whole undergrad doing in various forms).

Anyone want to bring me up to speed on what happened since 9 am, was busy bombing an anatomy exam.
Just as Trump's campaign got on rails and Hillary made few bad decisions one after the other THIS happens?! How can you even even doubt that Trump is there just so Hillary could win? :)

The only miscalculation that this Hillary/Trump union had was that there are people stupid enough to vote for a rich obnoxious guy no matter what happens :)
We'll see. If he apologises, he owns the entire debate night.

I hope you guys are right. It just seems odd after a few weeks with no major missteps to actually organise this shit. Someone would have stopped him.

An apology won't help, it'll look weak. Have you ever heard him apologize?


Trump lol

Hillary has like 2-3 hours now to crush him; shes gotta come out strong and own this before the weekend.
All that shade was almost a good substitute for the hopium deficit
It was hopium OD. My head is spinning.

And if a morning lowkey anchor like Banfield is about to flip tables, wonder how Tapper, Cooper and Lemon are going to respond. Even Wolf can go in time to time. Erin Burnett is a lost cause. Most pathetic anchor on CNN.


Where and what do you do? Sounds like my dream job (depends what type of brains you are imaging and how you are, thats what I spent my whole undergrad doing in various forms).

Anyone want to bring me up to speed on what happened since 9 am, was busy bombing an anatomy exam.

I'm do MRI at a sports medicine clinic (scanning high school, college, and pro athletes - lots of post-concussion studies). Funny enough, my scanner went down just as all of this shit was starting to happen, so I was able to call-in the engineer and leave for the day.

My picture of what happened is sketchy, but it seems like the networks carried a lot of pre-Trump fluff material at his new hotel, and then he came out, said something incredibly short, and then he ditched them.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
It's statements like that one that genuinely make me wonder if Trump is just the world's best performance artist.
I'm do MRI at a sports medicine clinic (scanning high school, college, and pro athletes - lots of post-concussion studies). Funny enough, my scanner went down just as all of this shit was starting to happen, so I was able to call-in the engineer and leave for the day.

My picture of what happened is sketchy, but it seems like the networks carried a lot of pre-Trump fluff material at his new hotel, and then he came out, said something incredibly short, and then he ditched them.

Wish you took my test for me, way too many MRI's of random slices of arm and leg. No motivation for this (we start neuro soon which im excited for).

So basically the press thought he was gonna talk but ended up just dragging them around the hotel and then said one line and GTFO'd? And now CNN is super pissed?


It's statements like that one that genuinely make me wonder if Trump is just the world's best performance artist.

I don't think anyone doubts Trump is incredibly cunning and knows how to get what he wants.

All narcissists are like that.
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