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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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In what world is Lester Holt tiring?
Lester is bae. :p
No, but seriously, I think he would make a great debate moderator from what I've seen of his interviews and anchoring on NBC.

I don't know. I used to like him when I only had to deal with him on the weekends and whenever Lyin' Brian was out of town. He's not the worst person in the world, but I find him...I don't know. Maybe tiring is the wrong word? Can we fire him and let Joy take over Nightly News? Please? I've been a very good boy this year.
I mean there are so many places that hate them it'd be hard to not go somewhere where people don't like them!

Evangelicals are a complex group of voters, especially the young ones.
True. And yes, that's also true, but I think someone posted a Gallup poll or something that showed Trump enjoyed a hefty 76% of Evangelicals.
I just let the dog out, and the frat boys who live across from me put up a Trump sign. Ugh. Now, I'll have to see that shit every day. Well, I say everyday. I'm pretty sure my 90 year old neighbor and/or my mom will tear it down.....

Also, I'm pretty sure my bf is drunk. He just ate a container of sour cream and yelled at me for buying shit yogurt.


So I was interested in starting the PBS Presidents series that you guys had recommended before and eventually got to to rereading the wiki article on Truman. One thing led to another and I decided to do a cost comparison for the Marshall Plan and the Iraq War in 2016 dollars. It blew my mind that the Marshall Plan was only $120 billion in 2016 dollars and yet the direct cost of the war in Iraq has been $1.7 trillion (admittedly the Marshall Plan was a short term spending bill versus a year year spending black hole). $1.7 trillion not including the $490 billion we are currently paying out for veterans benefits. The Marshall Plan helped to lay the groundwork for a more peaceful and united Europe while the money spent in Iraq has netted us nothing but problems.

W. really fucked us over with the war in Iraq. One of my concerns going forward is that with the GOP out of power for a long period of time, that either younger millennials or the broader country at large will forget about the magnitude of the fuckup that was the Iraq War. It was, and still is, an absolute money pit that has been sending out geopolitical aftershocks that have embroiled the entire region in utter chaos. On every level, it was unequivocally the largest fuckup in the last quarter century politically for the US.

So I was interested in starting the PBS Presidents series that you guys had recommended before and eventually got to to rereading the wiki article on Truman. One thing led to another and I decided to do a cost comparison for the Marshall Plan and the Iraq War in 2016 dollars. It blew my mind that the Marshall Plan was only $120 billion in 2016 dollars and yet the direct cost of the war in Iraq has been $1.7 trillion (admittedly the Marshall Plan was a short term spending bill versus a year year spending black hole). $1.7 trillion not including the $490 billion we are currently paying out for veterans benefits. The Marshall Plan helped to lay the groundwork for a more peaceful and united Europe while the money spent in Iraq has netted us nothing but problems.

W. really fucked us over with the war in Iraq. One of my concerns going forward is that with the GOP out of power for a long period of time, that either younger millennials or the broader country at large will forget about the magnitude of the fuckup that was the Iraq War. It was, and still is, an absolute money pit that has been sending out geopolitical aftershocks that have embroiled the entire region in utter chaos. On every level, it was unequivocally the largest fuckup in the last quarter century politically for the US.


In general I've been noticing more and more people who were too young to have been politically aware during the Bush administration and have no real understanding of just how miserable a president he really was.


While I would never purchase or partake in marywanna myself because, you know, Drugs are for Squares and I would never, ever, ever do that....

But, theoretically, if I did from time to time enjoy some of the pot, I would only partake in edibles, because my allergies make it impossible to smoke it. Plus, I hate smelling like it. If I had a recipe for pot brownies with marshmallow that were delicious, I would use something like that.
Me too, despite living in the land of pot, I don't particularly care smoking it.

But I never ate it. If it's like durian where it smells like shit but tastes amazing, I'll take 20 brownies.


In general I've been noticing more and more people who were too young to have been politically aware during the Bush administration and have no real understanding of just how miserable a president he really was.

Seriously. Even if you ignore the Iraq War, 9/11, the Great Recession, and Hurricane Katrina, the domestic policies in the form of the Bush Tax cuts, the stem cell research ban, the abortion policy, the advocacy against gay marriage, the Patriot Act, and No Child Left Behind all have wrought significant damage to the US. All of that on top of being the president to fuck up our first surplus in ages and turn it into the Genesis of our collosal modern debt really paints the picture of how shitty W's presidency was.

It is a reminder of why I would have voted for Lincoln Charge over any of the GOP crop this year especially when the "reasonable moderate" John Kasich advocated for ground wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan in the primary!


I've actually been considering this for a while now, I feel a bit too chickenshit to do it though.
I go through cycles where I really want and like my hair, and then I just want it all shaved off for a few months, then back to growing it out. Just go for it. It might look different at first but it's pretty relieving. No more having to deal with it.
So I was interested in starting the PBS Presidents series that you guys had recommended before and eventually got to to rereading the wiki article on Truman. One thing led to another and I decided to do a cost comparison for the Marshall Plan and the Iraq War in 2016 dollars. It blew my mind that the Marshall Plan was only $120 billion in 2016 dollars and yet the direct cost of the war in Iraq has been $1.7 trillion (admittedly the Marshall Plan was a short term spending bill versus a year year spending black hole). $1.7 trillion not including the $490 billion we are currently paying out for veterans benefits. The Marshall Plan helped to lay the groundwork for a more peaceful and united Europe while the money spent in Iraq has netted us nothing but problems.

W. really fucked us over with the war in Iraq. One of my concerns going forward is that with the GOP out of power for a long period of time, that either younger millennials or the broader country at large will forget about the magnitude of the fuckup that was the Iraq War. It was, and still is, an absolute money pit that has been sending out geopolitical aftershocks that have embroiled the entire region in utter chaos. On every level, it was unequivocally the largest fuckup in the last quarter century politically for the US.

Lots of bobers and millenials don't remember anything. In fact, they think Hillary had a hand in it. I remember those days clearly. The money we lost pales in comparison to the lives ruined. The nightly news would read off the KIA soldiers, and every month we were losing 100 or so soldiers. Thousands more maimed and injured for life. The true cost of the war (including VA and government help) is probably astronomical.

All because we wanted to wave our dicks at the world after 9/11 and Iraq looked mighty lucrative with all those oil fields.


Lots of bobers and millenials don't remember anything. In fact, they think Hillary had a hand in it. I remember those days clearly. The money we lost pales in comparison to the lives ruined. The nightly news would read off the KIA soldiers, and every month we were losing 100 or so soldiers. Thousands more maimed and injured for life. The true cost of the war (including VA and government help) is probably astronomical.

All because we wanted to wave our dicks at the world after 9/11 and Iraq looked mighty lucrative with all those oil fields.


Losing nearly 4,500 and having 32,000 injured (many life altering and permanent) and countless scarred by PTSD and other psychological stresses is the highest cost imaginable. The impact on a generation is significant and the scars will be with us for decades as a nation.


will gain confidence one day

Losing nearly 4,500 and having 32,000 injured (many life altering and permanent) and countless scarred by PTSD and other psychological stresses is the highest cost imaginable. The impact on a generation is significant and the scars will be with us for decades as a nation.
Don't forget that the ranks of the military were already being pulled disproportionately from the poor.
Good article, but I have to ask: shouldn't Trump and Pence be campaigning in places that don't like them? Trump got criticized for making African-American outreach speeches outside of black areas. But if Trump makes a speech in an evangelical area that doesn't like him (I thought evangelicals were overwhelmingly for him) then it's the "wrong place to make a speech".

Liberal media bias! Or whatever.

It turns out, running for President is hard.


What's amazing is that if you take away the Iraq War then Bush's Presidency was still inconceivably awful. Corporations didn't even have to capture the regulators, they were just handed over to them. There was a time when you could tune into Scott McClellan's press conferences and literally see the idealism being sucked out of a new correspondent within 2 days.


Even of it doesn't sway a single voter, it's Republican money that they could be using to try and save seats. Man, I've waited so long for the Republicans to eat themselves. Feels good.


WND continues to provide hilarious commentary.

Here's part of an op ed piece, calling out evangelicals to vote for Trump.

Its titled The Electoral Choice God has Ordained (I swear I'm not making this up).

If you are a Christian, are you going to vote only if there is an evangelical candidate, and if not then to hell with it? Do you imagine that God has somehow throughout history confined himself to using only those who have lived pious lives within the church walls to change the world? Do you not understand that because of America’s policies millions upon millions of Christians worldwide are being murdered and persecuted for their faith, while America admits primarily within her borders those Islamist enemies who are murdering these Christians? Do you somehow think that God intends to sacrifice an entire generation to preserve our personal piety?

The civic responsibilities of a citizen in a prosperous nation governed by the rule of law and by freely elected leaders are not onerous or difficult. He hasn’t asked you to kill abortion doctors, or to preach to homosexuals that they are going to hell for their lifestyle. Both those behaviors are anyway futile in our culture. All God asks is that when he gives you two imperfect choices, you make the choice that best advances His kingdom here on earth. Right now, that kingdom is the church. Ultimately, it will be the entire world; but not yet.

Has your memory of history dimmed so deeply into the twilight that you have forgotten how many millions of people worldwide sacrificed their lives at a young age to preserve our God-given freedom to build a better world at the ballot box without resorting to the battlefield?

Then why would you scorn the choice He has offered? God has, in His infinite wisdom, set two choices before this nation this year. He’s even simplified the choice for Christians down to this: Which of the two candidates is going to make life better for His church in this world?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
You're all acting like a hypothetical Clinton presidency in 2000 wouldn't have gone into Iraq. She voted to go in on the basis of the intelligence publicly available, so the only reason she wouldn't have is if the intelligence only available to those intimately involved in pushing for the decision would have changed her mind. Unfortunately, Hilary has a rather terrible track record on publicly approving of interventions based on poor intelligence aimed at nebulous WMD programmes that probably went on to make the situation worse - there's plenty of statements of her supporting the 1998 Desert Fox bombings where it is reasonable suppose she did indeed see most confidential evidence before coming to her decision.

If you're talking about how much better Democrats are than Republicans, I really wouldn't make Iraq the hill you'd die on.


You're all acting like a hypothetical Clinton presidency in 2000 wouldn't have gone into Iraq. She voted to go in on the basis of the intelligence publicly available, so the only reason she wouldn't have is if the intelligence only available to those intimately involved in pushing for the decision would have changed her mind. Unfortunately, Hilary has a rather terrible track record on publicly approving of interventions based on poor intelligence aimed at nebulous WMD programmes that probably went on to make the situation worse - there's plenty of statements of her supporting the 1998 Desert Fox bombings where it is reasonable suppose she did indeed see most confidential evidence before coming to her decision.

If you're talking about how much better Democrats are than Republicans, I really wouldn't make Iraq the hill you'd die on.

She didn't vote to go, she voted to have the threat of force on the table in order to make inspections happen. http://www.snopes.com/hillary-clinton-iraq-vote-bribe/

The relevant part:
On Oct. 10, 2002, during the Senate debate on a resolution to authorize the use of force in Iraq, Clinton rose to express her highly qualified support. First, though, she criticized the idea of attacking Saddam then and there, either alone or "with any allies we can muster." Such a course, she said, "is fraught with danger," in part because "it would set a precedent that could come back to haunt us ... This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction ... My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or purpose." A vote for the resolution, she argued, "is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president. And we say to him: Use these powers wisely and as a last resort."
There were 2 great SNES games, Super Mario World and Chrono Trigger. The rest of the best were collectathon crap.

Genesis was just better.

This is libel, slander, and objectively wrong. "Collectathon crap"...? What?

Breitbart/Gravis National Clinton +1: 42-41-4-1 9 undecided


Trump +4 in 2 weeks! PANIC

Well the best numbers the most biased poll possible could cook up still have Hillary winning and Trump only at 41.
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