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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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The Jews shot down MH17:

“What do you think of this plane—Malaysian plane shootdown?” Barrett asks. “The U.S. media is putting out the possibilities of this being done by the Russians or by the pro-Russian Ukrainians, but President Putin’s plane was flying through there shortly before this plane was shot down—it looks like Putin’s plane may have been targeted. If so, obviously that wouldn’t have been done by the Russians or pro-Russian separatists quote unquote, that would have been done by the Kiev Zio-Nazi government. Which is what it is—these Zionist Jewish oligarchs, billionaire criminal dons, are funding Nazi street thugs. These are the people who overthrew the legitimate democratically elected government of Ukraine and created a fascist junta, and they are the ones who would be the suspects, at least in my opinion—somebody shooting at Putin’s plane, and yet the media doesn’t even raise that as a possibility.”

“And when it’s raised, it’s raised as a conspiracy,” Baraka responded. “I think that this is a—I was trying to find the citation, I remember reading, I can’t remember who it was, someone wrote about three weeks ago that we should expect false flag, a major false flag operation in eastern Ukraine that’s going to be blamed on the Russians. And that’s exactly what has happened.”

The Green Party is asking the important questions.



Is there any guarantee that First Emperor of the Moon Albert Gore would have satisfied his bloodlust within our own solar system?
From the NYT: A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories

The whole article is worth reading. As a nation, we have to get on top of this shit or it's really going to bite us in the ass.

Fuck Jill Stein.
Haven't they done this for decades? Wasn't that a thing they did when Kennedy was assassinated that they would put out a bunch of different theories to cause confusion amongst the American populace?
I think Kennedy/Nixon, Carter/Ford, Bush/Dukakis and Bush/Clinton all have debate moments that were considered pretty important. Bush and Clinton probably win without them still, but Ford's comment about how the Soviet Union were not subjugating Eastern Europe and Kennedy's "win" over Nixon in the first debate (which had much higher viewership due to it being the first of its kind) are both big moments in very close races.

The other two examples are of how Bush and Dukakis in their lost elections basically had a chance to crush the attacks on them, with Dukakis giving a technical answer about the death penalty and Bush seeming uncomfortable and unempathetic at the town hall. It's hard to say how much these matter because they were more about cementing narratives that already existed about the candidates rather than affecting the perception of them, but they were both whiffed chances to regain ground that probably could have been successful.

Well the Kennedy/Nixon debate has its own place in history, and you raise valid points about other debates, but can any new narrative survive in this media cycle and candidates with historical unfavourables? It would have to be a major blunder.
Wtf is up with poligaf this Sunday. Debating Iraq hypotheticals? Aren't we usually diablosing about polls, shitting on Adam's taste or acting as the worst AA group around?
Whenever I search for "Syria" or "Assad" on Twitter, I realize how many different ways bodies can be disfigured by bombs.

I... don't know what the solution is here.


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France's president might get primaried.

That's an impressive level of disdain.


He seems really well-intentioned, I wish him the best.


No Scrubs
Whenever I search for "Syria" or "Assad" on Twitter, I realize how many different ways bodies can be disfigured by bombs.

I... don't know what the solution is here.

Unfortunately there are no good solutions to this problem. Short of the US and EU rolling in to put an end to it this isn't likely to end anytime soon.
The Democrats would have never gotten us into Iraq! Just like they didn't get us into Vietnam, Korea, WWII, and WW1.

Gore unilaterally deciding to invade Iraq without any clear explanation as to why he would do such a thing makes about as much sense as Obama invading North Korea.


The Democrats would have never gotten us into Iraq! Just like they didn't get us into Vietnam, Korea, WWII, and WW1.


To be fair, the Neocons were part of the Democratic party during the Korean War and the Vietnam war, and Wilsonian foreign policy is basically the precursor to neocon


The Democrats would have never gotten us into Iraq! Just like they didn't get us into Vietnam, Korea, WWII, and WW1.


poligaf chat said:
[1:17 PM] kristoffer: Democrats wouldn't have invaded Iraq
[1:17 PM] kristoffer: Just like they wouldn't have invaded Vietnam
[1:17 PM] kristoffer: Or Korea
[1:18 PM] Chi: lol
[1:18 PM] kristoffer: Just kidding, I'm being a troll.



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Whenever I search for "Syria" or "Assad" on Twitter, I realize how many different ways bodies can be disfigured by bombs.

I... don't know what the solution is here.

The US should support the Rojava Kurds more directly without boots on the ground, and take a harder stance against Turkish aggression. The SDF are a really formidable force who are more than willing to cooperate with the US.

As bad as Assad is, he probably isn't going to go. And most of the opposition forces are really no better.

The independence of Rojava is a more realistic goal than ousting Rojava, and would create a formally-recognized US ally in the Middle East.
The US should support the Rojava Kurds more directly without boots on the ground, and take a harder stance against Turkish aggression. The SDF are a really formidable force who are more than willing to cooperate with the US.

As bad as Assad is, he probably isn't going to go. And most of the opposition forces are really no better.

The independence of Rojava is a more realistic goal than ousting Rojava, and would create a formally-recognized US ally in the Middle East.

Turkey is a far more useful ally than an unstable, not even majority ethnically Kurd Rojava state.


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Turkey is a far more useful ally than an unstable, not even majority ethnically Kurd Rojava state.

The current Turkish regime has no intention of working with the US in any meaningful capacity.

The formal recognition of Rojava would also be a huge symbolic victory, as it's the only legitimately secular and democratic society in the Middle East.


Which post 2000 3D Mario would Gore have liked best, you think? Personally, I'm sure he's into 3D World.

I think this is pretty obviously Mario Galaxy. As First Emperor of the Moon, Gore obviously prefers a space theme. Plus, the Space Junk Galaxy is a useful story about environmentalism.
I don't like lemonade

Water is the GOAT summer beverage

Water? Ewwww.

Raspberry or strawberry?

I'm allergic to strawberries. Whatever Country Time Pink lemonade is.

I think this is pretty obviously Mario Galaxy. As First Emperor of the Moon, Gore obviously prefers a space theme. Plus, the Space Junk Galaxy is a useful story about environmentalism.

This makes sense.


The current Turkish regime has no intention of working with the US in any meaningful capacity.

The formal recognition of Rojava would also be a huge symbolic victory, as it's the only legitimately secular and democratic society in the Middle East.

that's a very neocon line of thinking.

Sure, it would be a nice thing if Rojava became a state in the middle east, but basically all of the states in the middle east oppose it. It would simply create another huge giant mess that we would have to be involved in.
You can dislike a guy personally but still think he's doing a good job. When you're in the job what generally matters is how you're doing. Gore ran from a guy who the American people thought was doing a very good job, there's no world where that isn't a mistake.

Maybe Al exercised his conscience and stepped away from Bill over his poor regulatory decisions, shameful sexual relations with a WH intern, and the fact he let someone like Hillary try to push healthcare. It was a reasonable decision in my book.
Which makes Gore running from him even stupider. He should have embraced Bill as hard as he could have, just like Hillary has been doing with Obama.

Supposedly neither Bill nor Hillary have ever forgiven him for fucking that up and Hillary swore to never make the same mistake.

Can't believe how much of an idiot Gore was.
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