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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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There is no way Trump will get away with a "virtual wall" when he has been using that as the deflection from his flip on deportations. He might get away with a pivot on one but not both


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I don't know what a Vita is. Nobody truly knows.

A boy genius who failed to live up to the expectations of it's parents.
Also, had a nasty prescription drug addition, and only liked one brand. It was coincidentally made by his parents.
I should have probably said Lolgaf, but it doesn't sound as well.

I don't know what a Vita is. Nobody truly knows.

The Vita isn't any one thing. It is a spiritual concept that few understand and appreciate.

I used to preach its gospel and then I got banned for it. I spent two weeks listening to Green Day's 21 Guns and now don't really talk about it anymore.

I would say my love of the Vita has greatly informed and shaped my political identity, including my empathy towards the disadvantaged, my disgust with victim-blaming, and my outrage over economic inequality.

That Vita's name? Albert Einstein. Really makes you think.


Funny seeing those Ohio poll results. I live in Cincinnati and last week I was polled for the first time in my life.

I don't know how common it is everywhere, but I was raised to vote across the ballot. It was a cruch that I leaned on whenever I didn't know anything about the candidates. Instead of educating myself, I would vote to purposefully jam up the system.

Over the years my voting habits have changed. Yet in my poll I still answered the Portman/Strickland as an Undecided. I will most likely vote for Strickland, but I think the ads that are blasting him here gave me pause during the poll.


remember me
Win a dinner with Trump is a scam, lol

And not even in the obvious way


At a glance, the two websites look virtually indistinguishable. Both feature a photo of Donald Trump, in a suit and red tie, in front of a giant American flag. Both seemingly offer a chance for two to win dinner with Donald Trump.
One is at donaldjtrump.com; the other is at dinnerwithtrump.org.

The first belongs to Trump’s campaign. The second is a scheme run by Ian Hawes, a 25-year-old Maryland man who has no affiliation with Trump or his campaign and who has preyed on more than 20,000 unsuspecting donors, collecting more than $1 million in the process.

One person, Jared Peavler of Indiana, posted screenshots of his correspondence with Hawes’ group on Facebook after he complained it was a scam. “I’d like to point out that it clearly states that contributing does NOT increase chances of winning both in the rules within the link and at the bottom of the email,” Peavler wrote, adding in all-caps, “EAT SHIT!”

An email signed by Hawes replied. “Monetary contributions don’t increase your chance of winning, but we do multiply your entries. We’re also a political action committee, so it’s our job to collect contributions. So you can eat your own shit.”

I still can't believe the press is giving credence to the weiner story. They are basically acting as tabloid reporters right now because this literally has no relevance to anything.
I still can't believe the press is giving credence to the weiner story. They are basically acting as tabloid reporters right now because this literally has no relevance to anything.

Paul Ryan may have voted for a child rapist to be Speaker of the House four different times, but there's no need to investigate if he or others knew that they were supporting a child rapist.

Weiner's dick and how bad Huma is as a mother for... having a job... are what the real stories are.



Nate Cohn had a lengthy response to this on Twitter, but the summary is that comparing exit polls to pre-election polls is not correct and will lead you into many errors. Comparing Romney's pre-election Catholic margins to Trump's pre-election Catholic margins would be a better idea.

It does not surprise me that Trump's losing Catholics horribly, though, since American Catholics are disproportionately Latino.


I was talking to a 90 year old Jesuit priest a week ago and mentioned how Tim Kaine had worked with the Jesuits and the priest started to say something, then looked around and said in a quiet voice "Well, no one here is going to vote for Trump, right?" Ha! You go old priest guy.

Based Tim Kaine

The wall just got virtually 10 feet higher!

10 more gigabytes of wall!
I was watching, lol. He sounded like Mel Gibson in that recorded phone call. Dude sounded like he was about to pass out yelling

If I heard right, the source of most of his anger is a thoroughly debunked photoshop of the Clinton's in blackface in college. I knew he was dumb, but good grief this is delving to new depths of stupid.


I was watching, lol. He sounded like Mel Gibson in that recorded phone call. Dude sounded like he was about to pass out yelling

WTH, he started talking about a meme picture of someone who looks like Bill Clinton (but hasn't been proven to be, I don't think) and a woman in blackface.

The other thing he drones on about a lot (I've heard it in other interviews) is he thinks that a higher minimum wage is the only thing that the Democrats are offering to black people and he thinks it is offensive.
10 minutes into The Situation Room and I'm sick of CNN. Why are they talking about Huma Abedin's marital issues in this way? And why aren't they talking about how gross Trump's attacks are?


The Autumn Wind
10 minutes into The Situation Room and I'm sick of CNN. Why are they talking about Huma Abedin's marital issues in this way? And why aren't they talking about how gross Trump's attacks are?
Wolf Blitzer is the worst offender of CNN's both sides bullshit.
Nate Cohn had a lengthy response to this on Twitter, but the summary is that comparing exit polls to pre-election polls is not correct and will lead you into many errors. Comparing Romney's pre-election Catholic margins to Trump's pre-election Catholic margins would be a better idea.

It does not surprise me that Trump's losing Catholics horribly, though, since American Catholics are disproportionately Latino.

Or college educated people from blue states.


It's a good thing nobody makes a big deal about a candidate's religious connections saying or doing things that raise eyebrows, or this whole Mark Burns thing would be getting a ton of negative coverage. That blackface comic especially could really stir things up considering.

But like I said, it's a good thing nobody does that, because it just wouldn't be Wright.

Wolf Blitzer is the worst

Fixed that for you.


So does Paul Ryan not exist anymore?
It feels like he fell into a black hole.

Can't support Trump or it will be hung around his neck for the rest of eternity.
Can't fight Trump or the wingnuts will come after him like they did Cantor and Boehner.

Either option is a political landmine no matter what happens. I'd go into hiding too.
If you're going to reject certain polls, then an internal poll (in which he's losing!) is the one to reject.
Released internal polls are often cherry picked, but that doesn't mean they're skewed (usually). Although if the best they can show is a poll that has them down, that's not a great sign.

On the other hand, this seat isn't low-hanging fruit for the Democrats by any means, and there's plenty of time for Applegate to pull it off. Also, it's important to note that Issa hasn't responded with a poll of his own, either to this or a DCCC internal that showed it tied. Which is often a sign that his own numbers are similar.

also lol Kentucky gov Matt Bevin may get impeached for being a corrupt asshole


Don't worry Kentucky, I'm sure forgoing your Medicaid coverage was well worth it.
Trump bought ad time in CO? So they think it's in play? Crap, that means WI is only 1 tier removed from a place worth spending money in, and I've been very much enjoying the lack of ads here. On the other hand, CO gets legal weed, so one could argue that that's a reasonable price to pay for having to watch a few Trump adverts. I don't even smoke but would be willing to accept that arrangement for my own state.
I think Pastor Mark Burns feels very strongly about justice for black people. He's not an uncle Tom and he's not a "house negro" as I've heard a black friend call him. Whenever he gets impassioned it's because he thinks the Democrats are not lifting the black race to their full potential. And honestly, if you buy into the mythos of welfare slavery and vote exploitation, you'd feel the same way, too. It's a shame all that energy is wasted on lies and the Republicans. He'd be a good asset if he just saw the light.

Also, he's rude as shit and just talks over everyone. And he believes every other conspiracy theory about Dems under the sun. But hey, that's democracy for you.
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