Bam Bam Baklava
This PPP poll is going to be disappointing, just watch.
my blood pressure is low and if i get up from a chair or bed too long i get dizzy and my vision fades to black and i can't see and i can't think
Have you had a tilt table test? You could have POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) or some other form of Dysautonomia.
And you can grow facial hair.I'ma have to snatch your wig, girl.
Last time I went to the doctor it was 180/110. Hahahahah.
"@OnlineOnTheAir: My friend's son, immediate #autism after #vaccines 10 yrs ago. So sad. Keep up good work Nay-sayers will understand soon."
I think Adam lies more about his own health than Trump does about Hillary's. Otherwise you'd be dead, dawg.
Just took it. 150/95 brah.![]()
These two Hillary avatars are really weirding me out. Perfectly synced comments.
I hope I never get old. I'm really grateful to be in my early to mid 20s.
Nah, he's an Uncle Tom. It's really not that complicated.
I understand him being passionate while advocating for black people and holding Democrats feet to the fire.
Where he completely loses the point though is his failure to point out how, based on the last 50 years, Republicans have indicated that they would be any better for black people, particularly inner city black people. SPECIFICALLY Donald Fucking Trump.
There's no stumping for Trump and claiming he'll be good for black people. And most black conservatives know that. This dude and Daryl Scott are just simping.
I guarantee you Trump hasn't seen a sphygmomanometer since Jacob Bornstein was in active practice. Dr. Harold just eyeballs his blood pressure.
Am I the only person who's not a doctor in this thread?!
But I just call them blood pressure thingies. It gets the point across easierI know what a sphygmo-whatever is.
Not a doctor but I used to be an optician and then an ophthalmic tech and would scrub in.I know eye shit. That's about it, though.
Not a doctor but I used to be an optician and then an ophthalmic tech and would scrub in.I know eye shit. That's about it, though.
Crystal Pepsi is the second best crystal based item I've had today.
Oh, that's PERFECT then. I have a medical question. Sometimes I look in the mirror and my pupils are VERY dilated. Like I just snorted coke or something. But I'm not on drugs. It just happens sometimes.
97% of AA have an unfavorable view of Trump.
His favorable rating isn't even a number.
3% don't know
No, I haven't had that. Whatever it is...?
oh my god how are you alive
A tilt table test is used to evaluate the cause of unexplained fainting (syncope).
Your doctor may recommend a tilt table test if you've had repeated, unexplained episodes of fainting. A tilt table test may also be appropriate to investigate the cause of fainting if you've fainted only once, but another episode would put you at high risk of injury due to your work environment, medical history, age or other factors.
For a tilt table test, you begin by lying flat on a table. Straps are put around your body to hold you in place. After about 15 minutes of lying flat, the table is quickly tilted to raise your body to a head-up position — simulating a change in position from lying down to standing up.
The table will then remain upright for up to 45 minutes, while your heart rate and blood pressure are monitored. This allows doctors to evaluate your body's cardiovascular response to the change in position.
Oh, that's PERFECT then. I have a medical question. Sometimes I look in the mirror and my pupils are VERY dilated. Like I just snorted coke or something. But I'm not on drugs. It just happens sometimes.
97% of AA have an unfavorable view of Trump.
His favorable rating isn't even a number.
3% don't know
97% of AA have an unfavorable view of Trump.
His favorable rating isn't even a number.
3% don't know
Not medical advice, but there are a lot of things that could cause that. Could be changes in the light level. Could be medicine you've taken. Could be a lot of things. I'd recommend having a yearly eye exam, even if you don't need glasses or corrective lenses. Check your pressures and the health of the eye. Always a good thing.
If the light headedness is bothering you, you can see a Neurologist who will order a Tilt Table test. They basically strap you to a table and then it rotates you to standing. They can monitor your bodies response. From Mayo:
Depending on what they find, the problem can be solved with a few different medications.
I thought threading would be more expensive than waxing since it seems more labour intensive.
FYI, those Trump numbers among African American voters is, shockingly, worse than what it was last month. He was at 4% approval last month. Sooooo.....ya.
Clinton 48
Trump 43
Clinton: 42
Trump: 37
Johnson: 6
Stein: 4
McMullin: 1
If y'all wanted all the numbers.
And people say black people aren't a monolithOMG
97% of AA have an unfavorable view of Trump.
His favorable rating isn't even a number.
3% don't know
Look, I'm gonna have to unskew this poll. That 97% unfavorability rating seems pretty low.
Look, I'm gonna have to unskew this poll. That 97% unfavorability rating seems pretty low.
Clinton 48
Trump 43
Clinton: 42
Trump: 37
Johnson: 6
Stein: 4
McMullin: 1
If y'all wanted all the numbers.
LOL at Limbaugh's massive spin about Trump flipflopping on the border wall. Absolutely ludicrous.
No.. Think that's pretty good.Still a scrub roster or no?
So you missed out on the best games of the series?Hey, I think I recognize all of those. I remember playing Pokemon Red and Blue back in the day and those all look like they're from those games. I lost interest after the original games.
Right? Diamond and Pearl were amazingNo.. Think that's pretty good.
So you missed out on the best games of the series?