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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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This fucking guy...
Something I wasn't aware about until yesterday was that neither candidate allows the press to travel with them on their planes and that has not happened before.

With all the arcane artifacts Hillary is using to keep her soul from departing her expired body, I'd imagine flying in her airplane is like a living Doom level.
What? He said he doesn't like that and would not like it if he heard that.

He is spouting Know Nothing bullshit. You try to corner him on anything and it's the first time that he's heard of it. There is absolutely no way that he doesn't know what his crowds are saying and wearing. In this same excerpt he demonstrates that he is obsessed with his crowds, how could he not know that they call Clinton a bitch?

In other news: Here You Go: Listen to Trump’s New CEO Steve Bannon Make a Gay Slur in an Interview

Bannon said:
That’s why there are some unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement. That, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children. They wouldn’t be a bunch of dykes that came from the Seven Sisters schools up in New England. That drives the left insane and that’s why they hate these women.

Do any other Presidential candidates have Change.org petitions to get their name included in the next Pokemon game?! DIDN'T THINK SO!

Harambe/Ash 2016.
The media has been consistently either lying or being inaccurate with that batch of 15000 emails pretending like the FBI might find something when they have long looked through them

Even people Anderson Cooper have done it.
No one is talking about the Mother Jones Story that broke today???

Trump's modeling agency illegally put immigrants to work, basically treated them like slaves.


Two of the former Trump models said Trump's agency encouraged them to deceive customs officials about why they were visiting the United States and told them to lie on customs forms about where they intended to live. Anna said she received a specific instruction from a Trump agency representative: "If they ask you any questions, you're just here for meetings."

When Blais lived in the apartment, she recalled, a Trump agency representative who served as a chaperone had a bedroom to herself on the ground floor of the building. A narrow flight of stairs led down to the basement, where the models lived in two small bedrooms that were crammed with bunk beds—two in one room, three in the other. An additional mattress was located in a common area near the stairs. At times, the apartment could be occupied by 11 or more people.

"We're herded into these small spaces," Kate said. "The apartment was like a sweatshop."

Trump Model Management recruited models as young as 14. "I was by far the oldest in the house at the ripe old age of 18," Anna said. "The bathroom always smelled like burned hair. I will never forget the place!" She added, "I taught myself how to write, 'Please clean up after yourself' in Russian."

A detailed financial statement provided by Blais shows that Trump's agency charged her as much as $1,600 a month for a bunk in a room she shared with five others. Kate said she paid about $1,200 a month—"highway robbery," she called it. For comparison, in the summer of 2004, an entire studio apartment nearby was advertised at $1,375 a month.

Nearly three years after signing with Trump's agency, Blais had little to show for it—and it wasn't for lack of modeling jobs. Under the contracts that she and other Trump models had signed, the company advanced money for rent and various other expenses (such as trainers, beauty treatments, travel, and administrative costs), deducting these charges from its clients' modeling fees. But these charges—including the pricey rent that Blais and her roommates paid—consumed nearly all her modeling earnings. "I only got one check from Trump Models, and that's when I left them," she said. "I got $8,000 at most after having worked there for three years and having made tens of thousands of dollars." (The check Blais received was for $8,427.35.)
I had to take the shot, sorry :p

I mean, at some point you have to ask, if Hillary isn't doing pressers, either the Meek and Mook strategy is better or Hillary can't physically do so many press conferences because her health issues are starting to take a toll on her

You didn't notice how he basically ignores what they said and starts twisting their words into saying that his rallies are getting larger?
it wasn't thaaaaaaaat bad. He acknowledged it! He just didn't take it as seriously as he should. It was aight. C+.

He is spouting Know Nothing bullshit. You try to corner him on anything and it's the first time that he's heard of it. There is absolutely no way that he doesn't know what his crowds are saying and wearing. In this same excerpt he demonstrates that he is obsessed with his crowds, how could he not know that they call Clinton a bitch?
If you twist his arm a bit more he'll come out and say it's unequivocally wrong to say that phrase.
Holy crap, someone's got to go to jail over that.

Interesting twist, Melania also worked for the agency before she and Trump got together and now there have been questions about her past.

Most likely, she was subjected to similar things (working illegally) but Trump discovered her quickly before things went bad for her.


People are going to miss Harambe jokes one day. Unlike the bullet which didn't miss Harambe.
No one is talking about the Mother Jones Story that broke today???

Trump's modeling agency illegally put immigrants to work, basically treated them like slaves.

Wtf, wow, this is fucking twisted and evil. I don't have have anymore words...

I think this is thread worthy.


Interesting twist, Melania also worked for the agency before she and Trump got together and now there have been questions about her past.

Most likely, she was subjected to similar things (working illegally) but Trump discovered her quickly before things went bad for her.
Well...that's dark.


The debates are the make or break for a landslide. I'm pretty sure they'll have historic viewership too. Hope the Clinton campaign puts in work.


I don't view the debates as a way for Trump to get back into the race as much as a way for Clinton to possibly achieve a double digit landslide. If Trump magically performs as a serious, policy driven candidate who precisely prods at Clinton's untrustworthiness without overreaching, the the race will tighten up and Clinton may only win by 4-8%. If Trump is still Trump and gets goaded by Clinton into displaying his worst traits on stage, then I think we'll see the few undecideds flow over to Clinton putting her in the 10-12% range.


I am fully confident Clinton is going to absolutely murder Trump. She's been looking for Trump-stand in, preparing herself for the most intense questions, insults.


No one is talking about the Mother Jones Story that broke today???

Trump's modeling agency illegally put immigrants to work, basically treated them like slaves.


This is pretty...disgusting...

Trump surrounds himself with like-minded crooks. Why isn't any of this clear evidence present the fact that he's unfit for the presidency? How is Hillary just as bad when most of the "scandals" are just conspiracy trash? What the hell?

Trump should be in jail.


Little Marco not committing to his Senate term if reelected.

What's so special about him, he should lose in a landslide.

This shit should be used in tandem with his remarks about the Senate during the campaign to fucking demolish his campaign. He is such a fucking spineless weasel and it should be clear everyone that the only reason he decided to run again was that it was the best way to allow him to run for president again in 2020.

I'm with Jon Favreau and Dan Pfeiffer on this. Outside of Clinton winning and the Dems taking the Senate, there is nothing I want more out of this election than to see Rubio get demolished. Fuck. FUCK. FUUUUUCK.
Why is Deadspin letting Twitter Communists rant and rave about getting banned from Twitter for yelling at Brianna Wu over and over and over again?

How is this good content?
so it looks like the upcoming snowden movie is pretty much a russian propaganda piece based on a fiction book written by a guy with ties to the FSB



“Weird, huh?” Fitzgerald said when I asked about the novel. In fact, few people associated with either Snowden or “Snowden” wanted to discuss it. “I don’t want to say anything on the record about that book,” Gordon-­Levitt told me.

During Stone’s visits, Kucherena hosted the director at his favorite restaurants and at his dacha outside Moscow. “They had a kind of bromance,” Fitzgerald told me. Photos from the trips look like vacation postcards, with Stone and Fitzgerald grinning in Red Army caps (a gift from Kucherena) and Fitzgerald and Gordon-­Levitt posing for a selfie in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral. While out in public, the group referred to Snowden as “Sasha,” a nickname Kucherena had given him.

Why is Deadspin letting Twitter Communists rant and rave about getting banned from Twitter for yelling at Brianna Wu over and over and over again?

How is this good content?



I see nothign on Wu

have you never read gawker or deadspin?
Rubio is going to lose.

Murphy is a solid candidate and fundraiser who was leading consistently in an open field. The only reason Rubio is ahead in the polls right now is because his presidential run gave him insanely high name recognition and Democrats haven't started the general election campaign (the primary is today).

I predict NC and FL will eventually break towards the Democrats. NV will look close but Masto wins comfortably in the end due to NV polling just being terrible in general. In conjunction with winning PA, NH, WI, IL and IN that would give Democrats 53 seats. Hoping they can pick off one or two more from OH, MO and AZ but those are reach contests.
Twitter leftists who say getting banned from Twitter is a crime are reallllly interesting people.

Twitter leftists strongly against Nazis being banned for inciting harassment against black women because.....??????

I never knew a part of The Communist Manifesto was "Social media websites that are over-run with NeoNazis should ban people far less often than GameFAQs does."

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