If Trump says Nieto said Mexico would agree to pay for the wall in the meeting, Nieto's numbers will plummet even more. Nieto has nothing to gain from this meeting besides attacking trump after.
Hahaha I met an intercept writer that knows about GAF this weekend. They're were atttacked by gamergate so it wasn't too surprising, didn't mention poligaf and ItWasntMeantToBe19 though
Gaming side is pretty damn prominent on the web
Thatcher's part of the chart here...
Going up means inequality is getting more extreme, going right means that the poor are getting better off (which can happen with or without inequality increasing or decreasing).
Thatcher's part of the chart is a straight line upwards.
In fact, Obama is the first president since polls were invented to have never gone above 25 percent approval with the opposing party, and Im pretty sure Hillary Clinton would be the second.
So she would start with this baseline level of polarization. Add to that the fact that unless Earth gets attacked by aliens (and maybe not even then), there will never be a truly bipartisan moment in Washington during Clintons presidency. Never not for a week, not for a day, not for a second. There may be times when Republicans agree with the Clinton administration on a particular bill because their interests align (such things do sometimes happen), but even at those times Republicans arent going to be grasping Clintons hand in mutual joy and triumph. Theyll always have an incentive to portray it as either (1) We rolled her, and forced her to do what we wanted, or (2) We hate agreeing with her, but in this case we had to do it, as distasteful as it might be.
Thats because Republicans will have to show their own constituencies that theyre fighting Clinton tooth and nail every day, as part of a self-reinforcing cycle: the members of Congress send the message to their constituents that the president is evil, and the constituents demand that their representatives oppose the president without any hint of compromise.
Among the many things this campaign has accomplished is to solidify a Republican narrative that they will continually reinforce about her if shes president. It says that shes venal, dishonest, rotten to the core, and literally nothing she does is for anything but the worst reasons. Presuming they hold on to at least one house of Congress (or lose them and then get them back in 2018), there will be constant investigations of the administration meant to prove just how corrupt she and those who work for her are. The attacks will be unceasing, because they know that keeping her mired in scandal (even if the scandals are invented) is the best way to hamstring her, keep her administration from achieving policy objectives they disagree with, and increase the likelihood of future Republican victories.
So if Clinton does a terrific job as president, she might manage to get her approval all the way up to 50 percent or so, which would be made up of almost all Democrats, a majority of independents, and a handful of Republicans. But it probably wont ever go much higher than that.
I read this as completely the opposite. It's a bad sign for Trump, not Hillary.
Trump appears to have a real ceiling. Hillary's numbers seem to be afftected by other things.
The way I see it is Hilary is up around 5-7 points, but when Trump does something really stupid (like argue with the Khans) and the media is in full attack mode, his supporters (or at least soft supporters) are less likely participate in polls, similar to a convention bounce.
The real key is that more people than ever believe Hillary is going to defeat Trump and if that number keeps going up, that will lead to a blowout.
I can't believe this injustice.
A few months ago Babchenko was upset to see his daughter, a 3rd grader at a Moscow school, marching in a semi-military uniform and singing patriotic songs at a school event.
We see examples of obscurantism all over the place: Communists running around with Stalin flags, Orthodox priests attending state events; but I still did not expect the appointment of an Orthodox fanatic and a Stalinist as the minister of education and science.
During a recent visit to Crimea, President Putin named Olga Vasilyeva to the post. She seemed to be a deeply religious bureaucrat who devoted her academic research to the patriotic role of the Russian Orthodox Church in Soviet times.
Vasilyeva is also known for defending the record of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator notorious for executing political dissidents, including hundreds of thousands of Orthodox believers. (According to an analysis by Prof. Nikolai Yemelyanov at the Russian Academy of Science, Soviet security agencies killed as many as 500,000 Orthodox Christians.)
Public concern first began to grow after the lecture Vasilyeva gave for Putins United Russia party members in 2013, when she insisted that Stalin was good for the USSRthat he united the nation before World War II. Russian and ethnically non-Russian citizens wanted to know what exactly it means for a child to grow up thinking mass murder by many means, including mass starvation, political purges and forced deportations are all worthwhile to unify a nation.
A Christian zealot, a Stalin supporter, and the minister of education in one package? Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper summed up the situation in a headline: The New Minister of Education is a Symptom of Creeping Stalinization.
So far the new minister of education has not made any comments about her attitude toward Stalin and how it would reflect on the reforms of Russian education, which Vasilyeva said she intended to pursue.
There probably some campaign staffer going through this thread like " there's something wrong with these people"
I read this as completely the opposite. It's a bad sign for Trump, not Hillary.
Trump appears to have a real ceiling. Hillary's numbers seem to be afftected by other things.
The way I see it is Hilary is up around 5-7 points, but when Trump does something really stupid (like argue with the Khans) and the media is in full attack mode, his supporters (or at least soft supporters) are less likely participate in polls, similar to a convention bounce.
The real key is that more people than ever believe Hillary is going to defeat Trump and if that number keeps going up, that will lead to a blowout.
Fixed.This is true.
Obama's approval rating, honestly, should be in the 60s somewhere. If he was white, I think that's where he'd be.
NBC Nightly News @NBCNightlyNews
JUST IN: US Supreme Court declines to allow North Carolina to enforce toughest parts of new voting law, including voter ID requirement.
omgomgomg, we're getting a press conference in Mexico! Serious theory-- Trump cut the guy a check for the photo op. That or the President of Mexico has actually been a Trump plant for years. Would never have figured any President could hate their own country this much.
This is what I've been trying to communicate to the Bernie or Busters that I know. Progress happens in the courts now.Now imagine a Clinton-filled SCOTUS 10 years from now.
Not to mention who doesn't say they'll stick with the job? Do you say during a job interview that you might quit at any time because you don't know what the future holds?So in other news, Rubio did this stupid move:
Why the fuck would Rubio challenge Murphy to any debates, let alone six, when his biggest advantage at this stage is his name recognition. Seriously, even if Rubio just wipes the floor with Murphy, six debates is insane and all they will do is help elevate Murphy's name recognition and help solidify his support amongst Democrats.
This feels like one of those "Hot teens in [your IP town] want to meet you!" ads.Neogaf whaaat?
(At GAF being the #5 referar to Clinton's website)
CON - 41% (+1 from prior poll)
LAB 27% (-1)
UKIP 13% (+0)
LD 9% (+1)
Now imagine a Clinton-filled SCOTUS 10 years from now.
I read this as completely the opposite. It's a bad sign for Trump, not Hillary.
Trump appears to have a real ceiling. Hillary's numbers seem to be afftected by other things.
The way I see it is Hilary is up around 5-7 points, but when Trump does something really stupid (like argue with the Khans) and the media is in full attack mode, his supporters (or at least soft supporters) are less likely participate in polls, similar to a convention bounce.
The real key is that more people than ever believe Hillary is going to defeat Trump and if that number keeps going up, that will lead to a blowout.
That's sort of the way I was reading it too.
This is what I've been trying to communicate to the Bernie or Busters that I know. Progress happens in the courts now.
I hope RBG and Breyer both realize that 2017-2019 will be the time to get out while the gittin' is good.Imagine a Republican Senate blocking her appointments for 6 years.
Imagine a Republican Senate blocking her appointments for 6 years.
Mike MemoliVerified account
Asked about Trump trip, @PressSec noted @POTUS drew 100K in Germany, wondered if Trump "is similarly received"
I clarified a bit earlier that my fear stems from the governing aspect of what that means rather than the electoral aspect. Barring something extremely unexpected happening; I think Clinton is pretty safe electorally speaking (basically, I see three things that could be bad - something super incriminating / TSI pops up in the e-mails, debates go catastrophically bad consistently, or wikileaks has something absolutely bonkers. None of these strike me as a high probability) - but I am worried about the governing aspect.
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 8h8 hours ago Washington, DC
3. Hillary Clinton may well be a weak candidate, but unpopularity alone isn't sufficient to make that case. (And she is unpopular.)
2. Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 8h8 hours ago Washington, DC
Political weakness and strength don't exist in a vacuum, we can't gauge them like they're fighters. ("Rubio's power level is 9000!?!")
1.Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 8h8 hours ago Washington, DC
"Hillary Clinton is lucky to face Trump" never really tries to deal with the fact that Trump roundly beat all his primary competitors.
5. Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 7h7 hours ago Washington, DC
It's like saying "She's lucky there is a Republican Party." @cmholub
4. Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 7h7 hours ago Washington, DC
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Christian Holub
This presumes there was ever a chance that someone like Kasich could win the primary to begin with.
7. Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 7h7 hours ago Washington, DC
That she's near dominant right now is a function of Trump, but she would have been competitive with any one of Cruz, Rubio or Bush.
6. Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 7h7 hours ago Washington, DC
My hot take is that HRC has strengths and weaknesses that make her competitive but not dominant in most political environments.
8. Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 7h7 hours ago Washington, DC
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Chase Cunningham
Someone really needs to outline the world in which Kasich would have been the nominee.
This video is waaaaaaaay better.To Mook and the rest of the Clinton campaign staff just tuning in to find out what NeoGAF is, let me post this explanatory video about PoliGAF:
Fox News will have their new poll after 6:00pm est.
Thats sad![]()
Dude that article buried the lede.
The 5th top referer to Trump's website is unsubscribe.trump2016.com.
Hope: Hillary +5
Fear: Hillary +2
How is it even possible to be a devout Orthodox and a Stalinist? Like, how?
Benjy Sarlin
Periodic reminder: This is our politics at 5% unemployment, crime at historic lows, illegal immigration way down. Imagine if that changes?
9:53am · 31 Aug 2016 · TweetDeck
Mike MemoliVerified account
Asked about Trump trip, @PressSec noted @POTUS drew 100K in Germany, wondered if Trump "is similarly received"
Hope: Hillary +5
Fear: Hillary +2
Ok. You translate Spanish into perfect English in real-time whine simultaneously listening to the speech.This translator on CNN is garbage.
This is just gonna be a fucking love fest?
anyone have a stream that isn't as terrible as the wash post one?