This is an awfully generous way of ignoring:
1. That Trump is getting crushed
2. That Trump is going to get demolished perhaps unlike anything in 2-3 generations
3. That we are still STILL recovering from the aftershocks of 9/11, Bush, Cheney, Iraq, Katrina, the housing collapse, the Great Recession and all of that before fucking racists melted down their entire party because a black man was elected president.
4. That wages are still stagnant and an entire generation of kids are up to their eyeballs in student loans
they don't believe will ever be paid off.
So yeah, shit's bad even though the data looks good. The politics reflect the time. The tea party / white supremacy party does not exist in a vacuum and is not something to write off. We're seeing the last gasps of George Wallace and the first breaths of post globalized fascism. We have a long ways to go.