Did Patrick Healy even watch the speech?Really, New York Times? You're calling this a pivot?
Did Patrick Healy even watch the speech?Really, New York Times? You're calling this a pivot?
Did Patrick Healy even watch the speech?
Really, New York Times? You're calling this a pivot?
Justin Trudeau sitting in Canada right now like "You're not gonna fool me, Mr. Trump. Nuh uh, not me!"
Really? Do you really still think that at this point? I mean, normally, I'd agree. But this is after the AP of all places doubled-down on their Clinton Foundation story and how the terrible and unprofessional way in which they handled and presented it on social media. Given that, I expect absolutely nothing at this point from even the big names like the AP and NYT. They just don't seem to give a fuck anymore, and are just going with whatever narrative they want, regardless of how little sense it makes or whether it's at all connected with reality or not.
NYT claimed Huma was a liability to the Clinton campaign despite the whole thing being Weaver's fault. They're full of shit.
They're full of shit? Or their one, single author that wrote that one article was momentarily wrong?NYT claimed Huma was a liability to the Clinton campaign despite the whole thing being Weaver's fault. They're full of shit.
The AP got dumped on by the Times and the Post for their article, though!
I do expect better from the NYT, and as I keep saying, I feel like liberals are starting to have an epistemic closure problem with regards to the media. No matter what the papers or cable news says, every response is "they just want a horserace! They're creating a narrative! The truth doesn't matter to them!"
This strikes me as a poor and one-dimensional mental model of how newsrooms actually work, but it also strikes me as just demonstrably false given the coverage that Trump has actually received over the course of this campaign. There are certainly things that have surprised me -- this article is one, and the alt-right speech coverage was another -- but they surprised me mainly because most of Trump's coverage has in fact been overwhelmingly negative.
I will note that the surprising articles I mentioned all seemed to come out after Conway/Bannon got hired, so it's possible they know how to play the media properly (that is supposed to be Bannon's stock in trade) and they're flipping the script, I guess. But I don't know that I have enough data to conclude that yet.
What is a Lawrence O'Donnell?I guess Lawrence O'Donnell has a show.
They're full of shit? Or their one, single author that wrote that one article was momentarily wrong?
They're full of shit? Or their one, single author that wrote that one article was momentarily wrong?
The AP got dumped on by the Times and the Post for their article, though!
I do expect better from the NYT, and as I keep saying, I feel like liberals are starting to have an epistemic closure problem with regards to the media. No matter what the papers or cable news says, every response is "they just want a horserace! They're creating a narrative! The truth doesn't matter to them!"
This strikes me as a poor and one-dimensional mental model of how newsrooms actually work, but it also strikes me as just demonstrably false given the coverage that Trump has actually received over the course of this campaign. There are certainly things that have surprised me -- this article is one, and the alt-right speech coverage was another -- but they surprised me mainly because most of Trump's coverage has in fact been overwhelmingly negative.
I will note that the surprising articles I mentioned all seemed to come out after Conway/Bannon got hired, so it's possible they know how to play the media properly (that is supposed to be Bannon's stock in trade) and they're flipping the script, I guess. But I don't know that I have enough data to conclude that yet.
What is a Lawrence O'Donnell?
Probably not. Dude probably got an advance copy and figured that's what would be said, because that's what usually happens.
Egg on the face of everyone involved in this getting published.
Maggie HabermanReporter
10:07 PM ET
The press was given word of an expected pivot on immigration over the last 10 days.
Maggie HabermanReporter
10:18 PM ET
The Trump campaign has not sent out the text of his speech, so it is impossible to tell precisely what was supposed to be in this speech and how much is Trump off-the-cuff.
The thing I don't get, and I really, really am having trouble with this, is why the media suddenly needs to be handed a sentence word for word for them to accept it as what just happened.
If Donald Trump says "I'm going to murder rabbits" They'll immediately come back with "Well, he didn't say anything about bunnies, so he's pivoted/softened/backed off" nd the
I mean, Axelrod on twitter?
David Axelrod ‏@davidaxelrod 2h2 hours ago Michigan, USA
Missing from this hail of red meat: The mass deportation he promised for a year.
He LITERALLY said everyone who is here illegally can be deported. There would be no amnesty, and the only way you can stay is if you leave and then come back in, this time legally.
Like, we're not asking for HUGE leaps of logic here.
The live blog mentioned there was no copy of any speech given out to anyone ahead of it. Looks like everyone got played lol
Then how the fuck did this even happen? How do you fuck up this bad on your own? How does this not get caught by editorial?
Seriously, what?
Then how the fuck did this even happen? How do you fuck up this bad on your own? How does this not get caught by editorial?
Seriously, what?
What is a Lawrence O'Donnell?
No, Adam, the mechanism is important here. It's the whole issue. Yes, Trump said everyone here illegally can be deported. But he didn't say he was going to go after them. So if they don't feel like taking the risk of leaving and coming back two years later (if then), then they're just going to stay here and be stuck in exactly the same situation they are now. So without emphasizing a deportation force, of which there will be none, we can assume that nothing is going to change. And that's a big deal.The thing I don't get, and I really, really am having trouble with this, is why the media suddenly needs to be handed a sentence word for word for them to accept it as what just happened.
If Donald Trump says "I'm going to murder rabbits" They'll immediately come back with "Well, he didn't say anything about bunnies, so he's pivoted/softened/backed off" nd the
I mean, Axelrod on twitter?
David Axelrod ‏@davidaxelrod 2h2 hours ago Michigan, USA
Missing from this hail of red meat: The mass deportation he promised for a year.
He LITERALLY said everyone who is here illegally can be deported. There would be no amnesty, and the only way you can stay is if you leave and then come back in, this time legally.
Like, we're not asking for HUGE leaps of logic here.
I'm telling you, for some reason that I don't understand, half of the media is like blind to the fact that he did call for mass deportations...but because he didn't explicitly say those exact words, in that exact order....benefit of the doubt.
I mean, seriously. It's like they've decided the story is to get him caught up in a flip flop is somehow more important than the actual words that come out of his mouth. I don't get it.
No, Adam, the mechanism is important here. It's the whole issue. Yes, Trump said everyone here illegally can be deported. But he didn't say he was going to go after them. So if they don't feel like taking the risk of leaving and coming back two years later (if then), then they're just going to stay here and be stuck in exactly the same situation they are now. So without emphasizing a deportation force, of which there will be none, we can assume that nothing is going to change. And that's a big deal.
NYT copying that WSJ contributor model!Then how the fuck did this even happen? How do you fuck up this bad on your own? How does this not get caught by editorial?
Seriously, what?
No, Adam, the mechanism is important here. It's the whole issue. Yes, Trump said everyone here illegally can be deported. But he didn't say he was going to go after them. So if they don't feel like taking the risk of leaving and coming back two years later (if then), then they're just going to stay here and be stuck in exactly the same situation they are now. So without emphasizing a deportation force, of which there will be none, we can assume that nothing is going to change. And that's a big deal.
But that's not all he said. He said that the police know the people who are here illegally, and it will be so easy to get them out. This was separate from the 2 million that are going to be gone on day one. He said he's revoking every one of Obama's executive orders on immigration. That would put the legal status of DREAMERS into question. And are we literally supposed to believe he's just going to ignore these people?
And, again, he used the words "Special Deportation Task Force"
No, Adam, the mechanism is important here. It's the whole issue. Yes, Trump said everyone here illegally can be deported. But he didn't say he was going to go after them. So if they don't feel like taking the risk of leaving and coming back two years later (if then), then they're just going to stay here and be stuck in exactly the same situation they are now. So without emphasizing a deportation force, of which there will be none, we can assume that nothing is going to change. And that's a big deal.
NY Times isn't completely wrong on this. The deportation force is gone. The buses are gone. Everyone who watched Trump during the primaries had ONE image in their minds when he talked about illegal immigration, and that was "take everyone who doesn't belong here and get them the hell out".
So not mentioning the deportation force was an attempt at softening. And then he didn't want to piss off his base so he doubled down on the racism and the rhetoric and the no-amnesty hard rules. But there's no deportation force and he's not dragging people out of their homes; that policy, btw, we all knew he was going to reverse on when he realized he wasn't going to magically figure out how to deport eleven million people.
NY Times isn't completely wrong on this. The deportation force is gone. The buses are gone. Everyone who watched Trump during the primaries had ONE image in their minds when he talked about illegal immigration, and that was "take everyone who doesn't belong here and get them the hell out".
So not mentioning the deportation force was an attempt at softening. And then he didn't want to piss off his base so he doubled down on the racism and the rhetoric and the no-amnesty hard rules. But there's no deportation force and he's not dragging people out of their homes; that policy, btw, we all knew he was going to reverse on when he realized he wasn't going to magically figure out how to deport eleven million people.
Healy also wrote the recent Times stories on how the Weiner-Abedin split threatens the Clinton campaign & both candidates have health issues
No, Adam, the mechanism is important here. It's the whole issue. Yes, Trump said everyone here illegally can be deported. But he didn't say he was going to go after them. So if they don't feel like taking the risk of leaving and coming back two years later (if then), then they're just going to stay here and be stuck in exactly the same situation they are now. So without emphasizing a deportation force, of which there will be none, we can assume that nothing is going to change. And that's a big deal.
As a former police officer, I find the notion that the police know the people who are here illegally hilarious
NY Times isn't completely wrong on this. The deportation force is gone. The buses are gone. Everyone who watched Trump during the primaries had ONE image in their minds when he talked about illegal immigration, and that was "take everyone who doesn't belong here and get them the hell out".
So not mentioning the deportation force was an attempt at softening. And then he didn't want to piss off his base so he doubled down on the racism and the rhetoric and the no-amnesty hard rules. But there's no deportation force and he's not dragging people out of their homes; that policy, btw, we all knew he was going to reverse on when he realized he wasn't going to magically figure out how to deport eleven million people.
NY Times isn't completely wrong on this. The deportation force is gone. The buses are gone. Everyone who watched Trump during the primaries had ONE image in their minds when he talked about illegal immigration, and that was "take everyone who doesn't belong here and get them the hell out".
So not mentioning the deportation force was an attempt at softening. And then he didn't want to piss off his base so he doubled down on the racism and the rhetoric and the no-amnesty hard rules. But there's no deportation force and he's not dragging people out of their homes; that policy, btw, we all knew he was going to reverse on when he realized he wasn't going to magically figure out how to deport eleven million people.
And what's particularly infuriating is that that copious benefit of the doubt only goes one way. Like, they pretend to be able to figure out even absolutely basic logic like that when it comes to Trump. But somehow Huma's husband being a cheating piece of shit means Clinton's campaign is in it's death kneels, e-mails of people requesting meetings but getting denied means the Clinton Foundation is full of FRAUD and CORRUPTION, and Iran being money they were owed for decades at the same time we were negotiating the release of hostages means that money really wasn't money we owed Iran but it was really a ransom payment because "dat timing though". Like, they can make all those crazy leaps of logic and constantly go there for stuff like that and "connect the dots" just for the sake of having a story, but pretend they can't figure out whether Trump's still for mass deportations or not? C'mon, nam. Just c'mon. Of course, that's nothing new, but still...The thing I don't get, and I really, really am having trouble with this, is why the media suddenly needs to be handed a sentence word for word for them to accept it as what just happened.
If Donald Trump says "I'm going to murder rabbits" They'll immediately come back with "Well, he didn't say anything about bunnies, so he's pivoted/softened/backed off" nd the
I mean, Axelrod on twitter?
David Axelrod ‏@davidaxelrod 2h2 hours ago Michigan, USA
Missing from this hail of red meat: The mass deportation he promised for a year.
He LITERALLY said everyone who is here illegally can be deported. There would be no amnesty, and the only way you can stay is if you leave and then come back in, this time legally.
Like, we're not asking for HUGE leaps of logic here.
Surprise! Donald Trump's self-declared "softening" on immigration is gone, replaced by a recommitment to a hardline policy that could best be described as mass deportation.
Shouting his remarks to a fired-up crowd in Arizona, which has been home to some of the most contentious immigration policy fights of the last decade, Trump pledged a maximal approach that would target ever undocumented immigrant in the country without mercy.
"There will be no amnesty," Trump said. "Our message to the world will be this: You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country."
Whatever crisis of conscience Trump had this month after talking to Hispanic supporters and hearing tales of longtime residents torn from their families passed in the rear-view mirror. Instead, Trump used his remarks in Arizona to reassure his core supporters that he would focus on deporting criminals, but remain true to his original pledge to target all undocumented immigrants without mercy, whether illegal workers or DREAMers or the parents of U.S. citizens.
Trump also pledged to deport any undocumented immigrant taken in by law enforcement without regard to the severity of their crime or whether they were convicted. To add teeth to this measure, he threatened to cut off federal funding to any "sanctuary city" that ordered local authorities not to work with federal immigration officials.
"We will issue detainers for illegal immigrants who are arrested for any crime whatsoever and they will be placed in immediate removal proceedings — if we even have to do that," Trump said.
To the extent there was a pivot, it appeared to be from the hard right to the alt right.
He had no problem hinting at Operation Wetback.
Then WHY DOESNT HE JUST SAY THE MAGIC WORDS ALREADY. I AM SO CONFUSED BY TRUMP. WHAT DOES HE WANT TO DO.But that's not all he said. He said that the police know the people who are here illegally, and it will be so easy to get them out. This was separate from the 2 million that are going to be gone on day one. He said he's revoking every one of Obama's executive orders on immigration. That would put the legal status of DREAMERS into question. And are we literally supposed to believe he's just going to ignore these people?
And, again, he used the words "Special Deportation Task Force"
He directly referenced it as a solid precedent!
Someone just needs to ask him straight up "Are you going to deport non-criminal illegal immigrants or not?"
Well at least they recognized they fucked up.