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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Can this election please be over. And can Donald Trump please never be mentioned again after November 8th.


Also someone please convince me the election is already over and that Hillary is the next prez. Thanks!


I'm baffled at the strategy here. Why spend weeks hinting at softening your stance on immigration, go to Mexico, and then immediately follow it with a hard-line anti-immigration speech full of easily exploitable quotes?

Let's suppose for a second that winning the election is still something the Trump campaign actually wants.

Kellyanne Conway has probably made the calculation that if around 40% of voters are willing to support Trump hate speech and all, then there is likely an even larger percentage of people willing to support Trump if he just "tones it down a little bit, mmk?"

So the plan is to keep the angry white vote enraged, and moderate and muddy the waters enough with shit like the Mexico visit (thanks, Nieto) to get the not-racist-but-ok-with-racism vote to feel comfortable enough to vote for him. Bank on Republicans' traditionally high turnout regardless of the candidate, while Democrats shoot themselves in the foot getting hung up on Hillary's minor "scandals" enough to not come out to vote.

Not saying it's a winning strategy, but it's obviously the strategy. It's the only route he's got.

This speech was something else. As disgusting as it was, notice that he stayed focused on criminal immigrants for the majority, only sneaking in a bit about all undocumented workers at the very end.


Rachel is going on at midnight EST tonight and she is gonna draaaaaag this motherfucker. I think I may actually make some coconut oil popcorn for it.
I'm baffled at the strategy here. Why spend weeks hinting at softening your stance on immigration, go to Mexico, and then immediately follow it with a hard-line anti-immigration speech full of easily exploitable quotes?

I was listening to the speech on the way home thinking the same thing.

Maybe he wanted to see if softening would move the needle and when it didn't he went back?
Let's suppose for a second that winning the election is still something the Trump campaign actually wants.

Kellyanne Conway has probably made the calculation that if around 40% of voters are willing to support Trump hate speech and all, then there is likely an even larger percentage of people willing to support Trump if he just "tones it down a little bit, mmk?"

So the plan is to keep the angry white vote enraged, and moderate and muddy the waters enough with shit like the Mexico visit (thanks, Nieto) to get the not-racist-but-ok-with-racism vote to feel comfortable enough to vote for him. Bank on Republicans' traditionally high turnout regardless of the candidate, while Democrats shoot themselves in the foot getting hung up on Hillary's minor "scandals" enough to not come out to vote.

Not saying it's a winning strategy, but it's obviously the strategy. It's the only route he's got.

This speech was something else. As disgusting as it was, notice that he stayed focused on criminal immigrants for the majority, only sneaking in a bit about all undocumented workers at the very end.

He basically threw this strategy under the bus tonight. Which is why I am baffled.
I'm referring to the families who were endorsing Trump because they lost their children to supposedly illegal immigrants.

Having an a tragedy occur in your family doesn't give you the right to condemn millions completely unrelated to it. There's no reason to hedge here.


He basically threw this strategy under the bus tonight. Which is why I am baffled.

He didn't. This is the stretegy.

LOL - listen to the The Last Word right now, they're basically doing what I just predicted. He was loud and bombastic, but he snuck in just enough muddy language to keep people talking about what he really meant.

The hardcore supporters will hear his bombast and his last word on all undocumented workers.

The on-the-fence-but-really-wants-to-support-Trump voters will hear his focus on criminal immigrants and b a-ok with that.

And neither group will give a fuck about the facts.
He didn't. This is the stretegy.

LOL - listen to the The Last Word right now, they're basically doing what I just predicted. He was loud and bombastic, but he snuck in just enough muddy language to keep people talking about what he really meant.

The hardcore supporters will hear his bombast and his last word on all undocumented workers.

The on-the-fence-but-really-wants-to-support-Trump voters will hear his focus on criminal immigrants and b a-ok with that.

And neither group will give a fuck about the facts.

I don't buy it. The word coming out of this will be that Trump is still taking a hard anti-immigration stance and there will be the soundbites to reinforce it. If Trump were committed to this strategy the messaging and wording would have been a lot different tonight.



RNC 2012 Autopsy


I don't buy it. The word coming out of this will be that Trump is still taking a hard anti-immigration stance and there will be the soundbites to reinforce it. If Trump were committed to this strategy the messaging and wording would have been a lot different tonight.

Well, I hope you're right. But after this speech I honestly think that's the strategy if there's even a strategy at all.
That speech isn't going to gain him any supporters. I would hope he would lose some supporters but since his numbers really haven't declined or risen I doubt it will affect much polling wise. I expect the race to stay a static 4-6 points nationally until the debates
Well, I hope you're right. But after this speech I honestly think that's the strategy if there's even a strategy at all.

I think there may not be a strategy at all. Or at least not a unified one. Trump's campaign has been a mess of conflicting voices forever, it probably still is.


So, what was the general gist of his speech? Honestly stopped paying a bit of attention after he took about 50 billion different positions on the issue.


Get ready for the email spam lol. I have a monthly donation set up and they pretend like I haven't given a dime.

Oh, I have been on her donation list since October 2015. I just wasn't planning on donating within the next couple weeks, but the speech clinched it.
That and the FEC deadline.
So, what was the general gist of his speech? Honestly stopped paying a bit of attention after he took about 50 billion different positions on the issue.

Stole this from /PolitcalDiscussion/:

In case anyone is wondering what happened "policy wise'', I took notes:

1.) Build a great wall along the southern border. Mexico will pay for the wall. Above and below ground sensors for/on the wall, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower to keep out the cartels. Mexico will work with us.

2.) End catch and release. Anyone who illegally crosses the border will be detained and removed back to the countries from which they came. And not dropped just across the border, but “great distances – back where they came from.”

3.) Zero tolerance for criminal aliens. “He wants to begin moving the 2 million criminals out day 1 as soon as I take office.” In local operation with local and state law enforcement. “Day 1, my first hour in office, those people are gone.”

4.) Issue detainers for illegal immigrants who are detained for any crimes and they will be put into deportation immediately. Repeal the Obama Administration executive orders “immediately.” Cooperate closely with local jurisdictions to remove criminal aliens immediately. Restore the Secure Communities Program and expand and revitalize the 287G partnerships to identify “100s of 1,000s of illegal aliens in local jails.”

5.) “On my first day in office I will ask Congress to pass Kate’s Law named for Kate Steinle. And the Officers Davis and Oliver bill to ensure that criminal aliens are swiftly identified and removed.”

6.) Triple the number of ICE deportation officers. Create, within ICE, a new special deportation task force to identify illegal aliens that have evaded justice.
7.) Hire 500,000 more Border Patrol agents and put them on the border instead of behind desks. Expand the number of Border Patrol stations significantly.

8.) Block funding for sanctuary cities (block here means to stop funding to any municipalities that declare themselves sanctuary cities, not block funding as in block grants).

9.) Cancel “unconstitutional executive orders and enforce all immigration laws. Immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal amnesties. All immigration laws will be enforced.”

10.) Suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate cannot occur. “Extreme Vetting.” Countries from which immigration would be suspended would include places like Syria and Libya.”Resettle the refugees in safe zones in their own countries that will be paid for by the Gulf (Arab) states”. (!?) New screening tests, including an ideological certification.

11.) “We will ensure that other countries take their people back when we order them deported.”

12.) Institute a” biometric entry/exit visa system” “On air, land, and sea.”

13.) Turn off the jobs and benefits magnets for illegal immigrants. Ensure that e-verify is used to the maximum allowed by law and work with Congress to expand it.

14.) Reform illegal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its people, specifically its workers. Establish a new Immigration Commission to reform immigration goals – set limits within historic norms, ensure assimilation of immigrants and their ability to be self sufficient. Choose immigrants based on merit, skills, and proficiency. Sunset visa laws


Well, at this point, one thing is for certain.

Trump is not going to pivot, at least not in the traditional sense (all those primary jokes about Trump pivoting even further to the right? welp...lol)

So from here on out I think Hillary needs to treat Trump like she started treating Bernie at the end of the primaries: fucking ignore him. Don't chase the rabbit and get caught up pointing out all Trump's negative shit, because he made it abundantly clear tonight that he has no intention of crawling up out of the mud at any point between tonight and November 8. The country, the world, knows how hateful this man is, and if they forget he is going to keep reminding them himself.

So let him go. Pay him dust. Hillary needs to get out there, focus on getting her numbers up, create some positive moments for herself, and get her base riled up. Because that's what this election is going to come down to.

But fuck Trump, and #GurlBYE to the right.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Lol Hugh Hewlitt

Basically saying he Trump has softened his tone tonight.

Btw get ready To hear "tone" a lot for the next few days.


Lol Hugh Hewlitt

Basically saying he Trump has softened his tone tonight.

Btw get ready To hear "tone" a lot for the next few days.

Wait, what? How could anybody read his tone tonight as anything other than hostile or impassioned? It was the same rough tone he used in his GOP convention speech.


Well, at this point, one thing is for certain.

Trump is not going to pivot, at least not in the traditional sense (all those primary jokes about Trump pivoting even further to the right? welp...lol)

So from here on out I think Hillary needs to treat Trump like she started treating Bernie at the end of the primaries: fucking ignore him. Don't chase the rabbit and get caught up pointing out all Trump's negative shit, because he made it abundantly clear tonight that he has no intention of crawling up out of the mud at any point between tonight and November 8. The country, the world, knows how hateful this man is, and if they forget he is going to keep reminding them himself.

So let him go. Pay him dust. Hillary needs to get out there, focus on getting her numbers up, create some positive moments for herself, and get her base riled up. Because that's what this election is going to come down to.

But fuck Trump, and #GurlBYE to the right.

Wait a second. Didn't you argue that Hillary needed to switch to a positive message when Trump was "pivoting," and now you're arguing that Hillary needs to switch to a positive message because Trump is doubling down?


Whoa whoa whoa, royalan. I thought you've been hitting Hillary for not going hard after Trump, and now you're saying she should ignore him after all?

She needs to present herself in a positive light, but she can't just ignore Trump's insanity, in my opinion. Attacking Trump is how you rile up your base.

^ haha. I'm confused now
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