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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Well I called it.

When you guys were going nuts over the Trump early August implosion and declaring the race over, I told you if Trump narrows it back down to 3-4 points by labor day, we'll have a ball game.

Going by the latest polls, Trump is going to do just that by this weekend. It's not just margin of error buoyancy, in just about every national and state poll, the race has tightened.

That said, I still think Trump will lose at the end of the day but Clinton will not be able to coast to the finish.

it was always too good to last, but i think he definitely gave enough ammo for the rest of the cycle to the clinton campaign. i don't think it's even been a real fight either. clinton's kind of... not doing much. maybe they don't feel like she needs to be on the campaign trail, but i think it's important she gets in front of people at least once a week in key states, and needs to get major surrogates out there too. raise excitement so that polls are really in her favor when early voting starts.

if next week things are still quiet, i will start to panic.


I don't understand why people are saying she hasn't been campaigning. She's not been hidden in a bunker somewhere. Part of her strategy is going local rather than national in the battleground states, but also you have to remember the press simply don't report on policy anymore. Clinton has given policy addresses and details and it's vanished without a trace. The press are only interested in reporting fighting, insults and corruption it seems - what exactly should Clinton have been doing differently?


I don't understand why people are saying she hasn't been campaigning. She's not been hidden in a bunker somewhere. Part of her strategy is going local rather than national in the battleground states, but also you have to remember the press simply don't report on policy anymore. Clinton has given policy addresses and details and it's vanished without a trace. The press are only interested in reporting fighting, insults and corruption it seems - what exactly should Clinton have been doing differently?
Clinton yesterday laid out legitimate policy regarding mental health yet no one in the media has said a peep about it. I think the Trump effect has them only caring if Clinton holds a Rally or a Press conference. The reporting is incredibly dissapointing.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers 1h1 hour ago

Clinton up in Nebraska? Tied in SC?

Where is Trump getting the electoral numbers to ever pull this off? The national race is tightening and some state numbers are as well, but nowhere near the amount he needs to win.
I find the worst posts usually include the phrases "I called it" or "I have been saying for a long time"

Thanks. <8

it was always too good to last, but i think he definitely gave enough ammo for the rest of the cycle to the clinton campaign. i don't think it's even been a real fight either. clinton's kind of... not doing much. maybe they don't feel like she needs to be on the campaign trail, but i think it's important she gets in front of people at least once a week in key states, and needs to get major surrogates out there too. raise excitement so that polls are really in her favor when early voting starts.

if next week things are still quiet, i will start to panic.


Also Clinton has done a strong air campaign during August. It may not show in the polls immediately, but I think all those negative Trump ads will begin to take its toll, especially if Trump starts exhibiting some of the same behaviors in the debate, reaffirming those ads.

It's just the media loves a horse race, so if the polls keep tightening (within 2-3 points or so), then the media will proclaim, "The race for the White House is in a virtual tie!!!" and some people on the fence might give Trump a second look and make the race righter than it should be.

If Hilary can get around the Emails and Foundation issues, then yeah there's enough ammo on Trump to hold back him back in the swing states and other purple states and she could even creep into some Red states.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't understand why people are saying she hasn't been campaigning. She's not been hidden in a bunker somewhere. Part of her strategy is going local rather than national in the battleground states, but also you have to remember the press simply don't report on policy anymore. Clinton has given policy addresses and details and it's vanished without a trace. The press are only interested in reporting fighting, insults and corruption it seems - what exactly should Clinton have been doing differently?

I don't think it is appreciated that she is running a campaign employing 300+ people that will be working to turn out the vote and actually win the election. So there is this feeling that all she does is do fundraisers and go sleep in her memory foam bed. She has to do fundraisers to keep the apparatus moving!

Then again no one seems to actually care about the apparatus. There is apparently the feeling now that a poll that shows Stein getting 4% even though she's not on the ballot in many states is ok so why have GOTV at all really.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Thanks. <8


Also Clinton has done a strong air campaign during August. It may not show in the polls immediately, but I think all those negative Trump ads will begin to take its toll, especially if Trump starts exhibiting some of the same behaviors in the debate, reaffirming those ads.

It's just the media loves a horse race, so if the polls keep tightening (within 2-3 points or so), then the media will proclaim, "The race for the White House is in a virtual tie!!!" and some people on the fence might give Trump a second look and make the race righter than it should be.

If Hilary can get around the Emails and Foundation issues, then yeah there's enough ammo on Trump to hold back him back in the swing states and other purple states and she could even creep into some Red states.

Let’s just look at your post for a second, because I think it was so unavoidably smarmy that I want to respond to it one-off. First, it’s not politically insightful or sharp to suggest that presidential races in modern America coming in at one party holding an 8 point lead in early August will tighten as the race progresses, partisans come home, and convention bounces fade. Presidential politics are incredibly polarized; even popular candidates that are generally perceived favorably see their races tighten (a fact which has been obscured by probability trackers on sites like 538 that give very important weights to time remaining in a race) like Obama/Romney four years ago. Presidential races are not like Congressional or Senatorial races. So adding that you “called it” while then suggesting “[us] guys” were so excited for Trump’s implosion that the forest was missed for the trees to me is a pretty direct insult to people that have been following presidential politics for their adult lives.

There was certainly no consensus here in the home of Diablos that this was over. You'd only think that if you parachuted in temporarily to remind people what you called weeks ago or what you said back in 1984.

Unfortunately, you were missing the word “folks,” but the sports analogy comes pretty close.

I’m a little frustrated with the daily microanalysis that people are doing and freaking out about on a regular basis. I swear I see more kvetching about biased media reporting, Don Lemon, one or two polls in a series of 10 polls, and Katrina Pierson than I do in places that supposedly are full of political neophytes. Does David Plouffe have to tweet every day? This is in many ways one of the least interesting elections in the modern era. The fundamentals of this election are sound: the economy is OK, the outgoing president is popular, and the other party’s nominee is almost cripplingly challenged by demographics. Oh, and Hillary is building the largest campaign apparatus in history to get everyone out to vote.

I can promise people one thing: you don’t know better than the Clinton campaign. You have less information than they do. If they are not doing something obvious, it is probably because the candidate herself has decided she does not to do it. I used to be in this boat. Last May and June I wanted to know why Hillary just wouldn’t apologize for her email server. I learned it’s because she’s not sorry. She’s not sorry today. Her “good” answer is only meaningfully different from her bad one in that she has cut the amount of words down. So why doesn’t she do a press conference? Because there’s nothing in it for her to gain. Why is she only doing fundraisers? Well, maybe because she has to grease the wheels of a 300+ person behemoth that is going to get her elected. Why won’t she go on show X or do interview Y or give speech Z? I think you are probably well aware of the reason.

Clinton is not a super strong candidate, but she’s a good one for the opponent she has right now. Keep your eyes on the prize—swing state polls have to tighten to such a degree and then people have to get out to vote despite her opponent’s total lack of actually having a political campaign—and remember you are actually winning.

I’m not suggesting you can’t worry or diablos but let’s have some perspective and just do what we can to win this thing.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Furthermore, the thing that scared me most recently was trump's outreach to white women by pretending to care about minorities. That was the only event that suggested his campaign was aware of its demographic challenges.

Do you still think that's the angle after last night?


I don't understand why people are saying she hasn't been campaigning. She's not been hidden in a bunker somewhere. Part of her strategy is going local rather than national in the battleground states, but also you have to remember the press simply don't report on policy anymore. Clinton has given policy addresses and details and it's vanished without a trace. The press are only interested in reporting fighting, insults and corruption it seems - what exactly should Clinton have been doing differently?

I think people want Clinton out there like Trump. I'm fine with her doing her rallies and focusing on battleground states right now. We got all of Septemeber, the debates and October to really run the point home.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
I have not really seen a single thing about Obama being out there helping Clinton's campaign - is he still busy doing president stuff or what? When can I expect the Obama bombs to start dropping?


I have not really seen a single thing about Obama being out there helping Clinton's campaign - is he still busy doing president stuff or what? When can I expect the Obama bombs to start dropping?
The White House said that he's cleared his calendar for almost all of October for the purposes of campaigning. He'll essentially be Hillary's other running mate once festivities start.
I have not really seen a single thing about Obama being out there helping Clinton's campaign - is he still busy doing president stuff or what? When can I expect the Obama bombs to start dropping?

September 13th in PA, no other announced dates.
She should hold a press conference about how she's sorry about the emails and how Huma is so much of a liability that she's shutting down the Clinton Foundation and using the endowment to build The Wall.
As mentioned yesterday:

Susan PageVerified account &#8207;@SusanPage 2h2 hours ago
Heads up: We plan to post our new national @USATODAY @Suffolk_U poll at noon. The horserace, who should get in the debates and more.
I really like the writing style in this summary:

NPR: Trump Makes Nice In Mexico, Talks Tougher Than Ever Just Hours Later In Phoenix

In the daylight hours, Trump struck his most presidential pose to date with a solemn (if somewhat grumpy) reading of prepared remarks at a news conference alongside Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto. That somber event, inside the Mexican presidential residence, epitomized the more moderate image Trump has pursued on immigration issues over the past ten days.

But as night fell in Phoenix, back in the U.S.A., Trump mounted the stage in prime time and quickly caught fire. He poured forth an hour-long harangue against all things alien, highlighting the lurid crimes of a handful of illegal immigrants as if to define the character of millions. He also promised to build "a beautiful wall" across the entire U.S.-Mexico border and create a "deportation task force" that would eventually guarantee that "the bad ones are gone."

Listening to the speech, marveling at the about-face maneuver, one could almost hear the spirited debate within the councils of Trump's campaign. One imagined Kellyanne Conway, the pollster-cum-campaign manager, arguing for the quickie trip to Mexico and the confab with Peña Nieto. Since stepping up in mid-August, she has been seen as a moderating influence, seeking a new tone and tenor more appealing to white suburban voters (especially women and college graduates).

With Conway seeming to be ascendant, one could easily imagine the day ending with a very different speech in Phoenix. Would Trump not hail his conquest of Mexico City, citing his domination of the news conference where he practically had the Mexican president poised on his knee? Would Trump not repeat his lines of praise for "first, second and third-generation Mexican-Americans" he said were "beyond reproach" and even "spectacular, hard-working people"?

The die seemed to be cast, and the timing seemed propitious. Because two weeks of adverse publicity about the Clinton Foundation and its donors and about newly discovered emails at the State Department have helped erode Hillary Clinton's already weak standing with voters. For the first time, her disapproval numbers were almost equal to Trump's. Conway seemed to have found just the right moment to raise her candidate's acceptability score in contrast with his opponent.

But if this was the opportunity for a turnaround that changed the broad public perception of Trump, it was a moment not only missed but thrust away with both hands.

Trump made a point of including in his ban the "dreamers," present in the U.S. now as adults because they were brought to the country as minor children by their parents. This has been an especially popular target group for immigration reformers, and President Obama protected them from deportation orders with one of his executive actions.

At some point, Trump allowed, "we will bring back the good ones." But moments after making this concession to what he has called "being humane about it," Trump was filling the stage with the grieving parents of people killed by immigrants in the country illegally.

Gimme gimme more.


White Ex-Officer in Atlanta Is Indicted in Death of Unarmed Black Man [NY Times, AP]
A grand jury on Wednesday indicted a white former Atlanta police officer on charges of murder and other counts in the June death of an unarmed black man, the former officer’s lawyer said.

The Fulton County grand jury indicted the former officer, James Burns, on charges of felony murder, aggravated assault, making a false statement and two counts of violation of oath of office in the killing of Deravis Caine Rogers, 22, according to Drew Findling, the defense lawyer. Mr. Burns has been free on bond since his arrest.

I find the worst posts usually include the phrases "I called it" or "I have been saying for a long time"
But Kev, I have been saying for a long time that FF15 is going to suck
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