The Chosen One
Lets just look at your post for a second, because I think it was so unavoidably smarmy that I want to respond to it one-off. First, its not politically insightful or sharp to suggest that presidential races in modern America coming in at one party holding an 8 point lead in early August will tighten as the race progresses, partisans come home, and convention bounces fade. Presidential politics are incredibly polarized; even popular candidates that are generally perceived favorably see their races tighten (a fact which has been obscured by probability trackers on sites like 538 that give very important weights to time remaining in a race) like Obama/Romney four years ago. Presidential races are not like Congressional or Senatorial races. So adding that you called it while then suggesting [us] guys were so excited for Trumps implosion that the forest was missed for the trees to me is a pretty direct insult to people that have been following presidential politics for their adult lives.
There was certainly no consensus here in the home of Diablos that this was over. You'd only think that if you parachuted in temporarily to remind people what you called weeks ago or what you said back in 1984.
Point taken.
Just keep in mind, this thread now moves very fast and with work & life, I just don't have the time to read every post or comment every few hours. So it may seem like I'm parachuting in, but I've been a part of PoliGAF since '07 before Obama was elected. It's just difficult for me to keep up with all the new posters and daily minutia going on in the thread. I basically have to take small samples reading every few pages, so if I'm misrepresenting people's viewpoints or existing political knowledge, then I'm sorry. But sometimes there's still value in stating the obvious because people do get wound up in the daily tracking polls that they lose sight of normal election trends.