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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Is it me, or maybe because Obama was a better candidate and handled it better, but does it seem like the sexism Hillary has to deal with this year is far worse than the racism Obama had to deal with?

It seems wayyy worse to me. It's so blatant sometimes, but you call it out and you just get told to stop playing the woman card.

Is it because racism is just easier to point at? "Obama has a funny name, he's not a real American" is a lot more blatant than "I just don't like her. She's not genuine. She should smile and joke more" which is just subtle enough to sound like legit criticism, but is formed from deep rooted sexism.

Sexism is probably more socially acceptable.

This skank was like gagging so much for it there was liquid coming out of her whatever.

Is probably more commonplace in conversation than that negro looks like he is going to rob me and throw my body into a den of Mexican rapists.

Although it depends on how many deplorables you have in your vicinity basket I guess.
I think the lack of fact checking by the networks is going to get slammed on social media after the debate. Which means, hopefully, they'll adjust for the next debate.
I think the lack of fact checking by the networks is going to get slammed on social media after the debate. Which means, hopefully, they'll adjust for the next debate.

Most young people will probably stream the debate.

I wonder what kind of fact-checking opportunities are available for a platform that is literally mile-a-minute social media.
GAFs own Gary Whitta just retweeted this, and I would die if it actually happened.

Oh god. He's doubling down

James TarantoVerified account
‏@jamestaranto James Taranto Retweeted Steven Greenhouse
What would you call if it scientists ran around shouting "Pants on fire!" and "Four Pinocchios!"?

Remember every time you read a wall street journal editorial this is what one of the members thinks about facts

Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine 43%
Donald Trump/Mike Pence 41%
Gary Johnson/Bill Weld 8%
Someone Else 2%
Undecided 5%
Refused 1%

that stein shade!


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
My enthusiasm for the debate has entirely bottomed out. I don't think it even matters how well Hillary does.Trump is going to get away with spouting whatever fucking nonsense he wants, avoid actually answering any questions, and look like the victim of partisan media when he gets called out on bald-faced lies. Meanwhile if Hillary isn't perfectly intelligent and level-headed she will be raked over the coals.

I am frustrated by the gullibility of so many Americans and the media's complicity in allowing them to remain so woefully misinformed.
I've been very critical of 538 but after a single poll moved their model 7% (I know their last poll had Clinton ahead but that was in early August) I just can't take them seriously. Move it a couple of percent sure, but 7? That's absurd.

Plus we don't need them to tell us that things are really close right now.

I want to stress that this would be fine if Nate had a satisfactory answer for why his model does this! There's no correct model to use yet, but when using a new one, you need to argue based on theory for why your model is good. Silver hasn't done that well enough for new.


State polling just seems all over the place.

The only thing I feel confident in saying is that Hillary looks to be struggling in IA and OH. Everything else is just too noisy.
I love the horror and outrage from conservatives about the possibility that when Trump says: "I was against regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Egypt always" a moderator interjects: "No, you weren't."


One thing I realized today is if somebody refers to Clinton as "getting emotional" at any point during the debates, my intense rage will probably turn the entire west coast into a smoking crater.
There is a podcast Sam Wang does called the WooCast. In a recent episode, he and his co-host invited Rebecca Traister who has written a lot about gender and politics (the podcast is titled "Gender & Politics") to talk about Hillary Clinton.

Towards the end of the podcast, Traister shares a story about 2008, when Hillary lost Iowa, and then she had a tearful moment in New Hampshire. Hillary goes on to win the New Hampshire primary, and all the coverage from the major publications/networks is about "did she win because she cried?" and so on.

Traister interviewed Ellen Malcolm (founder of EMILY's List) for a book about 2008, and Malcolm tells Traister that when Hillary won the NH primary, Hillary grabbed Malcolm's hand and said, "I'm the first woman to win a primary." A historic event that the major publications did not remember to report in their articles the day after.

Let it go. Men don't care, the media doesn't care. The younger batch of millennials is too full of themselves to care or value what any of this means to women. It's going to be all about how emotional or how cold Hillary is, how she should be doing better because for her, being 100x better than her opponent still means she's not good enough, she sucks, she's weak, she's a poor candidate, she's this, she's that, she's everything and nothing under the sun.


I've grown to accept and understand the Silver bashing here, but I will fight back if we throw all of 538 under the bus. Jody is a treasure and still the best, nicest and most pragmatic political podcast host and I will not stand for it!
Gut check is this feels like right before the DNC with same low point for Hillary and Trump catching up. It is scary just because of how dangerous of a candidate and how much is at stake right now. The other side is a victory tonight would be magnitudes more positive if rather than if she was still in landslide territory. I do trust her to rise to this occasion and stand like she always has when she gets in these confrontations with the opposition. I don't think Trump can handle this stage, this focus that will be present on the stage tonight. Right now I'm both terrified and confident of tonight's debate.


Had a dream last night of Obama handing over the keys to the White House to Trump and they were shaking hands on national TV and waving to the cameras together on the White House lawn.

I woke up in a cold sweat.


How trustworthy is 538?

In previous elections, they have been very accurate, which is why a lot of attention is drawn to them.

This election, some people are questioning Nate's models because they have been far more volatile than the competition, notably NYT's Upshot and Sam Wang's Princeton Election Consortium. There's also the fact that 538 is owned by ESPN now so they are probably trying to maximize page clicks, hence three different polling models.


Let it go. Men don't care, the media doesn't care. The younger batch of millennials is too full of themselves to care or value what any of this means to women. It's going to be all about how emotional or how cold Hillary is, how she should be doing better because for her, being 100x better than her opponent still means she's not good enough, she sucks, she's weak, she's a poor candidate, she's this, she's that, she's everything and nothing under the sun.

This is bullshit. Millenials DO care about gender equality.

They may not have historical context for what she's doing, but they definitely do care about this.


Is the thread to the point where we start posting what we will be drinking tonight? Maybe once it is past 5pm EST.
I was literally just about to post this same post!

I'm considering something stout and dark. As dark as the 10,000 years of darkness ahead of us.
This is bullshit. Millenials DO care about gender equality.

They may not have historical context for what she's doing, but they definitely do care about this.

The millennials are the ones pointing out how "not genuine" she is and "anyone else would be beating him +10 now"

Is the thread to the point where we start posting what we will be drinking tonight? Maybe once it is past 5pm EST.

I don't drink alcohol, so I'll be having a nice tall glass of diet ginger ale (since I also don't drink sugary drinks!)
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