Trump on Bloomberg saying he didn't want to correct Hillary's lies because he's saving his "final attack" on things her husband did and didn't want to offend Chelsea.
Serious question: does Trump even do the second debate now? Consensus seems to be he was destroyed.
Someones getting out of their contract@vanityman
Good shade!
@megynkelly : "We've got Trump speaking with our own Sean Hannity, we'll see whether he speaks to the journalists in this room."
He only sounds good on this stuff because he's loud and at first glance his BS blaming free trade seems to make sense regarding the reduction of jobs in manufacturing. It doesn't play well to talk about the continued shift to a service job economey for a lot of working class people. He doesn't want to discuss how his tarrifs would cause prices to just increase.
I think he got destroyed and did what I assumed he would, lie and stump. That being said, that's all he's ever done so how this plays out to the average voter is beyond me. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
She was just OK IMO, she benefited from Trump being a fucking disaster
And the audience straight up laughing.Trump saying that he has a winning temperament while Clinton just smiles at the screen is going to be a widely played clip, calling it now.
I don't think Trump can pull out of the next debate. It would be a disaster.
Serious question: does Trump even do the second debate? Consensus is he lost badly.
Serious question: does Trump even do the second debate now? Consensus seems to be he was destroyed.
Of course.Serious question: does Trump even do the second debate? Consensus is he lost badly.
Clinton literally did this at one point.
Clinton literally did this at one point.
She was just OK IMO, she benefited from Trump being a fucking disaster
He looked awful.. But he always has. He talked too much and not enough of his nonsense was challenged. He didn't get destroyed, honestly. I thought Hillary was too conservative. She didn't dig into him as much as she could have, considering all the gafs he hadSerious question: does Trump even do the second debate? Consensus is he lost badly.
Of course.
You don't skip the battle or the fight.
Oh please Donald please bring up Bill and his infidelities
That's probably an issue that she's ultra well prepared for
Hillary at the end of the debate:
In the Town Hall style debate. They are taking questions from the audience and not debating each other right?
I already forget who said it on Twitter, but someone said he was a mediocre moderator, but a pretty good interviewer when he did some deeper follow-up questioning. I'd say that's a pretty good summary.Holt did a fine job. He didn't watch the clock too carefully, but he didn't shy away from asking for actual answers, and he fact checked where needed most.
(And frankly, considering how Trump used his time, I have trouble being too upset about him having more of it).
I don't think so. She needled him extremely well. Calling him Donald, mentioning his father's loan, bringing up bankruptcy.
I think it would be better if she would drop the jokes.
Kayleigh is gonna cry.CNN panel is fucking slaying Trump now.
What a night.
And when has he turned down an opportunity to be in TV?We are talking about Donald Trump here...
Yeah he was fine. A couple questions that got under Trump's skin and I don't think it's actually bad to let Trump run sometimes if the alternative is getting into a shouting match with him.Holt did a fine job. He didn't watch the clock too carefully, but he didn't shy away from asking for actual answers, and he fact checked where needed most.
(And frankly, considering how Trump used his time, I have trouble being too upset about him having more of it).
To show you just how shitty young voters are, a local technical college had a room full of students to watch the debate. Before hand, most were Trump supporters. Most said they would continue to support Trump. Most students aid they are not voting for a candidate, but against a candidate, and some said they weren't voting at out.
Fuck young voters.
Fuck. Them.
These questions are still screened. It's not a free-for-all.Meaning it will be a flood of questions about email, Benghazi, and why Hillary killed Vince Foster.
Americans are stupid, this is what will happen.