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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Well, that went excellently. Far better than I imagined it would... and it looks like round 2 is already shaping up to be even more of a routing with these comments of "next time I'll get you by calling attention to the fact that your husband cheated on you!!"

Clean sheets for me tonight.
Her race answers were fantastic

Also when she was up there speaking directly to foreign nations she looked super presidential. I think that move will resonate really well.


62% said Trump lost on CNN poll

Trump is being devastated in ever single post debate poll, focus groups, twitter, everywhere. Hillary fucking decimated him.
I hate hearing from undecided voters after shit like this. Reminds me how stupid people are.

They weren't "stupid" this time, even if they were "stupid" in the past.

I am totally willing to allow people to make their decision later, if they make the right one. I think stupid is a bit of a strong word.
Well shit guys


Guess we lost. Gg
Hillary winning on CNN's poll that is heavily Democratic skew.

Why this matters?

It means Democrats were happy to answer the polls, Republican not. Republican know he lost.
CNN poll of debate

Hillary 62%
Trump 27%

BUT, the sample is 10 points more democratic and 2 points less republican. I hope we can UNSKEWWW.

521 Registered voters, MOE 4.5%


CNN Debate Watcher Poll also overwhelmingly for Hillary(although admittedly somewhat skewed from the start).

Edit: Oh Sagroth, that was so 15 seconds ago.
Trump flatout saying he wants to take the guns of people of color while being endorsed by the NRA is one of those turning points in American politics.

The NRA has embraced being a white supremacist organization by making no attempt to attack Trump's gun grabbing ideas. And the NRA is worshiped by Republican candidates. Every GOP candidate is going to have to go hard for the endorsement of a gun lobby that is leaning into white supremacy at an accelerating pace.
PPP's post debate survey, sponsored by VoteVets Action Fund, finds that voters nationally think Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in the debate, 51/40.

Perhaps most important for Clinton is that among young voters, who she has under performed with, 63% think she won the debate to only 24% for Trump. 47% of voters in that age group said the debate tonight made them more likely to vote for her, to only 10% who say it made them less likely to vote for her. For Trump with that group on the other hand, only 23% said the debate made them more likely to vote for him to 39% who said it made them less likely to.

Clinton also won the debate by particularly wide margins with women (54/36) and voters who are either African American or Latino (77/13). Among white voters the debate was basically a draw with Trump coming out ahead 47/45.

Clinton emerges from the debate with clear advantages over Trump on temperament, preparedness to be President, and whether she can be trusted with nuclear weapons:

-By a 17 point margin, 55/38, voters say Clinton has the temperament to be President. On the other hand, by an 11 point margin, 42/53, voters say Trump does not have the temperament to be President. Among independents the gap is even wider- by a 56/36 spread they say Clinton has the temperament for the job, while by a 41/54 spread they say Trump does not.

-By an 11 point margin, 52/41, voters say Clinton is prepared to be President. On the other hand, by a 10 point margin, 42/52, voters say Trump is not prepared to be President.

-By a 21 point margin, 56/35, voters say they think Clinton can be trusted with nuclear weapons. On the other hand, by a 9 point margin, 42/51, voters say they think Trump can not be trusted with nuclear weapons.

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