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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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They're doing the same thing to the Miss Universe winner they did to the Khan family. Idiotically attacking their character and trying to discredit the person themselves instead of addressing what they actually said, and in the process just making themselves look terrible.


It's absolutely hilarious that serial adulterer Rudy Guliani wants serial adulterer Donald Trump to hit Hillary on Bill's infidelities because he think it makes her look stupid. That they think this line of attack will work on anyone aside from the hardest of the hardcore base that would never vote for Hillary anyway says a lot about them. I used to think Rudy was just saying what he thought stupid people wanted to hear. Come to find out he's just that stupid.

Edit: Good timing. Buckle up folks!
If they truly want to do this, the gender gap is going to pry open the earth under him and swallow him whole.

I hope Hillary keeps her response simple during the debate:
"Donald, you might go low, but I'll go high, as we have much more important matters to discuss. All I'll say is that you - of alllll people - are the very last person who should be throwing stones on this topic."


"Ok voters are figuring out that Trump has no idea about anything, as evidenced by literally every word that comes out of his mouth. Ideas? Let's go around the room."

"We haven't shit on John McCain and by extension all veterans lately, have we? Why not go back to that?"

"Can we revisit the Khan family thing? We're not going to let foreigners whose son died because he was probably a terrorist get away with insulting the next POTUS, are we?

"Forget them, let's talk more about that fat bitch Alicia Machado."

"Wait a second, I've got it! You know how when a husband cheats on his wife everyone always assumes the wife must be an idiot and blames her? Why not go that route with Hillary? We can get Rudy Guliani flanked by his mistress-turned-wife to talk about it all over the country!"

"Brilliant! If that doesn't lock up the women's vote then I officially don't know what the hell I'm doing!"
I'm still not convinced he actually wants to be President. I mean he wants to be "President" and have the title and recognition. But that's about it.
He probably thinks he can get a bunch of people in his cabinet to do most of the job for him with his occasional input and speaking to the press
So, Pence is lamenting the fact that emails and Benghazi weren't discussed at the debate, and that it's something that Americans are "really interested in". Oh go fuck yourself. I think these kinds of people are traitors, you almost need to be for wishing that nothing at substance is shared with the American people about their future, and instead that all discussion is spent on these dead horses. Piece of shit.
Pence is going to look silly bringing up Hillary's stuff in the VP debate. Because, quite frankly, does he really want to open the VP debate up to criticisms of the top ticket candidate?


They're doing the same thing to the Miss Universe winner they did to the Khan family. Idiotically attacking their character and trying to discredit the person themselves instead of addressing what they actually said, and in the process just making themselves look terrible.

Six degrees of discrediting Kevin Bacon or window into the rationalization of a Trump supporter:
Trump accused of sexism → Specific example is cited → Campaign smears the victims character → If she wasn't doing anything wrong, she wouldn't have been accused
unless we're talking about sexual assault
→ She was no angel → She deserved it.


I'm still not convinced he actually wants to be President. I mean he wants to be "President" and have the title and recognition. But that's about it.
Exactly. All he wants is 60 million people to check a box next to his name, and tell him he's smarter, tougher and better than that President who made fun of him. The guy doesn't care about policy or public service at all


Benghazi worked to a certain extent among conservative leaning voters looking our a story that confirmed their biases, but it would be pointless to bring it up at the debate. Romney was much smarter than Trump and he got blown up on it.


Exactly. All he wants is 60 million people to check a box next to his name, and tell him he's smarter, tougher and better than that President who made fun of him. The guy doesn't care about policy or public service at all

Frontline The Choice 2016 outlines this in the opening and it actually feels like this could be the reason for him seeking office. Rather scary and plausible.
This is 2016's "Please proceed Governor" moment.

This is the stupidest way to attack Clinton. There is no angle here that makes them look good coming out of it.

It's pretty telling their idea of a takedown on their woman opponent is to bring up her husband's infidelity. That is the farthest from a winning hand that can be played here.


I'm still not convinced he actually wants to be President. I mean he wants to be "President" and have the title and recognition. But that's about it.

He wants to be president like any ten-year-old wants to be anything—they believe it will happen by magic, it'd be easy, and of course they'd be great at it.

And yeah, usually I think those psychoanalyses of politicians and major figures are way off the mark... but Trump's reflexive projection of his own flaws on others and his vengeful pissy attitude about tiny slights make it entirely too plausible this is all just a rich man's tantrum turned into a political campaign. I'm sure we'll get confirmation 10 years down the line when he's shed all these people around him.


They have more or less given it away that they will bring up the Bill stuff in one of the debates...which gives the Clinton side ample warning that they will need to prepare a strong rebuttal that turns the tables on them.

Not the smartest.
So, Pence is lamenting the fact that emails and Benghazi weren't discussed at the debate, and that it's something that Americans are "really interested in". Oh go fuck yourself. I think these kinds of people are traitors, you almost need to be for wishing that nothing at substance is shared with the American people about their future, and instead that all discussion is spent on these dead horses. Piece of shit.

They revived the dead horse successfully in order to beat it again - and it's a sound strategy to continue at it because it's actually working. If "mistrust" is a reason for people not to vote Hillary, the hope is to be as loud and obnoxious of this as possible and hopefully sway more voters.

If not to force them to vote for Trump, then to stop them from voting HIllary.

Hell, e-mails and to a lesser extent Benghazi is a political strategy success story. Repubs were able to drag this on for as long as possible with good results for them.
So, Pence is lamenting the fact that emails and Benghazi weren't discussed at the debate, and that it's something that Americans are "really interested in". Oh go fuck yourself. I think these kinds of people are traitors, you almost need to be for wishing that nothing at substance is shared with the American people about their future, and instead that all discussion is spent on these dead horses. Piece of shit.

Kaine can come up with better answers than Hillary can for all of those and then Hillary can use them. Please proceed in the VP debate, governor.


Looks like one of David Fahrenthold's next avenues of investigation is figuring out how the companies who redirected money to the Trump Foundation instead of Trump himself handled their own tax issues. Did they consider these payments or charitable donations?

I just got him hooked up with Dave Meltzer (on the WWE/McMahons side of the Trump Foundation donations), so it's on now.


Attacking Clinton for this stuff will look great to their base, but super petty to everyone else, especially on the fence voters.

This is such an obvious attack angle they're pants on head stupid if they think the Clinton camp hasn't been preparing for it since the primary.


Exactly. All he wants is 60 million people to check a box next to his name, and tell him he's smarter, tougher and better than that President who made fun of him. The guy doesn't care about policy or public service at all

At this point I'd be really interested in an interview that amounts to two hours of getting Trump to describe his understanding of the powers, limitations, and responsibilities of various political offices. The more I listen to him, the more convinced I am he believes the President is just the CEO of America and he could do that job the exact same way he runs the Trump organization.

We're over a year into this thing, and I honestly am not sure the Republican nominee has even a high school level comprehension of how federal government works. 2016!


You know someone's too deep in the bubble when simple debate prep looks like a conspiracy.

"How could she possibly have answers to all these questions?!?!? RIIIIIIGGGGGEED!1111!"

more like:

"how could a woman humiliate trump like that? debate rigged!"


I take Team Trump's willingness to go there (regarding Bill) as a tell:
they know that, even though his standing in the polls has improved, he's still losing. Otherwise, they wouldn't be willing to touch this.
Morning Consult

Hillary: 41
Trump: 38
Johnson: 8
Stein: 4

A 4% shift to Clinton (they were one of the few pollsters that had Trump winning)

Hillary: 45
Trump: 41

A 2% shift towards Clinton

@HarryEnten: Morning Consult was +1 Trump before debate. Now, +3 Clinton. If that holds across pollster would be the second largest debate bump since 76.
Attacking Clinton for this stuff will look great to their base, but super petty to everyone else, especially on the fence voters.

This is such an obvious attack angle they're pants on head stupid if they think the Clinton camp hasn't been preparing for it since the primary.

It's just so dumb coming from a Trump. Dude is also an adulterer who has been married 3 times. Bill is an adulterer but he and Hillary worked their problems out and are stronger for it blah blah blah. So easy to turn around on him and make Hillary and even Bill look sympathetic.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Oh boy.


Unbelievable. This could not have gone any better. So many ways she could respond to this.

I take Team Trump's willingness to go there (regarding Bill) as a tell:
they know that, even though his standing in the polls has improved, he's still losing. Otherwise, they wouldn't be willing to touch this.

Great point.


At this point I'd be really interested in an interview that amounts to two hours of getting Trump to describe his understanding of the powers, limitations, and responsibilities of various political offices. The more I listen to him, the more convinced I am he believes the President is just the CEO of America and he could do that job the exact same way he runs the Trump organization.

We're over a year into this thing, and I honestly am not sure the Republican nominee has even a high school level comprehension of how federal government works. 2016!

Yeah, I actually surprised Clinton didn't drop a line like "Donald, you clearly don't understand how anything in government works" or "You don't even know what powers the president has" when he was blaming her for not solving every problem in 30 years.

It is painfully obvious that Trump doesn't understand how anything works in government. He honestly wonders why Clinton, who was in the unelected position of FLOTUS in the 90s didn't stop NAFTA or solve the geopolitical mess that is the ME.

I'm not one for gotcha questions in the form of a basic quiz, but I kinda support what the Keepin it 1600 were joking about during the townhall. Get some 7th grade civics teacher to just ask Trump some basic questions about government that they expect their 7th grade class to understand.

I doubt Trump would pass.
I think Hillary campaign wants them to walk into this trap. It will give Hillary space to reflect personally.

I am 90% sure crazypants Guiliani is behind this approach, and maybe Ailes as well.
This is way too easy for Clinton to flip it back and use it as a means to relate to Americans in a way she hasn't yet. It'd be her best moment of speaking from the heart with honesty.

Why they would even consider going this route is hilarious. But it's the Trump campaign, so I'm not surprised.
"How can you satisfy America when you couldn't even satisfy your husband?"

All Trump has to do now is say that in the next debate.

The fact that he actually congratulated himself for not saying this at the end of the first debate was fascinating

He will absolutely resort to this as he gets more desperate.


This is way too easy for Clinton to flip it back and use it as a means to relate to Americans in a way she hasn't yet. It'd be her best moment of speaking from the heart with honesty.

Why they would even consider going this route is hilarious. But it's the Trump campaign, so I'm not surprised.

This speaks volumes of the state of his campaign imo. They have hit rock bottom and have nothing left to hit her with meanwhile it seems her campaign is just warming up lol.


If they go there regarding Bill. Hillary won't even address it until the town hall I assume. This would give her the leverage of campaigning and talking about the issues and policy.

It comes up at the debate she gives a response to it and basically say the American people deserve better. They deserve to hear about the issues and not tabloid trash or something.

But more importantly I just figure it'll crater his support among women and could potentially help depress turnout on the GOP side.
Bringing up Bill's cheating is the stupidest idea I've seen this campaign propose, and this campaign has had a lot of doosies.

It didn't even work while it was going on!

And Hillary was a victim!

And they worked out their troubles and are still married!

What are they even thinking is going to happen? Where is the positive for them?
This speaks volumes of the state of his campaign imo. They have hit rock bottom and have nothing left to hit her with meanwhile it seems her campaign is just warming up lol.
Exactly my thoughts too. We've had all these talks of October surprises and Wikileaks, but Trump campaign showed their hand at the debate. They don't have anything.


Bringing up Bill's cheating is the stupidest idea I've seen this campaign propose, and this campaign has had a lot of doosies.

It didn't even work while it was going on!

And Hillary was a victim!

And they worked out their troubles and are still married!

What are they even thinking is going to happen? Where is the positive for them?

Yup Hillary could easily say it was tough but we worked it out and raised a beautiful daughter who now has a family of her own. I just don't see a positive in this.


If it has not been posted, the context on the Morning Consult poll is that it was done entirely after the debate, it matches their post Dem Convention poll, and is a 4 point swing in Hillary's favor from their previous poll.
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