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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Ipsos/Reuters (September 22-26, 2016)
Trump / Clinton Head-to-Head Likely Voters - Clinton 44%, Trump 38%.
Four-Way Ballot Head-to-Head Likely Voters - Clinton 42%, Trump 38%, Johnson 7%, Stein 2%.

I don't know what the numbers were for the last poll. This is pre-debate

Was this posted yet?
Yup! Both are about a 5-6 point swing from last week!


Ipsos/Reuters (September 22-26, 2016)
Trump / Clinton Head-to-Head Likely Voters - Clinton 44%, Trump 38%.
Four-Way Ballot Head-to-Head Likely Voters - Clinton 42%, Trump 38%, Johnson 7%, Stein 2%.

I don't know what the numbers were for the last poll. This is pre-debate

Was this posted yet?
There's that reversion to the mean Wang was talking about.
looking at that gary jay op-ed, wondering for how long politicians have been prophetizing doom and gloom if your country's debt keeps on growing.
Trump world has lost their mind after the debate despite keeping it together for the month prior, they're really going to try to attack Hillary for having an affair at the next debate and Hillary is going to bleed him to death.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn on @msnbc: "Look at what she has done: Gennifer flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, my goodness."


looking at that gary jay op-ed, wondering for how long politicians have been prophetizing doom and gloom if your country's debt keeps on growing.

I mean, what to do about the national (should it be national?) debt was a serious question at the beginning of the United States and then there was a huge fight over it for decades ending in Andrew Jackson going nuts. Then after the Civil War, there were debt worries also... I think there hasn't been a moment in United States' history where some politicians weren't worried about the national debt.


No Scrubs
Trump world has lost their mind after the debate despite keeping it together for the month prior, they're really going to try to attack Hillary for having an affair at the next debate and Hillary is going to bleed him to death.


The best part is that they are going to do it at a goddamned town hall. You never go negative at a town hall, you answer the questions and try to connect.


Absolute scum. Each and every one of them deserves to be in the basket.

It just dumbfounds me that a serial adulterer tries to attack a victim of said-adultery. I get it, it's Trump, but Hillary can easily reverse it on him.
I could see him trying to pull this off during Debate #3 with Chris Wallace but LOL if he dares try to pull it off during the Town Hall format debate
I could see him trying to pull this off during Debate #3 with Chris Wallace but LOL if he dares try to pull it off during the Town Hall format debate
3rd is FP right? Not sure how you can do that if the questions are on foreign policy I guess you could go bad judgement, like staying with Bill, but that's a leap. If he wanted to do it effectively (LOLOLOL) I think the first debate was his chance.
Re: Hillary maybe having the second biggest debate bounce since Reagan (take that Jeffrey Lord):

Many commentators were quick to proclaim that Trump did poorly, but didn't really do anything to disqualify himself. I think they're dead wrong.

These people are now numb to Trump's stupid. I'm also numb to it. Honestly, most of the horrible shit he said in the debate didn't phase me because I've heard him say much worse.

However, there were SO many millions of people who had only heard of Trump's stupid secondhand. The debate probably opened a LOT of eyes to people who hadn't thought much about the campaign.
God I can't believe Dean doubled down on that crap. Shut the fuck up and stop being a distraction.

In what universe did he think that would look good for him.
Curious, if Trump trotted out a high profile surrogate who was allegedly an accomplice to a murder, would you have the same opinion on the Clinton camp roasting her for it?

Trump himself is accused of raping a 13 year old girl and this somehow is not brought up by Hillary when Trump says Hillary did a bad job in Libya.

Trump being accused of raping a 13 year old girl is about as relevant to Hillary in Libya as Miss Universe being accused (and cleared of) being an accomplice to murder is to being a misogynist asshole.
This is true:

The Trump campaign is talking about affairs because they don't want a conversation about Trump not paying his taxes or stiffing his workers.
This is an Ailes/Bannon special: they understand a conversation about sex is irresistible to the media

And if Dems respond by talking about Trump's many infidelities, they'd still rather that conversation than one about his business failings.


3rd is FP right? Not sure how you can do that if the questions are on foreign policy I guess you could go bad judgement, like staying with Bill, but that's a leap. If he wanted to do it effectively (LOLOLOL) I think the first debate was his chance.

Clinton is a Reptilian from the planet Xipzorp. Everything about her is fair game in the FP debate because she is foreign.
Re: Hillary maybe having the second biggest debate bounce since Reagan (take that Jeffrey Lord):

Many commentators were quick to proclaim that Trump did poorly, but didn't really do anything to disqualify himself. I think they're dead wrong.

These people are now numb to Trump's stupid. I'm also numb to it. Honestly, most of the horrible shit he said in the debate didn't phase me because I've heard him say much worse.

However, there were SO many millions of people who had only heard of Trump's stupid secondhand. The debate probably opened a LOT of eyes to people who hadn't thought much about the campaign.
I thought I was numb to it too, until he said Clinton has been fighting ISIS for 30 years. Like, does he seriously believe ISIS equals all Muslims? Because the sentence makes no sense otherwise.
I mean, if Hillary called Don King the n-word, Don King being an actual murderer does not detract from the fact that Hillary would have been shown to be a super racist.
Oops, McMuffin is at 1

Slight correction to LV numbers from earlier (for third parties)

Clinton 44
Trump 39
Johnson 6
Stein 2
McMullin 1

1,529 LVs (Internet)

They did not do a pre-debate poll I can find.

GodNate just RTd this.

Harry responds:

I expect it to stick since now the campaign is going in much harder now plus if she does well in the next debate. She'll be in the mid 40s to low 50s in quite few of the polls and Trump about high 30s to low 40s, basically conviction bump. The reason it might stick is possibly do because the debate fully showed Trump's character and his lack of ability. If you skeptical of Trump; no reason to vote for him now.


The night Donald Trump couldn’t call Sean Hannity
“Everyone refuses to call Sean Hannity.” [ThinkProgress]
For the last two months, Donald Trump has lived in the protective cocoon of Fox News.

His last press conference was July 27th. Since then, with a few exceptions, he’s largely limited his appearances to Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and other fine Fox News programming.

Trump appears particularly frequently with Hannity, who has made clear he is “not a journalist” but a man who is utterly devoted to electing Trump president. Hannity is best understood not as a member of the media but as an adjunct of the Trump campaign itself.
Trump was backed into a corner. Holt was familiar with the facts and was not willing to let Trump get away with lying. This isn’t something that happened on Fox News. What could Trump do?

Then, Trump had the answer.

Why won’t someone just call Sean Hannity?

He pleaded on three separate occasions for someone, anyone, to call Sean Hannity.
After the debate, Trump seemed less interested in “spinning” than finding his safe place. As soon as he left the stage, less than 15 minutes after the debate ended, Trump found Sean Hannity.

He was immediately at ease. Trump talked with Hannity about how dishonest Clinton is and how much he opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning.
They did do a poll back in July. It was a 1 point lead for Hillary.


Who won the debate?


Clinton 48
Trump 22

Watched entire debate (Clinton led this group by 10)

Clinton 58
Trump 26

Echelon ‏@EchelonInsights 3m3 minutes ago
Top issues of the debate:

Trump's taxes 38
Trade deals 35
Immigration 30
Clinton email 28
Inner city crime 23

More likely to vote for Clinton/Trump as a result of debate


More likely 41
Less likely 27


More likely 29
Less likely 29
We own outer space now.


Echelon ‏@EchelonInsights 3m3 minutes ago
Two way ballot amongst fans of @HamiltonMusical (say they've seen in theater or listened to soundtrack)

Clinton 61
Trump 28

Trump Campaign Denies He's Sick After Chicago Speech Fuels Further Questions About His Health

An uncharacteristically low-tempoed speech in Chicago Wednesday paired with a noticeable congestion has fueled further questions about Trump's health following his infamous debate-night sniffles. Still, his campaign insists Trump does not have a cold and is feeling "just fine."
Trump spoke during a campaign event at the Polish National Alliance, but social media viewers were quick to point out he sounded congested, his voice scratchy during the event.

I don't want to bring up any illnesses since that can happen to anyone and it's out of one's control. But people are saying something's going on there...
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