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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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I'm actually not sure I agree. College was the time in my life where I was presented with the largest number of people coming from the largest number of places with the most diversity of background along every conceivable axis.

I know everyone isn't going to have the same college experience-- and, without being glib, perhaps going to University of Bumfuck at Little Rock is not going to give you the same experience-- I think that sort of newness, of difference, and of disputatious learning IS sort of universal and essential to the beings of people who go to college vs. those who don't.

This is an incredible generality. There are twats at college. There are incredibly worldly, secular people who do not go to college. But on average, just being in an uncomfortable and challenging place really does shape people differently than, for example, not. I'm relatively comfortable making this argument without data to support it but I would be really surprised if it were not true on average.

I agree we are getting into generalities here and I would agree with your depiction of how the diversity of the college experience is a positive, but I would say that one of the reasons that the college experience is what it is, is because of the type of people who end up attending. I think the causality is a little inverted.

As colleges have become more and more expensive, we have seen them become more and more liberal. There used to be plenty of Universities that had a conservative reputation. Over the last 50 years or so that has changed pretty drastically. If the college system got a massive influx of students from a free college for everyone initiative, I think the college's themselves would quickly evolve into something different.
Just had a spirited argument with a very old man at work I previously was very friendly with. He probably won't speak to me much anymore. There goes another one.

I've never had to fight with somebody so heavily indoctrinated with nonsense. It was very sad.

Kid Heart


Holy fuck. Even better than I thought it would be.

Called her the C-word and told her she had shit for brains.

I really hate this doesn't even phase me anymore and is pretty much exactly what I expect from him now.

What I hate even more more is the amount of people who will inevitably try to claim she deserved it, or whatever nonsense excuse they pull out of their butt, to try and excuse his awful behavior.


A feminist group will fly anti-Trump banners over five college football games today [Quartz]
UltraViolet Action, a women’s advocacy group, will fly planes above five games towing banners that read “Trump Says Women R Pigs. Disagree? Vote,” according to an email from the organization.
The banners will fly over games in swing states, at some of the biggest sports arenas in the world: University of Michigan’s stadium in Ann Arbor (capacity: 109,901); Ohio State’s stadium in Columbus (104,944); University of Iowa’s Kinnick Stadium(70,585); Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia (69,172), where Temple plays; and Wallace Wade Stadium (33, 941) in Durham, N.C., home of Duke’s football team. The only sports venue bigger than Michigan Stadium is in North Korea.
The picture makes the crowd look like bees
The LDS church's newspaper is complaining about the lack of intellectual safe spaces for religion.

SALT LAKE CITY — Professors repeatedly targeted Shelly Rowlan for her beliefs when the stay-at-home Mormon mom returned to school in Arizona for a master's degree.

"It would happen over and over, actually," Rowlan said. "As soon as they learned I was Christian. The professors don't support religious believers or provide space for your beliefs. They ridicule you. God was openly mocked in my classes."




Holy fuck. Even better than I thought it would be.

Called her the C-word and told her she had shit for brains.

The best part is he didn't even read the article and was just upset over the headline.

I don't see this going anywhere.
This reeks of drudging up the past like with Machado. No one will care after a day or so, and the right will spin it so hard it'll cause the earth to stop moving on its axis.

Unless Trump takes the bait. Again.
I don't see this going anywhere.
This reeks of drudging up the past like with Machado. No one will care after a day or so, and the right will spin it so hard it'll cause the earth to stop moving on its axis.
McCain once called his wife a cunt in front of reporters. Didn't matter.
The LDS church's newspaper is complaining about the lack of intellectual safe spaces for religion.

Article doesn't say what class this was in, but

She added historical, philosophical and scientific bases for her religious positions ... I want to share my beliefs."

"scientific bases" for religious beliefs, and wanting to share them, sounds like Intelligent Design and proselytizing. Waste of class time.
From what I can tell, she was taking accounting classes.

... Making it exceeding strange how these discussions even arose.

It's just amusing to see uber conservatives (which the newspaper writer is though the woman is not) complaining about the lack of safe spaces while barely avoiding the liberal millennial language.


Junior Member
Some Florida Hopium from the streets.

Today I have been to three different stores and I been asked to register at all locations by Hillary Supporters. I asked them how the registration drive was going and they said very very good. That they have seen an uptick since the debates. I dug a bit deeper and asked them what the demo looks like and they said a majority of the registration has been African American and Latino. This is in Pinellas County.


Conservative Filipino posters have seized the crown for most annoying/psychotic+most easily offended on GAF.

Wildly racist European posters dethroned.

I voted and support the guy who advocated for vigilante murders to stop the drugs, and I still think he is the best candidate, but I don't support those vigilante murders. Though I do support his crackdown on drugs.

*brain explodes*


Some Florida Hopium from the streets.

Today I have been to three different stores and I been asked to register at all locations by Hillary Supporters. I asked them how the registration drive was going and they said very very good. That they have seen an uptick since the debates. I dug a bit deeper and asked them what the demo looks like and they said a majority of the registration has been African American and Latino. This is in Pinellas County.

Thanks for the update.


Trumps lies at a Miami speech...

Though Trump talked about violence “happening all over our country,” homicides and violent crimes overall have declined over the past several decades.

Trump falsely claimed Clinton plans to bring in “620,000 refugees in her first term.” Clinton has not said how many refugees she would accept in fiscal 2017 or beyond.

Trump said Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, which “destroyed our manufacturing in this country.” Economic studies say NAFTA’s overall net impact on jobs has been small, and NAFTA was actually signed by President George H.W. Bush, though Clinton signed a bill enabling NAFTA.

Trump promised to provide “big league tax reduction” for middle-class families. The Tax Foundation says everyone would get tax cuts under Trump’s plan, though the biggest cuts — both in raw dollars and as a percentage of income — would go to the wealthiest.

Meanwhile, Trump said Clinton would “raise your taxes substantially.” She would not, unless you are among the top 10 percent of taxpayers.

Trump said “58 percent of African American youth are not employed.” But that includes millions of 16- to 24-year-olds who are not looking for work, including many in school. The unemployment rate among this group was 15.7 percent in August.

Trump blamed Obama for the fact that “14 million people have left the workforce entirely.” But it’s part of a decades-old trend, largely driven by aging baby boomers and other changing demographics.

Trump said under Obama “another 2 million Hispanic Americans have fallen into poverty.” That’s an outdated figure that has since been trimmed to 1.1 million. Moreover, the percentage of Hispanic Americans living in poverty has dropped under Obama.

Trump falsely claimed that his promise to “repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare” would “instantly save another 2 million jobs.” The Congressional Budget Office estimated the Affordable Care Act would encourage some to work less or retire earlier, not that jobs would be “lost.”

Trump also cherry-picked high rate increases on the ACA exchanges in claiming that “your premiums” are “through the roof.” Most people get their insurance through employers, where premiums have been growing at historically low rates. Premiums on the exchanges vary, with one analysis finding an average proposed increase of 9 percent across 17 major cities.

Trump, as usual, claimed that “I was against going into the war in Iraq.” We found no evidence for that. Trump voiced an opinion only once on whether to invade Iraq before the war started, and he said, “Yeah, I guess so.”
Is the new hip thing to panic about the fact that it feels like there's no need to panic? Because really I don't see how Trump can recover if he's going to double down on these despicable attacks and promise to go meaner in the town hall debate.

In positive Florida news, a lot of people out at public places today making sure people are registered to vote. I really hope the "October Surprise" is just "Surprise, you have another month of this awful election to go!"


Is the new hip thing to panic about the fact that it feels like there's no need to panic? Because really I don't see how Trump can recover if he's going to double down on these despicable attacks and promise to go meaner in the town hall debate.

In positive Florida news, a lot of people out at public places today making sure people are registered to vote. I really hope the "October Surprise" is just "Surprise, you have another month of this awful election to go!"

I think so. I mean there will be some form of an October surprise no matter how big or small that the media will make a big deal of. Either way I think the last two debates mean far more.
Is the new hip thing to panic about the fact that it feels like there's no need to panic? Because really I don't see how Trump can recover if he's going to double down on these despicable attacks and promise to go meaner in the town hall debate.

In positive Florida news, a lot of people out at public places today making sure people are registered to vote. I really hope the "October Surprise" is just "Surprise, you have another month of this awful election to go!"

This is what's keeping me away from this thread. People are actively seeking stuff to worry about now. Howard Dean, Machado's past, leaked audio, and so on.

It's painful to watch. I think some of you actually like punishing yourselves over nothing.
Is the new hip thing to panic about the fact that it feels like there's no need to panic? Because really I don't see how Trump can recover if he's going to double down on these despicable attacks and promise to go meaner in the town hall debate.

In positive Florida news, a lot of people out at public places today making sure people are registered to vote. I really hope the "October Surprise" is just "Surprise, you have another month of this awful election to go!"

I mean the only thing I would say is that the numbers tend to drift back to a horse-ish race if Trump even behaves a little bit for a while. But even then it just drifts back to a small but measurable Clinton lead. And it's possible the lead is hardening this close to the election and post-debate.


This is what's keeping me away from this thread. People are actively seeking stuff to worry about now. Howard Dean, Machado's past, leaked audio, and so on.

It's painful to watch. I think some of you actually like punishing yourselves over nothing.

You can never be too careful when your opponent is a grenade with the pin missing.


I don't think we can rest easy, but I do think the first debate was the key time for Trump to demonstrate his presidentialness, and he failed in front of 100 million people, and continues to fail. And Hillary got Democrats' spirits back up like the VP debate in 2012. Trump demonstrated that he's not going to prepare for the last 2 debates, and the man has absolutely no empathy either, which is critical in a town hall.

This day to day bullshit about small stories on cable and Politico that literally no one is paying attention to is just bedwetting again. This is not over by a long shot, but it would take a huge event to change the trajectory of the race, like Hillary fainting at a debate.

And remember, this boost for Hillary is coming as early vote starts. 40% of the vote will be cast before election day.
In FL, newly registered from Aug 1-Sept 1 2016:
White: 50.8%
Black: 13.4%
Hispanic: 20.8%

Rep: 24.8%
Dem: 34.2%
NPA: 38.7%

Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 58s58 seconds ago Washington, DC

Take away from new NC/FL data:
New voter reg. following demographic trends (more young, nonwhite d-leaners), perhaps w more Hispanics

Also, focusing this conversation on the poor students/families taking out student loans to go to college and who may not have made the wisest choices in their planning (and if you didn't make the best choices, well then fuck you because I did) is giving a big fat pass to the banks that have had profit-based incentives to push people with no credit history into taking outrageous loans, and a society that trains kids from the time they're old enough to read that they NEED to go to college to be a successful and worthwhile human, and they NEED to have the "college experience" to be a well-rounded adult.

Some people make it through college with very little if any debt. Great. We're now entering a world where millions of students don't. But I guess they shouldn't have all spent their refund money on keggers, right?

The kegger thing is barely an issue. The bigger problem could be summed up by measuring loans taken out by out-of-state students at various universities.

It's honestly ludicrous to me that some people I know went across the country for library science degrees and borrowed the money they did to finance it. I live in a state with a school that has all of these programs, and it would be tens of thousands cheaper to stay. But "I feel like moving" was the rationale to leave. I'm unsympathetic in those cases.
So among Trump surrogates/media supporters, I think there are a few that know for a fact that they're selling bullshit. But then there are some that absolutely believe that the words coming out of Trump's mouth are pearls of wisdom. IMO here's I would classify a few:

Know its bullshit: Jeffrey Lord, Andre Bauer, Boris Epshteyn
True believers: Paris Dennard, Kayleigh McEnany, Katrina Pierson


In FL, newly registered from Aug 1-Sept 1 2016:
White: 50.8%
Black: 13.4%
Hispanic: 20.8%

Rep: 24.8%
Dem: 34.2%
NPA: 38.7%



I honestly think that the polls are underestimating the scope of hispanic turnout this election. Let's hope in translates into a blowout win for Hilldawg.
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