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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Big ole nothingburger. CNN had the audio aired earlier and didn't make it out as an attack like people who are looking at it from a glance are.


Actually more excited for Hillary in the town hall debate. I was a lot more nervous (well that, because we didn't know how she'll perform) in the first one but she's known to be a lot more conversational and relatable in these kind of debates.


The kegger thing is barely an issue. The bigger problem could be summed up by measuring loans taken out by out-of-state students at various universities.

It's honestly ludicrous to me that some people I know went across the country for library science degrees and borrowed the money they did to finance it. I live in a state with a school that has all of these programs, and it would be tens of thousands cheaper to stay. But "I feel like moving" was the rationale to leave. I'm unsympathetic in those cases.

I don't completely disagree with you, but how you feel doesn't really matter here. It doesn't say much to the society that we live in, where students are encouraged to even consider going to school out-of-state, to shoot for the most prestigious school they're accepted to and worry about the costs later, don't even think about community colleges because community colleges are for underachievers. The out-of-state factor doesn't even matter much depending on which state you're from, like California, where the UC school system wasn't much cheaper (or cheaper at all) than going out-of-state, at least at the time I was in school.

And THEN you factor in the banks and financial institutions that encouraged this thinking because they wanted to lock as many uneducated (on the subject), idealistic, and pressured students and families into shitty loans, and often working in tandem with the schools themselves trying to drive their enrollments up. I'll never forget the conversation with my loan officer, and her actively trying to encourage me to get a student loan for the maximum amount I qualified for and using all the "fun things" I could spend my refund money on as incentive. Luckily, I had a no-nonsense grandmother screaming in my ear to not go this route. But a 19-year-old me without that type of influence? And there a tons of kids out there without that influence being preyed upon.

But I didn't make the same mistake, so fuck 'em.


Did he say this?
Mr. Trump said he did not think he needed to prepare more rigorously for the next debate than he did for the first one, because any shortcomings on Monday, he argued, were because of a problem with the microphone at his lectern, which he “spent 50 percent of my thought process” dealing with.

Maybe he secretly over-prepped for this last debate.
Ah yes makes sense silly me! :p


So Trump plan for the next debate is no prep?

How does his make sense to him.

Why change a winning strategy?

You might say to yourself, "But he didn't w-"

Wrong. Wrong. What you're not taking into account is that he wants to believe he won, so he did. After all, he's a winner. He has a winning temperament. How could he lose?

He's lived in this reality-denying bubble throughout his entire campaign, so he's not going to change now.
I don't know, with voters in the crowd -- ones that he knows aren't squarely in his camp -- he might understand (yes even him) that the dynamic can't just be screaming at Hillary and speaking in tongues. He might score some points talking about trade/jobs etc with Joe Voter in the crowd.

Except he doesn't really interact with humans much. It's not really a secret that he doesn't seem to have close friends. He couldn't even stay on good terms with a crying baby.
Another article about Republican concerns about Asian American support.


Something we never get is Asian American polling breakdown or oversampling.

On paper at least, Asian-Americans seem like perfect Republicans. Many are small-business owners. Their communities tend to be more culturally conservative. And a lot of them, having fled oppressive Communist governments, found comfort in the Republican Party’s aggressive anti-Communist policies.
I hate how this is printed as fact rather than a stupid opinion which is wrong


Did he say this?

I think it's implied by him saying he won the first debate, ergo no practice is necessary.

There have been multiple articles saying his team is gingerly talking to him and is going to get him to prep for the town hall, doing basic things like "sit on a stool", "walk around" etc. and that prep could begin "as soon as this weekend". Putting aside the fact that Trump won't prepare for shit—maybe as soon as this weekend?? Even with a candidate who would consent to preparation and could focus for more that 20 minutes at a time... there's a week until the next debate! You have no time to lose in your kindly Trump makeover! Anyway, it doesn't matter because he's not going to do it.

I hope he mansplains to a town hall questioner.


Cool story. Appreciate the help in stopping white nationalism. Good talk.


I'm taking the USA Today approach: a denouncement rather than an endorsement. I never said I was never going to vote for her (well actually, I did say that -- I take back the "never" part). Doesn't mean I'm going to campaign for her.



But i do believe he prepped for the first debate. That's just the best he can do. So expect more of the same. Also honest to GOD. in what world are you spending 50% of your thoughts worrying about the mic.
Their always a an excuse,I am sure something will be wrong with his chair or not the right kind of water.
Why change a winning strategy?

You might say to yourself, "But he didn't w-"

Wrong. Wrong. What you're not taking into account is that he wants to believe he won, so he did. After all, he's a winner. He has a winning temperament. How could he lose?

He's lived in this reality-denying bubble throughout his entire campaign, so he's not going to change now.
Yep nothign is going to change here.


It find it amusing that one of the Trump campaign's strategies is "Get the Busters," like they represent some kind of useful voting bloc. They'd probably get more voters if they stopped people outside a Dave and Busters.

or better yet, retweet his messages!

She's supposed to be helping his campaign, not sabotaging it from within.
It find it amusing that one of the Trump campaign's strategies is "Get the Busters," like they represent some kind of useful voting bloc. They'd probably get more voters if they stopped people outside a Dave and Busters.

She's supposed to be helping his campaign, not sabotaging it from within.

The strategy is to drive down Democratic turnout and it's the only way Trump can possibly win.


She's supposed to be helping his campaign, not sabotaging it from within.

She keeps going out there and spouting it like it's truth, I don't see why not! Double down, if you're going to sell your soul.

I also like how all of the media against him this week has emboldened him rather than swayed him. It's incredible.



The main story in the trend is a Newsweek article titled:


The entire hashtag are just Trump supporters trying to make an issue out of it. The fact they have to invent a hashtag from something HIllary didn't even say shows just how much of a non-story it is.


The strategy is to drive down Democratic turnout and it's the only way Trump can possibly win.

Right, but how many ex-Bernie supporters are just on the fence enough to vote for Hillary but just rabid enough that this one tiny nothing gets them to finally say "Well said, Mr. Trump, I think I'll sit this one out."?


Right, but how many ex-Bernie supporters are just on the fence enough to vote for Hillary but just rabid enough that this one tiny nothing gets them to finally say "Well said, Mr. Trump, I think I'll sit this one out."?

not enough to give a shit about
Right, but how many ex-Bernie supporters are just on the fence enough to vote for Hillary but just rabid enough that this one tiny nothing gets them to finally say "Well said, Mr. Trump, I think I'll sit this one out."?
Well it's not about one thing, it's the constant refrain of mud being thrown at Hillary that is designed to damper enthusiasm for her and keep people from going to the polls. I'm not claiming that the execution is great or anything, but the general strategy is not without merit.


oh god oh god

read maureen dowd's column this week


Every minute of every day, Trump debunks that old “science” when he shows that the gossipy, backbiting, scolding, mercurial, overly emotional, shrewish, menopausal one in this race is not the woman.

Trump is surrounded by a bitchy sewing circle of overweight men who are overwrought at the prospect of a distaff Clinton presidency.

Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, Roger Ailes and Rudy Giuliani are the Really Desperate Housewives of Trumpworld. They are so shrill that Trump sometimes needs to remind them that he’s the Queen Bee.

Gingrich defended Trump after Alicia Machado described her humiliation after the mogul dubbed her “Miss Piggy.”

“You’re not supposed to gain 60 pounds during the year that you’re Miss Universe,” the pudgy Gingrich said in a hissy fit last week.

Giuliani declared Hillary was “too stupid to be president” if she did not immediately know that Monica Lewinsky was telling the truth. And he was in true Mean Girl form when he catcalled the press to “go online and put down ‘Hillary Clinton illness’” if you wanted to see alarming videos.

Pretty boy Sean Hannity is as obsessive about Trump as a teenage girl with a Tiger Beat pop icon. On Fox News Thursday night, the anchor and Gingrich did their best to scratch Hillary’s eyes out on Benghazi, Bosnia and Ferguson. Hannity frantically tried to deflect from Trump’s Machado meltdown with a segment called “Is Obama an Islamic Theologian?”

Megyn Kelly, now The Man at Fox News, seemed to throw shade at her colleague’s girl crush after the first debate.

“We’ve got Trump speaking to our own Sean Hannity,” she said. “We’ll see if he speaks to the journalists in this room after that interview.”

Often this year, Christie has replaced Melania as the mute helpmate at Trump’s side. A witness at the infamous bridge trial painted Christie as a vengeful and manipulative she-devil, testifying that when the New Jersey governor was told of the 2013 lane-closing scheme, he cackled.

Ailes was supposed to help prep Trump for the first debate, but he was too busy pouting on his fainting couch about losing his job.

No one worries that Hillary is not tough enough to be president. We know that she can pull the trigger, but does she know where to aim?


only a tiny fringe would actually think Hillary's comment was a jab on them. If anything, I find this leaked comment to actually show how presidential Hillary was being. She's actually showing sympathy for the youth group that at best, were apathetic towards her.

Conway and Trumpeters can't seem to realize this might actually backfire on them.
I'll never forget the conversation with my loan officer, and her actively trying to encourage me to get a student loan for the maximum amount I qualified for and using all the "fun things" I could spend my refund money on as incentive.

I got a lot of this too. My high school had a couple of fourth-year classes called "Options" classes. You learned about creating a budget, made fake resumes, had fake interviews, wrote actual college essays, and learned some basic life skills to put into effect when you graduated.

We had a whole lesson about credit cards. How having bad credit can affect you, about how easy it is to fall into debt, about how a credit card is not an allowance with no strings attached and how you should always plan to have a zero balance at the end of the month.

They said that credit card companies would try to get us to sign up as soon as we turned 18 and they would be all over college campuses trying to trick us into debt. I never saw any of that. In fact, I wasn't approved for a credit card until I turned 21. My expectation of predatory credit card companies was never met, but I did live through the era of predatory banks. I watched people lose their homes, and now I see fellow graduates losing their livelihood.

Because when it came to student loans, the "free money" pitfall they told us to avoid with credit cards was thrown out the window. They told us to take the biggest loans we were offered even if we didn't need it. My guidance counselor said I would get a "refund check" I could use for "whatever I wanted." In other words, they tried to sell me on the idea of free money. You don't even have to pay it back until you graduate, they said. If you keep going to school, you can just keep deferring your loans. Don't even worry about paying it back right now.

And kids didn't. They didn't worry about paying it back at all. I remember high school kids sharing in jubilation all the different loans they qualified for. Not grants, not scholarships, LOANS.

A lot of kids let banks finance their lifestyle for four years because they were sold on the idea of making an investment with somebody else's money and just reaping the lifelong benefit. Not to mention "living the dream" at college for four years. Now it's over and they're miserable. I've heard more than once that "at least what happened to me won't happen to my kid."


Right, but how many ex-Bernie supporters are just on the fence enough to vote for Hillary but just rabid enough that this one tiny nothing gets them to finally say "Well said, Mr. Trump, I think I'll sit this one out."?
Not that I think this whole Basement Dweller campaign will make any difference but those kinds of voters aren't reliable and in this absentee/early voting period, it's all about getting out your most reliable votes.


I'm a pretty priveleged child, but fuck, the idea of loans isn't something I ever wanted to do. The idea that this insurmountable debt weighing on my back just seems like such a bad idea to me when I was in community college.


only a tiny fringe would actually think Hillary's comment was a jab on them. If anything, I find this leaked comment to actually show how presidential Hillary was being. She's actually showing sympathy for the youth group that at best, were apathetic towards her.

Conway and Trumpeters can't seem to realize this might actually backfire on them.

Trump is running out of time. This "controversy" will barely last today before the SNL premier floods social media tonight, tomorrow, Monday, and until the second debate. Then we have the vice-presidential debate (which, honestly, won't have a big impact unless Kaine or Pence flops hard). All of this is supposes Trump won't do anything else from now until...any minute now.

The Trump campaign knows this. which is why they desperately want the "basement dwellers" thing to take off. But nobody is picking this up except yo just correct the record that HIllary wasn't criticizing Bernie supporters.
I'm a pretty priveleged child, but fuck, the idea of loans isn't something I ever wanted to do. The idea that this insurmountable debt weighing on my back just seems like such a bad idea to me when I was in community college.
I had a scholarship to pay for undergrad. Because of choices I made, I ended up losing my scholarship. (I didn't do anything bad, but I left school to care for my dad for a few years before he passed away). I thought I could keep my eligibility. Turns out, I couldn't. So, the thing I worked for so hard, I lost, and loans were my only option.

So, every month I see that bill, I get like...ugh. So stupid on so many levels.


I had a scholarship to pay for undergrad. Because of choices I made, I ended up losing my scholarship. (I didn't do anything bad, but I left school to care for my dad for a few years before he passed away). I thought I could keep my eligibility. Turns out, I couldn't. So, the thing I worked for so hard, I lost, and loans were my only option.

So, every month I see that bill, I get like...ugh. So stupid on so many levels.

It sucks, but it's not stupid. On your deathbed you won't give two shits about loan interest but will remember being with your dad.


Well it's not about one thing, it's the constant refrain of mud being thrown at Hillary that is designed to damper enthusiasm for her and keep people from going to the polls. I'm not claiming that the execution is great or anything, but the general strategy is not without merit.

This doesn't feel like it even qualifies as mud though, there's absolutely nothing to it. It's like a few flecks of crud in otherwise clear tap water.

Not that I think this whole Basement Dweller campaign will make any difference but those kinds of voters aren't reliable and in this absentee/early voting period, it's all about getting out your most reliable votes.

I don't think anyone who's swayed by this nothingburger counted as "reliable" in the first place. Nothingburger is generous; this is a Nothingslider. Served up hot and fresh by your friendly neighborhood Whites-only Castle.

no one ever accused these people of being smart

Exactly. Somebody who's swayed by such a thin, obvious line of attack is somebody you shouldn't really count on being able to figure out which lever to pull on election day.
I'm a pretty priveleged child, but fuck, the idea of loans isn't something I ever wanted to do. The idea that this insurmountable debt weighing on my back just seems like such a bad idea to me when I was in community college.

I remember paying my first semester at community college - it was only $3500. I paid for it out my savings. I got half my education for $14,000 and I didn't owe anybody anything. Around then, I knew a lot of people switching schools and "coming home" because they realized how fucked they were after just two years. Some kids realized what was happening as they got a little older. Lots of others did not, at least not until it was too late to change it.


Only a 400-pound cyber would take offensive to being called a basement dwelling ideologue by Clinton so I don't think it's a big deal.
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