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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Man I tried listening to some Rush Limbaugh on the commute today on a lark (one of those 'is my media consumption too insular' thought trains) and yikes. He's obliquely talking about the tax returns and his point/conclusions seemed to be constantly contradictory in order to make things sound conspiratorial moment-to-moment. For example, he was going on this extremely long tangent about that Climate Change Research email controversy in the UK in an attempt to contrast it with the tax return story.

So the first thing he complains about is the New York Times refusing to publish the emails because they were illegally obtained through a hack; "Why didn't they publish the emails, why were they trying to hide the truth, blah blah blah". Okay, but if we take that reasoning and apply it to the tax returns, then Limbaugh would be agreeing that the New York Times did the right thing in publishing the tax returns regardless of their origin.

Then he shifts into a complaint about the New York Times being hypocritical because they spent months trying to investigate and discover who hacked the climate change emails (?) but didn't do the same thing for the tax returns. Even if you take his 'claim' about the emails as truth, it still doesn't make sense because he's implicitly arguing that the New York Times did a bad thing in the past and now they've done the opposite, thus, they did a good thing.

He then moves into talking about how this proves the NYT fails to uphold their journalistic code of conduct, only to immediately pivot and claim that a journalistic code of conduct that the media should obey never really existed anyway and it shouldn't be followed even if it did. Okay, so what am I supposed to be thinking at this point? He's telling me the NYT did the wrong thing in failing to follow a fake code of conduct, then saying it's a good thing not to follow the code of conduct anyway? This makes no sense.

The last thing he talked about before my commute was over was that the NYT is just another branch of the democratic campaign organization and that it's all a ploy to trick Americans in order to win the election and that he hopes it doesn't work. He laments about gullible Americans for a while before deciding to 'prove' how corrupt everything is by talking about surveys on trustworthiness/respectability.

He claims that all the liberal/mainstream media consistently ranks in the very bottom of the list in terms of trustworthiness and respectability, thus proving that everyone knows they can't be trusted. He then apparently recognizes the discrepancy in his reasoning (if we all know the NYT can't be trusted, why would we fall for the NYT's schemes?) and claims that nobody knows the number of Americans who are well-informed or gullible, so we have no idea what the effect of the NYT/Democrats plans are going to be.

Anyway, long story short, both sides are the same /s


Checkmate Clinton Foundation.


“It is a collaboration between Uzbek and American companies, and it will serve as a symbol of our friendship and cooperation,” Clinton said, touting the plant’s “newest, most advanced technology.”

The visit came a year after the General Motors Foundation had contributed $684,455 in vehicles to the Clinton Foundation.

Fast-forward several years, and GM-Uzbekistan is now embroiled in a massive scandal, reportedly facing charges of fraud, money laundering, and embezzlement, a legal case that has reached high-ranking government officials in the country.

Clinton isn’t tied to any of the allegations. But it’s another example of how Clinton Foundation donations and subsequent State Department actions have put the Democratic presidential nominee in an awkward position. The 2011 praise wasn’t a one-off, either. Clinton’s State Department again made GM Uzbekistan a finalist for the Award for Corporate Excellence in 2012.
Sure. Yeah. On brand.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The cease and desist isn't the big news about Trump Foundation--the bigger news is now it is on the AG's radar, and I'm almost certain they will be auditing for how the funds have been used. That could be absolutely devastating if Trump has been (as he hinted several times) using Foundation funds as his own.
The cease and desist isn't the big news about Trump Foundation--the bigger news is now it is on the AG's radar, and I'm almost certain they will be auditing for how the funds have been used. That could be absolutely devastating if Trump has been (as he hinted several times) using Foundation funds as his own.

And he only has 15 days to get all the documentation together, is that right?

Is that enough time to acid-wash the emails??


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
And he only has 15 days to get all the documentation together, is that right?

Is that enough time to acid-wash the emails??

Yep--as pigeon stated in the OT thread:

pigeon said:
Trump doesn't just have to stop fundraising. The NY AG ordered him to file, within 15 days, independent financial audits for the current year and all previous years in which the foundation was in violation, and they clearly state that fraud charges or torts may result from a failure to comply.


They're still going on the basement comment?

The people who would be put off by it don't care about it at all, and in some cases actually gained appreciation of Hillary from it...

Yeah Huckabee said that comment and the basket of deplorables comment were the most sexist things said during this entire campaign because they insulted millions of women. I just can't with these people.


No Scrubs
And he only has 15 days to get all the documentation together, is that right?

Is that enough time to acid-wash the emails??

Only 15 days, with 35 left to go. It's basically impossible. I'd like to think the AG's office gave him that deadline so they could get all their ducks in a row and the proper warrants in place.
In 1983—according to some accounts—a Honduran death squad backed by the Reagan administration tossed a Catholic priest out of a helicopter and to his death.The priest had once described himself as a “good Marxist,” and he had been the chaplain for a column of Cuban-trained communist guerillas trying overturn the country’s government.

Just three years before falling to his death, that priest met with Tim Kaine.

Today, that meeting may cause trouble for the Virginia senator.

What a fucking bizarre lede. "Reagan's death squads murdered this guy brutally and Tim Kaine once worked with the guy, does this hurt Tim Kaine?"



I imagine that over the next 15 days, the Trump Foundation is going to need to pay lawyers more than the $600 it spent on them over the past 10 years.


What exactly did Trump say about military suicide/PTSD?
The GOP presidential candidate's statement came during a Q&A at the Retired American Warriors Pac. Some of the questions were about the suicide epidemic in the military and criticism of the Veterans Administration (VA) for falling short on providing veterans with the mental health treatment they need.

After saying there are around 22 veteran suicides a day, Trump explained to the room of veterans what PTSD was.

“When people come back from war and combat and they see maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it," Trump said.

There was a silence in the room after his statement, and people on social media were quick to express anger toward his comments.


Trump, like The Bush administration, are going to walk away from this election without a single thing to worry about.

Unlike most of that administration, he won't shut the fuck up, though. He'll be taking twitter potshots at Clinton from now until 2025.
The only droning going on is from Trump's mouth. I was thinking about something this weekend. Can I have sympathy for him, or empathy for his supporters? I feel like that's still important, to keep that in mind, but this election, yikes, it's very hard to even consider it.
This is an extremely good speech. High energy, passionate and it makes Trump look like a baffoon without invoking his name.

Of course she does that right as I post. Good stuff.


buzzfeed just joined cnn


BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski and his scoop-driven political research team are joining CNN during the final, frenetic stretch of the 2016 election and beyond.

Kaczynski, 26, has been one of the standout reporters of the campaign season as his K-File team has consistently broken news through deeply mining candidates’ past statements and actions. Three other members of the team ― BuzzFeed deputy politics editor Kyle Blaine and reporters Nate McDermott and Christopher Massie ― are making the jump with him.
This Foundation stuff feels like it will be the biggest take away from this election, because this is the first scandal with actual legal implications, and someone actually looking into possible charges.

This has the potential to ruin not just Trump's campaign, but his entire life depending on how hard the AG goes in.
Trump, like The Bush administration, are going to walk away from this election without a single thing to worry about.

Unlike most of that administration, he won't shut the fuck up, though. He'll be taking twitter potshots at Clinton from now until 2025.

Not if Twitter bans him for abuse, a personal fantasy of mine.


The RNC announced Monday that it is filing an attorney complaint and requesting a formal review of Clinton aide Cheryl Mills' representation of Hillary Clinton in the recent FBI investigation into Clinton's private email server when she served as secretary of state.

This is a formal complaint to the DC Court of Appeals' Office of Disciplinary Counsel -- the body charged with attorneys' professional ethics and conduct. The complaint claims that Mills misrepresented Clinton while at the same time was an alleged witness to the misconduct.

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