Kaine needs to stop coming out with the talking points. I think that would help a bit
No it fucking doesn't. Kaine is calling out his bullshit on the fly.
Kaine needs to stop coming out with the talking points. I think that would help a bit
How hardcore of a Republican is this woman?
No one other than the WSJ Editorial board cares about the national debt and Social Security is going to continue to be solvent.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2m2 minutes ago
.@mike_pence is doing a great job - so far, no contest!
Pence is impressive.
UghhI am vomiting at Mike Pence celebrating a murderer.
He's not wrong doe
Eh. Here's how it's gonna play out in the media: "Trump interrupted? Wait till you get a load of Kaine!"
Dude Pence is doing well. Regardless of what your policy is.People were expecting a fact/policy based debate for this one.
Pence is appealing to emotions so far.
He's not doing well.
This is definitely Pence's best performance in anything on the campaign so far. He comes off as an actual human being. His words are dumb as shit, but I'm not horrified or dumbfounded by his very existence.
Can't wait for tonight when the media will say that Pence has undone the bad week by Trump.
Well, back to bedwetting it is.
Pence now the 2020 GOP front runner
Frank Luntz saying Kaine is losing quasi-bigly.