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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Difference between 538 and Upshot. 538 includes these polls heavily weighted, Upshot doesn't include 2 of them (Cohn didn't specify which).

I don't see a world where Burr loses but Clinton doesn't win, but that's probably because I am still underrating Ross' ability to hustle and campaign.
So the former Tony Blair speechwriter and pro-Remain proponent wrote a hint piece for Clinton in the upcoming debates, learning from the loss of Brexit.

Clinton needs to stop taking a knife to a gun fight
(CNN) If I learned one lesson from the referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union that I would like to teach Hillary Clinton, it's this: don't take a knife to a gun fight.
Someone seems to have sent the Clinton campaign the pro-EU Remain campaign's playbook for the Brexit referendum. Every gutter-trawling gaffe, error and insult from Donald Trump is met with a bloodless rebuttal which outlines what Clinton's campaign sees as the obvious: based on cold, hard facts, Trump is less suitable to take the office of President than Clinton.

But the Presidential campaign is not some academic seminar. Nor is it a game in which a 10 point plan beats no plan by 10 points to nil. The patient accumulation of facts as the basis for rebuttal doesn't work.
In one sense it was simple. A three word slogan like "Take Back Control" is more compelling than a message that seems as though it has been cut and paste from the FAQs page of a website. Half-truths, as the saying goes, are like half-bricks: easier to throw. But the killer blow for those of us who wanted to stay in the EU was that the emotional content of the leave argument overwhelmed the rationality of remain. Emotion repeatedly trumped reason.

Of course different audiences and all that, but it really does explain why facts dont stick anymore and Trump can lie his way about.
100% true. The contrast with Trump shields how bad of a candidate she actually is.

I'm genuinely concerned they won't renew his current deal. Those ratings are brutal.

Trump winning and Conan getting cancelled is a dark timeline indeed. I miss the old clutch cargo Bill Clinton "nee haw" bits he used to do with Smigel.

At least for Conan, even if his show gets cancelled, there's always a place for him doing a stripped-down show consisting of remotes and interviews. I think he will be on tv in one form or another as long as he wants to be. But Andy, the band...


Uh, btw the 2008 Democratic candidates for Senate and Governor in North Carolina, Hagan and Perdue, both performed much better than Obama. And Perdue's opponent was.... McCrory!


Oh man. That Don King video. He's bad enough but there's Trump and Flynn smirking and laughing at his comments. Not a good look.


Uh, btw the 2008 Democratic candidates for Senate and Governor in North Carolina, Hagan and Perdue, both performed much better than Obama. And Perdue's opponent was.... McCrory!

That's because Obama is the worst candidate in a generation, if it weren't for Hillary and Trump.
100% true. The contrast with Trump shields how bad of a candidate she actually is.

I'm genuinely concerned they won't renew his current deal. Those ratings are brutal.
I wouldnt be surprised. It looks like his best days were on Late Night. He got away with so many things there.



Now, maybe this is shady, but you don't get to do this. If Hillary so much as looks at something cross eyed (probably because she's dying) you start lamenting optics and how it's terrible and how she's going to lose and everything's on fire. And that's fine. But, for the love of all that is holy, be consistent. Please.

And also, ya, using the n-word is kinda bad.

Well thats my point - I don't see anything wrong with this.

Using the N word isn't anything (unless you're david simon wilding on twitter). Fucking Wilmore hit the president with it.


Of course I don't think the whole Don King thing will mean much because Trump surrogates will deflect and of course with no pushback.

But imagine if the Mothers Of Movement started saying that before introducing Clinton. Ask yourself what the response would be.


Joseph Borelli is so dumb. "You hear that all the time in rap music." Angela was having none of it.

Angela can have her opinion, but as a white person I'm not in a position to tell a black dude what he can or cannot say.

Its not a big deal, the "OH FUCK HE DROPPED AN N BOMB" is the go to of a lot of racists.
That there is any significant number of people who can't decide between Trump and Hillary is staggering to me. You couldn't have two candidates further apart in policy or personality.

It is really not about policy or their personality. It's mostly about how they feel about the candidate personally. I don't think it is "both sides are the same" trope, but they might have different reasons to particularly dislike the candidates.

Hillary is seen as very dishonest, too much of a politician, corrupt, and plagued with scandals. It makes it hard for people to relate to her and trust her. Plus, some other preconceived notions.

Donald Trump is seen as an undisciplined buffoon, who is extremely ignorant, and a possible racist to some. I think this is why that many people are not wanting to vote for either side.

For a lot of people many have not heard any good things about Hillary recently, I suspect that most think her has anti-Trump and most of the reason they are voting for her is to be against Trump. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/20/o...t-we-are-hearing-about-clinton-and-trump.html

The continuing research, conducted by Gallup in conjunction with University of Michigan and Georgetown, found that since early July more than seven in 10 Americans read, saw or heard something about at least one of the presidential candidates in the days before the daily interviews. On some days that number rises to over 80 percent and has never, even on weekends, fallen below 60 percent. During this period, Americans have been slightly more likely to report hearing news about Mr. Trump than about Mrs. Clinton, particularly during the Republican convention and throughout August — although Mrs. Clinton attracted more attention this past week.

Since July we have asked more than 30,000 Americans to say exactly what it was they read, saw or heard about the two major party candidates over the past several days. The type of information getting through to Americans varies significantly depending on whether the candidate in question is Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton. Americans’ daily reports about Mr. Trump are directly tied to what he is doing and saying. If Mr. Trump talks about Muslim parents and their son who was killed in action, that’s what the public remembers. If he goes to Mexico or Louisiana, that’s what they recall reading or hearing about him. If Mr. Trump calls President Obama the founder of the Islamic State, “ISIS” moves to the top of the list of what Americans tell us they are hearing about the Republican candidate.

What Americans recall hearing about Mrs. Clinton is significantly less varied. Specifically — and to an extraordinary degree — Americans have consistently told us that they are reading and hearing about her handling of emails while she was secretary of state during President Obama’s first term. In eight of the past 10 weeks, “emails” has been the most frequently recalled word in Americans’ reports of news about Mrs. Clinton — the exceptions being the week of the Democratic convention, when emails fell to second place, and this past week when “pneumonia” and “health” eclipsed emails.

Additionally, what the FBI director said hurt her credibility to a lot of people.However it looks like she is trying to rectify that (https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...0c8018-7f75-11e6-8d0c-fb6c00c90481_story.html) and I do not think Trump is really trying that much to fix people's preconceptions of him, he is just trying to look just not racist to white people.
Hillary Clinton on executing black men:

On the radio on Tuesday, Clinton said we need to tackle systemic racism in the police system and called for improving policing.

“And we’ve got to tackle systemic racism – this horrible shooting again,” Clinton said. “How many times do we have to see this in our country? In Tulsa, an unarmed man with his hands in the air? I mean, this is just unbearable, and it needs to be intolerable. And so maybe I can, by speaking directly to white people, say, look, this is not who we are.”

“We’ve got to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias. There are good, honorable, cool-headed police officers,” she continued. “We have seen them in action in New York over the last 48 hours because of the terrorist attacks. We can do better. We have got to rein in what is absolutely inexplicable. And we have got to have law enforcement respect communities and communities respect law enforcement because they have to work together.”

Chris Christie's response:

“She’s a disgrace. She’s a disgrace and those comments are a disgrace,” the New Jersey governor said on the Laura Ingraham Show on Wednesday. “It’s typical of Hillary Clinton. She knows nothing but the mouth never stops. And, the fact is she has no idea what happened in North Carolina. The same way, as you very aptly pointed out Laura, people jumped to conclusions in Ferguson which caused riot cautions in Ferguson, because of politicians dumping gasoline on a fire.”

On Monday, video was released that showed police officers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, fatally shooting an unarmed black man outside his car.

“And the fact is that she has no experience in law enforcement except for being interviewed by them,” continued Christie. “She has no background or experience on how to deal with these issues and it is just a disgrace. I had not heard her comments until you just played them. And I’m just appalled and as someone who spent seven years in law enforcement she’s exactly the kind of politician that law enforcement loathes, loathes her. Because, she jumps to conclusion for political gain and doesn’t care what careers or lives she ruins in the process.”


Chris Christie seems very pro-executing innocent black men from this statement but that's probably because he's just an authoritarian racist.
Hillary Clinton on executing black men:

Chris Christie's response:


Chris Christie seems very pro-executing innocent black men from this statement but that's probably because he's just an authoritarian racist.
God Christie is a hateful motherfucker.

I hope spending the twilight hours of your political career washing Trump's balls is worth it you fat racist fuck.

Don't you have a bridge to close or something?
Has there been a productive Nate and Wang exchange this cycle? In 2014 they had some back and forth, though unfortunately it got a bit childish very quickly (mostly because of Nate from what I saw).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


Angela can have her opinion, but as a white person I'm not in a position to tell a black dude what he can or cannot say.

Its not a big deal, the "OH FUCK HE DROPPED AN N BOMB" is the go to of a lot of racists.

She wasn't as bothered by him saying it as much as the image of Trump and a bunch of white guys yucking it up behind him.
This attitude is why a few months back I said one of the two Bush presidents would support Hillary. I think thtanif this keeps up, it will get worse for Trump. More of these republicans will publicly support her.

It'll just take one with enough nerve to do it, and the dominoes will start falling.


It's amazing that Don King came this close to speaking at the RNC.

I wouldn't be too surprised if this becomes a topic at the debates.


538 is giving me bed wetting dreams right now. Times like these I wish Biden ran and got the nom, even if I love the Queen more.
I'm gonna miss him squirm on TV. I also find him oddly hot.

Hey, you're in luck!

Editor’s Note: Based on information from a high level CNN source, we initially reported that Corey Lewandowski was suspended from CNN. CNN has now gotten back to us and firmly denied that Lewandowski has been suspended, and said that he will be on air later today. We regret what now appears to have been an error and have made changes accordingly, but stand by our reporting that Lewandowski was pulled off the air this morning because of the brewing controversy.

I should probably edit that post.


Chris Christie makes me ill.
Just do what I do and imagine him crying into his McFlurry on Election Night.


The Don King discussion has me wondering about the debate. We're going to see Trump saying really goofy, Trumpy things, and I hope Hillary has her plan ready for reacting visually/nonverbally at the right moments. Her reaction gifs from the Benghazi panel were real winners.
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