Please don't quit the race Donald. Stick it out! You still have a chance
to be humiliated a whole lot more!
Robert Blizzard ‏@robertblizzard 1h1 hour ago
Robert Blizzard Retweeted POLITICO
When it rains it pours. But, this race was over long before Friday night.
ToucheWhat wealth?
Yep, they are already attacking the GOP members that have pulled their support on Twitter. They need to just take the L.
Isn't him dropping out potentially really bad for us
I can think of 3 times when he should have.
Wait, how many kids does he have? 3 or 4?
Please don't quit the race Donald. Stick it out! You still have a chanceto be humiliated a whole lot more!
Christie and Giuliani probably fighting to be the replacement as we speak lolI want Pence to quit.
"The mothers of benghazi don't care"
I want Pence to quit.
Christie and Giuliani probably fighting to be the replacement as we speak lol
So wait, I'm confused...if Donald drops out and Pence becomes top of the ticket, why does it matter that Donald's name is on all the ballots? Wouldn't that slot just become the generic "Republican" placeholder and then the electoral college votes go to whoever's the new nominee?
(clearly I do not have the best grasp of the legalities around this)
Haha haha hah yesssss.I'm oding on schadenfreude right now. Fuck Trump, fuck the Republican party, and fuck Republicans.
The ballots are printed. HIS NAME IS AT THE TOP OF THE TICKET.Any legitimate reason to bedwet about this, and worry that Trump will pull out with Pence becoming top-pick? I honestly don't know enough about the legal-end of this kind-of thing. :/
Christie and Giuliani probably fighting to be the replacement as we speak lol
Jonathan Martin ‏@jmartNYT 3m3 minutes ago
PENCE cancels Wisconsin trip. Campaign/RNC in full crisis mode.
boom, hillary roasteddespite calls to do so by elected officials including Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman and former New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey.
"No one I've spoken with is in agreement with those you've mentioned," said West Virginia RNC Committeewoman Melody Potter, in an email. "My opinion, Trump should NOT be replaced."
"These same people need to yell for Hillary to be replaced since she is under investigation for her disappearing e-mails while she was Secretary of State," Potter added.
The ship will finally sink tomorrow.
No, he just bought an ad for that.
I'll sleep as I please. Woodward and Bernstein's reporting was during the summer of 1972. The Watergate burglars were indicted in September 1972. The FBI announced the break-in was part of the Nixon re-election campaign in fucking October.
Seriously, like, do you even know any partisans? (Other than yourself that is.)
You're hypothesizing the largest landslide in American political history, by a polling magnitude larger than any other election, in a race where the candidates are currently within five points. If you had suggested something like Hillary 55% - Trump 30% - Johnson 15% you'd still be crazy, but less so. But to suggest a 70-80% popular vote share for any candidate is beyond plausible.
Millions of women will be voting for Donald Trump.
I disagree. I tell people IRL that Trump's face is a face of someone who cannot be president. Doesn't mean it's a sexist comment.
Mind you, I'm not saying Trump is not a misogynist asshole, but I don't think he said anything sexist to Fiorina. At least nothing that I recall off the top of my head.
oh hey look that one Stein voter I know is bringing up that time Clinton had to defend a rapist in court as evidence that she's just as bad as Trump advocating sexual assault what a surprise
The ship will finally sink tomorrow.
This is it. The GOP is actually imploding
So is Kasich the favorite for 2020? He's about the only prominent and active republican who avoided the Trump circus.
So is Kasich the favorite for 2020? He's about the only prominent and active republican who avoided the Trump circus.
So is Kasich the favorite for 2020? He's about the only prominent and active republican who avoided the Trump circus.
Edit: honestly probably not. He isn't crazy enough to win a primary
A man telling a woman she can't be president because of the way her face looks is close to the textbook version of a sexist comment. At least I feel that way.
I like that Republicans are coming out and saying that they won't vote for Trump, but want Pence to replace him as well. I'm sure when Trump reads a few of those it will just make him really angry at Pence, probably thinking he's trying to take what's his.
I'm eager to see if this craziness makes Georgia a real possibility to go blue
I like that Republicans are coming out and saying that they won't vote for Trump, but want Pence to replace him as well. I'm sure when Trump reads a few of those it will just make him really angry at Pence, probably thinking he's trying to take what's his.
I'm eager to see if this craziness makes Georgia a real possibility to go blue
No, they're just anecdotes.I do, however, know quite a few women who live near me who have publicly stated today that they are either voting for Clinton or staying home on Election Day. But, hey, what do they know, right? They're just women.
What is unique about this situation that it would shatter everything we know about electoral politics in the United States and create a forty to fifty point swing over a few weeks that erases one of the political parties down to a level that has never happened ever in any Presidential election?Again, show me where history applies to this situation that is completely unique in the last 100 years. You are going to see record low turnout among the GOP base, and quite a few people who were willing to hold their nose and vote Trump will be jumping ship to Clinton.
Video footage of him doing what he talked about.What can be worse than this?
Many ppl are saying it
Someone look in to it!