The nuke comment wasn't on audio/video right? I feel that is the main difference, people like to be able to see and hear it themselves. Plus I believe it was someone who said he had said it. As for the climate change I believe a poll came out recently that showed a majority of Americans are suspicious of climate science. The bigotry, unfortunately, only drains you of so much support.
I thought that it was being reported as mostly fake and made up?
If only we could see what Trump feels in his heart![]()
Philip Rucker Verified account
A source close to Trump camp told me Pence and his team are “absolutely apoplectic,” "melting down” and "inconsolable.”
And so the 2016 campaign, which has already exposed so many of our national riftsclass, race, geographyhas settled, in its final weeks, on our deepest and most animal fault line, the one that cleaves the human race in two: men versus women, the old-fashioned battle of the sexes. A few days later, a decade-old recording would surface of Trump talking about groping and seducing married women, in keeping with a long history of what he termed locker-room banter.
And isn't it fitting? On the one hand, it might be a rich irony that America's first woman to head a major-party ticket finds herself running against the cartoon of masculinity, the parody of machismo, that is Trump. On the other hand, it might not be a coincidence at all.
Nobody has a problem with a woman being president, okay? It's just this woman, Hillary Clinton, who is defective in so many obvious ways. That's what the Trump supporters say, and they mean it.
"She's female, but is she a woman?" a Trump supporter in Manheim, JoAnne Balshi, tells me. A 69-year-old retiree with a gold cross around her neck, Balshi has come to the rally with her husband. They are such longtime Trump fans that, long before he entered politics, they once traveled to Trump Tower to celebrate his birthday.
"She doesn't wear a dress ever," Balshi continues. "She'll probably show up in a pantsuit for the inaugural. She's not a typical womanshe's not soft. She's so power-hungry, which is not becoming of a woman."
Her husband, Tom, a dentist wearing a Make America Great Again cap, chimes in. "I know women who are CEOs, women who own companies," he says. "There's no glass ceiling for women anymore. It doesn't exist." Of Alicia Machado, he notes, "It's not like she was Ms. Wholesome."
Most Trump supporters I talk to say they wouldn't say the things Trump says about women, and some would like him to apologize. But his brand of masculinity has a powerful appeal to his male supportersand also to many women. They firmly agree with Trump that Hillary is playing the woman's cardusing baseless accusations of sexism to silence her critics, or playing the victim to distract from her own missteps. This is largely the view of Machado, too, in whose career they see a double standard: She was fine with being judged for her looks when it benefited her, then cried foul when the judgment turned negative.
This is what women dothey manipulate, they punishand their influence is turning society soft and weak. "Trump is just an alpha male, a macho guy," says Steve Musselman, a 30-year-old truck driver with a chinstrap beard. "Our problem today is the squashing of the ego. The male ego is what has allowed our species to survive. But today everybody's ultra-sensitive."
Anyway, it's clear Trump doesn't hate womenjust look at him. "He obviously loves his wife and children," says Richard Hershey, an 86-year-old retired manufacturing supervisor. Of Machado, he says, "If you listen to what Trump said, he was trying to help her. He wanted to work with her and put her on a diet. So what if he jokingly said 'little piggy' or something? That has nothing to do with anything."
A lot of people from Utah jumped ship, and now there's a growing number from Alabama. The Mormons bailed first, now it's looking like the evangelicals are not far behind.
Public option or at least more regulations on insurance companies and big pharma. ACA needs it to survive in the long term. And if Dems can't own that the GOP will throw the whole thing out somedayGod, if they somehow retake the House, I hope Bernie and Hillary work on ramming through tax reform asap.
Aarnold Schwarzenegger tweeted he won't be voting Republican
The divide will be between women, Mormons, evangelicals and highly educated Republicans vs. less educated and religious men, those who've been married multiple times and have no daughters. There will also be a geographical divide similar to the primary.I wonder what the ratio of people Rs unendorsing vs Rs standing by him will be. I hope we get a straight up civil war.
I wonder what Hillary was doing all day yesterday?
Aarnold Schwarzenegger tweeted he won't be voting Republican, at this late stage, the GOP should be required to carry its nominee to term.
i can't waif for SNL tonight.
Guess who just happens to be the new host of The Apprentice...Aarnold Schwarzenegger tweeted he won't be voting Republican
OT Thread someone said that MSNBC was told there are 12-14 more tapes on Trump.
OT Thread someone said that MSNBC was told there are 12-14 more tapes on Trump.
Honestly barring a debate meltdown from Clinton I feel this story will be what gets told next week.
It'll be about Trumps comments plus the support he's losing right now.
Eww, Arnold supported Nixon in '68? He should be fine with Trump then.
Eww, Arnold supported Nixon in '68? He should be fine with Trump then.
If they are of similar magnitude of the one released, oh man. They could really go for the kill.OT Thread someone said that MSNBC was told there are 12-14 more tapes on Trump.
The debate can't hurt Clinton any longer. The o ly thing that can happen from now on is it getting worse for Trump.
OT Thread someone said that MSNBC was told there are 12-14 more tapes on Trump.
Yaaaaaasssss!!!Roy Blunt sticking with Trump.
He was a Quaker.Nixon was a treasonist, racist bastard, but I don't know if he ever sexually assaulted anyone.
Maybe I just haven't read about it though., he would have only been in the US for like 2 months by the time of that election. So, eh?
i can't waif for SNL tonight.
I hate Repubs who name drop Lincoln. You ain't the party of Lincoln anymore. You can't go run as an anti minority party for generations, reap its benefits, and have your cake too. No. Just no.
We are blessed.Roy Blunt sticking with Trump.