Obamacare is polarized it doesn't hurt or help now. Fixes reinvigorate that and risk a 2010 for minor changes. Im only willing to risk that with a dem trifecta as we can get actual fixes rather than minor changes that HHS can probably unilaterally do or we can get from random CR or budgets as leverageYes except who was tied to the old system? Whose NAME was on the old system?
Obamacare right now is bad. I mean, I'll stan for it because it's better than what we had. But what we had wasn't the singular achievement of one party and one person. So that is why I am saying we can't leave it to other shitheads to fix.
But I agree we can't fix it so whatever.
They're talking about Bill's gaffe instead.I'm kind of blown away literally no one is talking about the vp debate lol
Immigration reform is a moral issue that's possible and infrastructure is a huge boost to the economy. Those two have to be priorities but I don't see immigration reform passing the house and instead well muddle along with executive orders.
Infrastructure is a real possibility with a dem Senate. There are enough Republicans who will benefit from it and you can pork it up. (Though this would kind of tacitly admit not fully fighting for a dem house on 2018)
(Though this would kind of tacitly admit not fully fighting for a dem house on 2018)
They're talking about Bill's gaffe instead.
Who is talking about that? and if they are, turn the channel. Vote with your remote!They're talking about Bill's gaffe instead.
Trump is running a practice town hall to prep for Sunday's debate
Stop watching crap shows and reading Kellyanne Conway's twitter.
I've seen it on all 3 networks today. It's sucking the air out of the taxes story. Obamacare is suddenly interjected into the debate when no one was talking about it before.Who is talking about that? and if they are, turn the channel. Vote with your remote!
Well PoliGAF, I just checked online for verification and I'm now officially registered to voteI'm 28, but this will be the first election of any kind I'm actually voting in. I didn't vote in 2008 and 2012 for the same reasons many young 20-somethings don't, "I don't care about politics", "My vote doesn't really count", etc. I will admit that, if I had voted in 2008 I probably would have voted for McCain simply because he was the more experienced politician compared to Obama (I knew jack about either of their actual platforms or policies). By 2012 I was Team Obama all way, and was very happy when he got re-elected - not that I had anything to do with it
Politically speaking I would say I'm a moderate/independent. There are things I agree and disagree with when it comes to Democrats and Republicans. However, as someone who is very left-wing when it comes to respecting other cultures and people of all races, religions, sexual identities, etc, I cannot in good conscience stand on the sidelines for this election. My decision to vote this year was one that I'd made many, many months ago once it became crystal clear that Drumpf was going to be the Republican nominee. In the event that Drumpf wins the election (I confident he won't at this point), I don't know how I could live with myself knowing I could have voted to help keep a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, pathetic sack of shit like him out of the White House - but didn't.
I don't love Hillary, heck I barely like her, but compared to Drumpf she's a saint as far as I'm concerned. So she'll be getting my vote without question come November. I will admit I'm slightly saddened that my first time voting in a GE isn't because I love a specific candidate who just really speaks to me. I'm sure that day will eventually come, but for now I'm perfectly content with voting simply to keep Putin 2.0 out of office.
No. We should avoid this like the plague national. There is no incentive for gop cooperation, further's the notion government in health care bad, reinvigorated blaming everything that happens in healthcare being Dems fault.
We shouldn't put out limited capital on health care for 10 or so years federally besides administrative fixes.
States should lead the way.
I'm always really amazed how this board thinks this is a winning issue for Dems and how they can win votes on this. It really is toxic for middle class voters.
If we're talking about health care proposals it should be only additional programs not "fixes" which will be opposed, neutered and politically toxix. (Propose it. Just don't put capital there yet)
Immigration reform IMO. Not only is it good policy and would help grow the economy and tax base, but politically, locking down Latino voters would be huge demographically in 2020.
That being said, it sounds like Clinton's top priority is an infrastructure spending bill.
Trump is gonna flub his Matthew questions.
Some states can handle hurricanes. Florida choked. Florida can't handle it. Florida can't be a state.Look. I like states that don't get hit by hurricanes Okay?
Look, the ocean. It's sending hurricanes. It's sending tidal waves. And some, I assume, are good weather patterns. But, we have to get smart, folks. We have to get smart. And tough. : sniff :Some states can handle hurricanes. Florida choked. Florida can't handle it. Florida can't be a state.
tbh fam, this is lit af
Republicans have been blaming Obama for lack of cooperation, you really think they'll try to continue the obstruction? who am I kidding, of course they would. However, I think having a new President could force their hand.
Do you think Al Gore has ever been "lit af"?That's, that's not real is it?
There's been a lot of negative ads from Trump and the GOP on TV lately. Like every commercial break.
What state are you in?
I love how Joe name drops him like a rapper before the guest singer or other rapper does a verse or the chorus. It's fucking hilarious.Guys, I think we can all agree that no matter what Trump does on Sunday, Mark Halperin will think the media is blowing it out of proportion and that it won't make much of an impact.
New York oddly enough.
Well PoliGAF, I just checked online for verification and I'm now officially registered to voteI'm 28, but this will be the first election of any kind I'm actually voting in. I didn't vote in 2008 and 2012 for the same reasons many young 20-somethings don't, "I don't care about politics", "My vote doesn't really count", etc. I will admit that, if I had voted in 2008 I probably would have voted for McCain simply because he was the more experienced politician compared to Obama (I knew jack about either of their actual platforms or policies). By 2012 I was Team Obama all way, and was very happy when he got re-elected - not that I had anything to do with it
Politically speaking I would say I'm a moderate/independent. There are things I agree and disagree with when it comes to Democrats and Republicans. However, as someone who is very left-wing when it comes to respecting other cultures and people of all races, religions, sexual identities, etc, I cannot in good conscience stand on the sidelines for this election. My decision to vote this year was one that I'd made many, many months ago once it became crystal clear that Drumpf was going to be the Republican nominee. In the event that Drumpf wins the election (I confident he won't at this point), I don't know how I could live with myself knowing I could have voted to help keep a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, pathetic sack of shit like him out of the White House - but didn't.
I don't love Hillary, heck I barely like her, but compared to Drumpf she's a saint as far as I'm concerned. So she'll be getting my vote without question come November. I will admit I'm slightly saddened that my first time voting in a GE isn't because I love a specific candidate who just really speaks to me. I'm sure that day will eventually come, but for now I'm perfectly content with voting simply to keep Putin 2.0 out of office.
New York oddly enough.
Not if it's Clinton. They're ratchet up the stupid.
New York oddly enough.
Cable or broadcast?
Then every ad you hear is the sound of Trump wasting his money.
Because you know, Crooked Hillary Clinton is going to make sure hurricanes hit us hard in all 50 states. She has no clue what she's doing, folks.Look, the ocean. It's sending hurricanes. It's sending tidal waves. And some, I assume, are good weather patterns. But, we have to get smart, folks. We have to get smart. And tough. : sniff :
Adam was meant to suffer. It's his lot in life.Both, as crazy as that sounds. Nowhere near as often on broadcast, but it's there.
Yea, but I live in NY. We're not a swing state, we barely get ads for local elections. We shouldn't have to suffer like Adam.
Look, we're going to build a sea wall, okay. And the manatees are going to pay for it. We have to folks. We don't have a choice.Because you know, Crooked Hillary Clinton is going to make sure hurricanes hit us hard in all 50 states. She has no clue what she's doing, folks.
Both, as crazy as that sounds. Nowhere near as often on broadcast, but it's there.
Yea, but I live in NY. We're not a swing state, we barely get ads for local elections. We shouldn't have to suffer like Adam.
I'm from NY also. We spawned Drumpf so it's our lot to suffer too.
I'm kind of blown away literally no one is talking about the vp debate lol