Some still expecting a Trump pivot this late in the game? I just don't see it happening. I see Trump performing "better" in only a few ways, but there is no way we don't get the same incoherent bully as last time. If Trump gets an early question, before he goes off script, that allows him to bring up emails, Benghazi, or emails, he will probably actually say his pre canned shit this time around and despite it being the same tired old, disproven GOP smears, everyone will count it as a landed blow. I also suspect he will last slightly longer before going off the rails because he knows he has to try to suppress every impulse he has to be an awful human for at least a few minutes more.
Trump is petty, thin skinned to the point of translucent, and has an giant ego with big blinking red bullseye targets of how to exploit it. Clinton knows this and did it immediately in the first debate. No way Trump practiced those impulses to defend himself at all costs and attack anyone who says otherwise. The best part is we get real people asking the questions this time, and him disrespecting a voter is almost guaranteed. At best he gets to say the exact shit Pence said last night. They have no policy or facts on their side so they have to say emails as many times as possible. I am just curious to see how much further they expand Hillary's time traveling capabilities. If she is not credited with the creation of the Fertile Crescent that eventually led to the unrest in the Mid East, I will be disappointed.