My brother shocked me earlier today on facebook when in response to an article I posted about the 'grab your pussy' , he wrote "so how is this worst than when killery laughed off getting a rapist in 1975?'
I then wrote out a very descriptive post narrowing down the fallacies of his question and argument, linked him to false equivalency , strawman, and facts that refute his subject of his question, and not even 30 seconds after I hit post, he had a "lol did you really type that or copy and paste. Damn I love you but we are in opposite sides."
Dude didn't even read the info, digest the it, and come back with other questions. Just, no; I'm voting for this dude. When I informed him he could vote an entire ticket without voting for Trump, he still thought i was fucking with him.
Cognitive bias is so fucked up.