This is all real and just happened to me. No exaggerations.
I went to go visit my parents church today. They've been at a strong southern evangelical church for years, often sliding in typical conservative talking points and winking at nationalism. My family has stayed so long because so many people there are like family. Now, my parents aren't big Hillary fans but they despise Trump. They've been flabbergasted by the cognitive dissonance going on with evangelicals and it saddens them. The racism against us as Hispanics, the sexism, etc. I've tried to explain that this has always been going on, but they just didn't want to see it.
Today, instead of the typical sermon, the pastor started off wanting to address the current situation and asked if anybody else wanted to say something before the church. What followed was a sea of white people getting up and spouting both coded and direct propaganda. My mother had warned me before church to not get mad, so I sat silent, seething through all of this.
No joke, these words were uttered in our church today: Nationalism, Globalism, destruction of our nation, Hannity, John Hagee, Trump is a converted Christian now, democrats are for killing babies, our kids don't know anything because they're taught by professors who were paid off by big business. They pushed real hard the notion that we need to vote all the establishment out, that God could use Trump and that Pence was a good guy.
My mother eventually got so upset, she stood up and went to go talk. She spoke shortly but emphasized that Love is what brought her to the church and saved our family's life. Love, not hate or fear or anger is what keeps us. I was really proud of her.
Then, another woman got up and said "yeah, agreed." But then quickly dismissed that and asked if we all would stand up and sing "God Bless America". It was like a parody of a conservative church. It felt like a scene out of The Purge.
More people got up and talked. And my mom sat their crying at what she had never wanted to see before. No sermon was given today. God was not on topic at church today and it broke her heart. No message of Jesus for the broken or hurting. Only politics. We walked out quietly during the prayer because my mom was so visibly upset.
As we left, the pastor's daughter, an elder in the church and friend of my mom, stopped us because she saw my mom crying and leaving and "it broke her heart". She tried to console her while my mom tried to explain why she felt like this. The lady asked us "Can I pray for your mom?" I snapped back (maybe too hard), "Can you also pray for the Church?!" She winced and just went right into a prayer only about my mom and the country. We said thanks and quickly left the building.
I know not many of you are religious or from religious backgrounds or whatever. But evangelicals are all on board Trump's vileness and it destroyed me to see my mother's heart break for the church of people she loved today. For not hearing Jesus.
It breaks my heart what Trump (and the conservatives) have done for years and have hurt my parents so much.