ryutaro's mama
Are we approaching 400 EV's and a Democratic House? IS IT REALLY HAPPENING
You just jinxed it.
Are we approaching 400 EV's and a Democratic House? IS IT REALLY HAPPENING
LolPolitical reporter for TIME:
Political reporter for TIME:
Political reporter for TIME:
Incognito mode.
Political reporter for TIME:
I grew up a Mississippi Southern Baptist. I was raised around churches for my whole life until college, and even joined a Christian fraternity. While I no longer believe, I met a lot of great people who did genuinely believe the Word and wanted to help the downtrodden; to live as Christ did.
But more numerous were the people who were clearly only going to church on holidays, and who snored through the sermons. After a few years, I even noticed that certain messages just never seemed to come up. It was always the "Watch out for the deceivers and the infiltrators" (AKA liberals and Mooslims) instead of any of the loving your neighbor stuff. After Obama got elected, things went super south and it was all politics all the time. The most interesting linguistic tick back then was that people started saying "It's a damn shame when our country won't elect a war hero over someone like Obama." and you could clearly tell that they were contrasting McCain as a soldier versus Obama the Muslim Deceiver.
What makes you think he'll give one?I can't wait for Trump's concession speech.
HigherWhat makes you think he'll give one?
I'd say there's at least a 50% chance he refuses to give one.
I can't wait for Trump's concession speech.
What makes you think he'll give one?
I'd say there's at least a 50% chance he refuses to give one.
Never gonna happen. He's too conceited to concede.
Never gonna happen. He's too conceited to concede.
He will tweet defiance. In the end, he will likely end his campaign as the coward he is.
The fuck is National Geographic TV running a series based on a Bill O'Reilly book
Lack of concession speech just shows how weak he really is. Win-win!
He will tweet defiance. In the end, he will likely end his campaign as the coward he is.
I hope the Clinton campaign is prepared for the two different versions orange turd, not jus the unrestrained one. I wouldn't set all the eggs on that basket but I can be sure that he only prepared for a single particular avenue and an effective counter will be devastating.
He'll tweet about the election being rigged. How it was a giant waste of time for him etc.
As far as this "much worse thing" that's out there on Trump:
my guess is that it's something that's already in possession of the campaign. The Apprentice tapes would be nice, but it's completely optional. A bonus.
There's more to come, with or without Burnett.
I don't know why we're worried about Clinton and preparedness.
Wait, I've been away from the internet all day, but here's tape of Donald saying the n-word? I mean, I'm sure he's said it hundreds of times but this is on tape?
They need to do all they can to distance themselves from these people. But it's their base though.
I don't know why we're worried about Clinton and preparedness.
Yeah, I am guessing that Clinton has another Machado style video cut and ready to go and will drop it during her opening.
The fuck is National Geographic TV running a series based on a Bill O'Reilly book
Speculation that it exists at this point. The tapes could be anything, from him saying the N word to him having some kind of weird Eyes Wide Shut orgy.
I'm sure they are very prepared but maybe they expect to use some devastating strategy that would require an undisciplined orange turd. It would make perfect sense to expect that but hopefully, in the odd chance that it doesn't happen, I certainly want her to deal with the other version.I don't know why we're worried about Clinton and preparedness.
Wait, I've been away from the internet all day, but here's tape of Donald saying the n-word? I mean, I'm sure he's said it hundreds of times but this is on tape?
That's what I suspect too. Clinton absolutely must've been in possession of those tapes on Friday, it's just too perfect otherwise. No, what ever this worse tape is, they have it in their possession, and choosing when to push the button on the nuclear football.
That is some really cool looking animation. What is that from?
r/The_Donald in full nuclear meltdown
The threads themselves are a mix of disbelief, anger and some resignation. They're hanging on to the new USC poll that has Trump 2% ahead for their dear lives.
Couldn't have happened to nicer individuals
That is some really cool looking animation. What is that from?
We need some crowd-funding to get this shit released, STAT.
That's not an exaggeration either, that's the actual headline.
I hope the Clinton campaign is prepared for the two different versions orange turd, not jus the unrestrained one. I wouldn't set all the eggs on that basket but I can be sure that he only prepared for a single particular avenue and an effective counter will be devastating.