Even if she does pass out, honestly Trump will say some absurd shit and at worst, it's called a draw.
I mean, people here suddenly think Trump will be imbued with the spirit of Abraham Lincoln cutting his second inaugural speech or some fucking bullshit every time. And every time, Trump acts like he's acted for decades of his life.
Great songs definitely their best since Rust in Peace imo but the lyrics to things like "The Threat is Real" "Post American World" and "Death From Within" are pretty questionable, the former and latter most definitely being anti immigrant.Got the album recently. I like it too; didn't even notice the right wing sentiment in the lyrics, but it's not like that detracts from the quality of the songs for me.
But man, Dave Mustaine's vocal range is just gone compared to the late 80s and early 90s stuff. It's a real shame, even if it overall works here.
Why does everyone think more bombs will drop tomorrow?
Why does everyone think more bombs will drop tomorrow?
Why does everyone think more bombs will drop tomorrow?
Why does everyone think more bombs will drop tomorrow?
+Anderson Cooper is not a doormat. He's going to go hard on Trump's Iraq denial.
Why does everyone think more bombs will drop tomorrow?
When is Obama going to start campaigning again
he has not been as visible as i expected!
I just hope it comes on the eve of the third presidential debate, so we can have another hilarious weekend like this one.
Reasonable best case scenario
I'm hoping Corey is more representative of Trump than newt is.
HILLARY: My opponent is bad because he likes women durr (said very globalistly)
TRUMP: My compatriots, there is only a single profane trilogy that need pass my lips: William Jefferson Clinton.
HILLARY: Uhwahhhhhh nooo I wikileaked Benghazi (seizes from dementia cancer)
TRUMP: And now, to my dear America, I shall follow in the footsteps of Cincinnatus. My youthful indiscretions have been projected across the membrane of our social consciousness by the mendacious media. Though misleading, I understand my image is tainted. My cohort Michael Pence will assume the Office of the Presidency in my stead.
HILLARY: (coughs uncontrollably as a bald eagle carries her away as Soros watches and screams from his volcano lair)
I just don't see how there can be a third debate if he continues to do horribly. I can see him not showing up for the last one.
People keep saying this, but i mean if the man shows up to the second debate after this pussy video drops... is there really anything that could stop his ego from going to the third? I think this man is what we think he is. A thin-skinned authoritarian xenophobe, racist, misogynist who really cant let anything go and thinks constantly running face first into every controversy is the right answer.
I bet even if Mike Pence dropped off the ticket and the RNC totally ended their fundraising deal with him and all Republicans in Congress unendorsed him, he would still show up for the third debate.
No concrit
Clearing the way? Since when did Hillary Clinton not earn her nomination?It is frustrating that Clinton has baggage on so many issues that even when you're talking about sexual assault there's an out for Trump when he says but what about Bill. Clinton could win but it will always be by less than a better candidate. I don't think it's wrong to say Democrats made a mistake in clearing the way for her.
People keep saying this, but i mean if the man shows up to the second debate after this pussy video drops... is there really anything that could stop his ego from going to the third? I think this man is what we think he is. A thin-skinned authoritarian xenophobe, racist, misogynist who really cant let anything go and thinks constantly running face first into every controversy is the right answer.
I bet even if Mike Pence dropped off the ticket and the RNC totally ended their fundraising deal with him and all Republicans in Congress unendorsed him, he would still show up for the third debate.
I like how the pre-debate coverage has turned into a really weird version of college gameday. Can we get Wolf Blitzer to put on a donkey head an hour or so before the debate?
He ditched one in the primaries, and I honestly think if tonight is bad, then he'll bail and just hold a ton of rallies. He'll talk up how much bigger his crowd was than Hillary's alone at the rigged debate with the very biased moderator from the establishment's Fox News.
He ditched one in the primaries, and I honestly think if tonight is bad, then he'll bail and just hold a ton of rallies. He'll talk up how much bigger his crowd was than Hillary's alone at the rigged debate with the very biased moderator from the establishment's Fox News.
Given that most, if not all, Republicans won't vote for Hillary, I don't think we'll see the true damage of this past week until the election itself, specifically the total voter turnout on the Right. I think a bunch of moderate Republicans will decide to not vote, and in polling, this should just mean that they slip below the LV screen, but if that screen is just based on past data instead of direct questions from the people sampled, then there could be people counted as LVs who won't show up (or won't vote Trump when they do).
I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with a result which deviated quite a bit from the polls given there will be conservatives holding their nose and voting Hillary secretly, "moderate" secret racists voting Trump, scared conservatives voting in desperation, all talk no action Trump supporters who never voted before in the first place, and unenthusiastic fringe liberals and never Trump Republicans just staying home etc.
I'm confident of a Clinton win at this point, but the margin of that win will come down to how these various sorts of groups feel on election day.