Crossposting from the main thread because I want this answered.
As scummy as Trump is for using these women, and as much as I am sympathetic to their distress at being victims of sexual harassment, I have to question: Why the hell are they there? Why agree to this?
Trump is literally the exact kind of guy that not only dismissed their claims, insulted them, but in all probability raped his own wife and possibly others in his lifetime. Everything about his regard of all women as sexual objects (including his own daughter) and his obsessions with being having dominant power in every relationship he seems to have is indicative of everything that would allow him to get away with doing what Bill Clinton has allegedly done.
This isn't to dismiss the pain they feel or even question the validity of their claims against bill clinton. But even if they feel a profound hatred toward the clintons, how can they sit beside and ally themselves with fucking TRUMP, whose own wife claims he raped her and was silenced by Trump's lawyers threats and statements of husbands not being able to rape their wives?
Let me also emphasize again that I have no wish to victim blame or anything like that. But I can't understand how these women perceived this to be a good idea. I can't understand how they don't see that he's using them or that they aren't helping their cases by doing this. I'm not saying they should stay silent about it, but this? Trying to take down an alleged rapist by allying themselves with another alleged rapist? What?