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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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Many years ago, I went out with a girlfriend's family to celebrate her father's birthday. We went to a steakhouse in town that I really liked and was really excited to go because I thought I was getting a free steak.

They were very much a rare steak blood-in-the-potatoes family and it made me sick to my stomach, but I never said anything about it. Then we were all ordering at the steakhouse and I ordered my steak "medium-well." The sudden, visceral, reaction I received from the party of ten diners was so intense that the waitress excused herself and said she would come back in a few minutes.

The mother, a vile woman by every measure, said "if you're going to eat shoe leather, you can pay for it." The whole table agreed. My actual girlfriend said nothing, blissfully uninvolved in the whipping I was receiving. The father, who liked me but was definitely not my friend, said "we are at a NICE steakhouse that serves GOOD STEAKS and you're ruining yours."

For the entire dinner, people kept making fun of me. "How's your steak, Anthony? Is it good?" and the whole table would laugh. It was insane. I was a sideshow to these people.

When it came time to pay, there were two checks. One for everyone else's and one for mine.

I'm so conflicted about the assholery on display here and the people who made fun of you for it...


Uh oh. Disciplined Trump incoming...

this guy isn't going to be ready in time to be a presidential candidate by sunday. he'll either be boring as fuck or hillary will get under his skin easily again and he'll melt down once more.
Trump was never going to bring that up as a planned line of attack because he's a coward. He's not brave enough to do it. Believe me. Hillary will needle the fuck out of him, and he will totally snap. He's still going to be cray-cray, and I guarantee you he says something rude to a person who asks him a question.
Just got into a screaming shitfest with my Boss who thinks that overpopulation is a huge problem (it isn't really anymore, at least compared to the 90's) and that we should mandate poor people to only have 1 kid once in wedlock. Tried to explain to him that these birth mandates don't work and ruin families, and regardless, population has been plateauing over the past decade, and he just doesm't want to hear it. He started shushing me when I tried to point out that education is far more effective than these mandates and I kind of snapped, whoops

Regardless of what your boss think is the right solution for it, overpopulation IS a problem, the only people who are "skeptic" about it are anti-abortion/anti-birth control loons and religious groups.


So when's the earliest point at which she can claim the presidency in the best case scenario? NC going to dems?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
11pm when California closes and not a minute before.

Also kill stein is NOT GETTING 3%


Regardless of what your boss think is the right solution for it, overpopulation IS a problem, the only people who are "skeptic" about it are anti-abortion/anti-birth control loons and religious groups.

Overpopulation in the developing world yes, not in the developed world.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Lol at morning joe, Clinton beating trump in latest polls so Joe brings that pence does better against Clinton.

Oh yea he also brings up the GOP winning Senate seats.
Regardless of what your boss think is the right solution for it, overpopulation IS a problem, the only people who are "skeptic" about it are anti-abortion/anti-birth control loons and religious groups.

World population is no longer rising as fast as it used to, thanks to improved quality of life around the world. It's expected to top out in the next 50-100 years and then decline. The first world will begin declining far before then. I think the cap is expected to be between 10 and 12 billion, eventually falling to anywhere as low as 1 billion.


Lol at morning joe, Clinton beating trump in latest polls so Joe brings that pence does better against Clinton.

Oh yea he also brings up the GOP winning Senate seats.
They got nothing so they're trying to cling to whatever they can. The Sunday debate will be the final KO.


It's a shame Obama probably won't be able to campaign for a little bit as it would look really bad to do that instead of focusing on the possible destruction in Florida.

I hope that loop model isn't accurate
Damn this hurricane, it could cost us most of Obama's promised October push.
You know you want some Rassss in the morning:

Donald Trump has gained another point on Hillary Clinton in the wake of Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with a 43% to 41% lead over Clinton. Yesterday, he was ahead 42% to 41%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson again earns eight percent (8%) of the vote, while three percent (3%) prefer the Green Party’s Jill Stein. Two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Trump has been edging back all week. He was five points ahead of Clinton going into their first debate last week but then fell behind by three after widespread criticism of his debate performance. By this past Monday, however, the two major party candidates were in a near tie, and Trump has gained a point on Clinton each day since then.


Oh, new thread smell.

Trump failed spectacularly in the first debate without bringing up Bill Clinton's scandals, so him not bringing him up on Sunday says nothing about his performance.

Trump is gonna be Trump, he can't change. Certainly not in one week.

All Queen needs to do is have a more confident response to the questions on trade (this is where she should hammer him on his businesses), and otherwise focus on the audience. Then she's good.

She already has a great response for the Benghazi question if asked (her "I have lost more sleep on this than all of you put together" statement from the hearing was a damn solid punch in the gut)


Anyone worrying about a subdued Trump at the townhall, I would just like to point out that he spent about 2-3 minutes last night arguing with people who live in Nevada about how to pronounce Nevada...
When I was a child, I liked my steak well-done. Most children like steak well-done.

It makes perfect sense that Trump likes his steak well-done.

Medium rare FTW.
For adults. With mature tastes.


Donald Trump: The Ugly American [Vanity Fair]

From the guy who originated "small hands Trump".
Novelty guests don’t know they’re novelty guests. They just think they’re guests. That evening in May 1993, Vanity Fair had two tables and we filled them with the likes of Christopher Hitchens, Bob Shrum, Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg, Peggy Noonan, Tipper Gore, and Vendela Kirsebom, a Swedish model who professionally went by her first name and who was then at or near the top of the catwalk heap. I sat Trump beside Vendela, thinking that she would get a kick out of him. This was not the case. After 45 minutes she came over to my table, almost in tears, and pleaded with me to move her. It seems that Trump had spent his entire time with her assaying the “tits” and legs of the other female guests and asking how they measured up to those of other women, including his wife. “He is,” she told me, in words that seemed familiar, “the most vulgar man I have ever met.”
Dinner with Trump is generally a one-sided affair. He talks so much and with such velocity that it can make your hair flutter. Whatever wife he has at the time tends to say nothing. Which made his criticism of the silence of Ghazala Khan—the mother of the fallen soldier about whom her husband, Khizr, spoke at the Democratic National Convention—seem even more curious. Family dinners at the Trumps are no different, I’m told. And as a general rule, they are over in 45 minutes. Why just 45 minutes? “Because,” a family member told a friend, “that’s how long it takes Donald to eat.”

In the early 90s, we photographed Trump and his soon-to-be wife, Marla, in Palm Beach. At one point, Marina Schiano, our style director, decided that the Loro Piana cashmere sweater she had given Trump to wear wasn’t right and asked him to take it off. Trump refused to pull it up over his head, not wanting to muss his confection of hair. So one of the assistants on the shoot had to get scissors and cut the sweater up the back.



Come on based Nathanial...
God, does this mean the rest of the election cycle is going to be Trump and his surrogates saying he deserves praise for not attacking Hillary over Bill (and then proceeding immediately to do just that...like that douche Conway on GMA this morning)?


Anyone worrying about a subdued Trump at the townhall, I would just like to point out that he spent about 2-3 minutes last night arguing with people who live in Nevada about how to pronounce Nevada...


Who cares if Trump doesn't mention Bill's past. He didn't in the last debate either. And him bringing it up like this isn't even a good look.
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