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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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The "put her in jail" thing made me cringe so hard. I was literally writhing in my seat. They're talking about it on CNN.


Why, why, WHY didn't Hillary attack his poor business record? Why'd she spend the night playing defense the whole time? Who the fuck advised her to do that?


Nervous Republicans telling Dana Bash that Trump moved beyond the leaked tape thanks to his performance. I don't know.

Democrats thinking she did good but wondering why she didn't put it away. I kind of asked the same thing. I seriously wonder if women who accused Clinton of rape being there have anything to do with it.

She's comfortably ahead. At this point, I want her to focus on not fomenting a revolution from some of the die-hards. Let the oppo do the work.
dworkin seems to be doubling down on having evidence discussions are happening re: Pence leaving the ticket.

Why won't these people let me go to bed.

It makes no sense, especially coming from a source like that. If Pence was even considering this he doesn't make that tweet. If Pence drops Trump now that tweet makes him look like a hypocrite and fool.
There is no way to out-argue a bully. You get into an insult game with them, you lose because they will race to the bottom faster and dirtier then you ever will. You try to ignore it, you lose as they continuously fire off stupid insults.You try to point out that their behavior is unacceptable, you lose because clearly the behavior is normalized otherwise it wouldn't have gotten to this point.

There's just nothing you can do, the very act of bullying is this unbeatable psychological position. I really loved that one Community episode about it.


If trump becomes president my family (both of us PoC) will leave the states.

We're lucky both of us are in jobs where we can easily get work permits anywhere on the planet. I weep for the PoC who can't.


That moment when Trump started screaming about how bad Muslims are to that poor Muslim woman was the most disgusting moment of the campaign and literally no one cares.

I was listening to it on radio - what was her body language and face like when he said that? And what was it like when Hillary answered?


Why, why, WHY didn't Hillary attack his poor business record? Why'd she spend the night playing defense the whole time? Who the fuck advised her to do that?

Because he just bullshits around everything? It didn't come up naturally thus it didn't come up. I don't see it as some huge deal.
That moment when Trump started screaming about how bad Muslims are to that poor Muslim woman was the most disgusting moment of the campaign and literally no one cares.

There is going to be genocide in the United States in the next 20 years, this is horrifying.

The body language by Hillary in response was great. She actually moved in between her and Trump and gave her answer.


Orange turd is absurdly stupid but he is being raised by a group of deranged individuals and he is one of the worst of the lot. We have to remain cautious.


Nervous Republicans telling Dana Bash that Trump moved beyond the leaked tape thanks to his performance. I don't know.

Democrats thinking she did good but wondering why she didn't put it away. I kind of asked the same thing. I seriously wonder if women who accused Clinton of rape being there have anything to do with it.

You may be confusing a town hall debate with a WWE cage match. I'll repeat what I said in the debate thread:

Everyone expecting Hillary to act like Trump is being foolish. Hillary Clinton isn't going to win this election by "going for the knockout" and acting like a bully. She's gonna win by being disciplined, smart, and true to herself. That's what she did tonight and unless you are both blind and deaf, she won. Trump's answers were bad, his rambling was bad, his exhausted posture was bad, his sniffing was bad, his threats were bad, and his clear lack of substance was bad. If you don't care about any of those things, especially substance, then maybe you can say he won.


Why, why, WHY didn't Hillary attack his poor business record? Why'd she spend the night playing defense the whole time? Who the fuck advised her to do that?

She was talking to a crazy person that attacked her the entire time instead of answering any of the questions.


It makes no sense, especially coming from a source like that. If Pence was even considering this he doesn't make that tweet. If Pence drops Trump now that tweet makes him look like a hypocrite and fool.

The tweet was likely scheduled by his social media manager who I doubt knows what Pence will do


Kills Photobucket
Democrats thinking she did good but wondering why she didn't put it away. I kind of asked the same thing. I seriously wonder if women who accused Clinton of rape being there have anything to do with it.

She prepared for a 1992/2004 era town hall and what we got tonight for the first 1/3 of the debate didn't feel anything like that.


About to go to bed, are we bedwetting or what?

Only some folks.

I am pleased. I mean of course I wish she demolished him and devoured his soul, but I'll accept this pleasant drubbing.

Almost all the biggest moments being discussed from the debates made him look bad. Only one zinger and the final question made him look remotely ok.


DonaId J. Trump

If I were in charge of the laws of these country I'd put @HillaryClinton & @andersoncooper in JAIL! They're a total disgrace! #Debate


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This is the first time I have watched Jeffrey Lord.

How is this man given a prominent TV position?
On the next oppo dump, I'm a little torn. I think a big part of the reason why she let him off the hook on so much stuff tonight was because she wanted his base reinvigorated just now that the GOP officials are abandoning him in droves. Letting the rift widen and harden for a week or so before putting the final nails in the coffin isn't the worst idea in the world.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is what was going on. No need to go for the kill with this much time left. His entire base probably creamed themselves with that lock her up line he dropped. The GOPers that haven't dropped him yet lost the momentum after a """decent""" performance. Meanwhile the Clinton camp will probably drop some other devastating recording/tape in a few days.


You don't think him hammering Hillary on shit bill did, then proceed to stand behind her all menacing and shit won't move the needle a bit? Women are pretty perceptive about body language.

Yeah, I saw a few tweets along those lines too;

Melissa Ryan ‏@MelissaRyan
Note to my male friends who might not realize: Trump's standing behind her is a bullying tactic. Abusive men do this to us all the time.

Shouting "Why didn't you do it?" over and over again also looked a lot like bullying and as an added benefit, showed he has absolutely zero understanding of how the government works. I thought her comment on the veto didn't go far enough, she should have taken the opportunity to explain basic civics to him like a child.


Mencius Moldbug for the monarchist neoractionaries, Richard Spencer for the fascists.

Aren't a lot of them mad at Moldbug because of... reasons? Honestly the alt-right is all starting to blur together into a sludge of awfulness to me, I'm having trouble keeping the different flavors of terrible separate in my head.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'm really stuck on Trump's answer about the supreme court at the end, just how nonsensical he got about it.

I mean, he just suddenly wandered from the supreme court to how Hillary's campaign was funded. What the fuck was that even about? How'd he get there? I thought I had nodded off or something for a moment when that happened.

Hillary mentioned in her answer that she'd like to see Citizens United overturned to get the bad money out of politics, Donald went from that to his own self-funding so that he wasn't beholden to outsiders and queried why Hillary didn't self-fund. It was among the more rational of his responses.


Real shit I feel Hillary was right in treating this like a discussion. I see many of yall mad she didn't get in the mud with him. Good. I don't want her to stick to your policies and keep campaigning.

Trump still has to deal with the comments on that tape AND the comments tonight he made about them.

Like Chaffetz said. "you don't think there is more of this out there?"


She was talking to a crazy person that attacked her the entire time instead of answering any of the questions.

Yup. Pretty much verything question he got, he flipped it around to either Isis, deficit, or Hillary's fault.

The body language by Hillary in response was great. She actually moved in between her and Trump and gave her answer.

Nice. See, this is why I get the feeling she won - she seemed to connect with the people in the audience more. The first question Trump got, he just took it, the first question she got, she thanked the person.

It's a nice contrast - humility vs arrogance, and may explain why she didn't come out attacking Trump and pushing all the things he said more. She looked the grander of the two, and after that early question about role-models, she couldn't risk looking bad in front of the audience.


Shouting "Why didn't you do it?" over and over again also looked a lot like bullying and as an added benefit, showed he has absolutely zero understanding of how the government works. I thought her comment on the veto didn't go far enough, she should have taken the opportunity to explain basic civics to him like a child.

This is my biggest disappointment of the debate, honestly. An opportunity where being more aggressive wouldn't have had any risk and would have very much needed, for the sake of political discourse as a whole.
I really don't understand how anyone can say Trump "won" the debate. He was rude, whiny, and unhinged throughout the entire thing. If his performance some how turned the polling around then I have lost all faith in this country. She was presidential and he was a madman who lived in his own reality. I can already hear his pathetic excuse, it was three against one. Bill Maher was right, Trump's dick doesn't work anymore so he feels the need to make excuses about it being rigged against him.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
DonaId J. Trump

If I were in charge of the laws of these country I'd put @HillaryClinton & @andersoncooper in JAIL! They're a total disgrace! #Debate

Poor Raddatz. Not good enough to be a political prisoner.

Edit: lol nvm
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