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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Its better to have a strong, stable enemy you know, than an unpredictable enemy you don't know.


Go Sean, go!

It's pretty telling when you compare the Berners at the DNC to this current GOP split and look at how both leaders of the party acted:

Hillary: Berners are pissed at the wikileaks and the primary and threaten not to vote for her so she brings them onboard to help craft policy and cleans house at the DNC to solve their grievances.

Trump: GOP is pissed at Trump for being such a sexist asshole and Trump and company make a political hit list to take them out.

This is what convinced me to get over Bernie losing and to vote for Hillary in the first place. These reactions matter.
Shep Smith's tirade about Trump was epic today. He is 100% convinced the whole thing is about starting a media network and bringing his base with him.

He brings up good points about the debate and you can understand why a Fox News anchor might have something like that on the brain.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Its better to have a strong, stable enemy you know, than an unpredictable enemy you don't know.

We need two parties built on rational but competing ideas. The Republican effort is to retain a shrinking base using racism and fear. They may try to blame it on Trump but they built the conditions he thrived in.


remember me
Man, if everything breaks right for the Dems and they take back the House, we might have a female President from New York, a Jewish Majority leader from New York, and a female Speaker of the House from California. It'd be the far right's worst nightmare.

and a papist, no less



I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Its better to have a strong, stable enemy you know, than an unpredictable enemy you don't know.
There's no way a pure alt-right party would be a national threat, especially not with demographics trending the way they are. I would welcome the destruction and permanent irrelevance of the Republican party.


I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Its better to have a strong, stable enemy you know, than an unpredictable enemy you don't know.

Very true which is why I hope that the republican party reassess their ideology and kick out these deplorable individuals from the party but that seems like a pipe dream.

I have been thinking and I have no evidence to back this up but if someone has more knowledge on the matter. Is there any links between Russia and the alt-right movement? Is it possible that the movement was devised or at the very least propped up by Putin allies as a means to destabilize the US or did he simply just latch on to the opportunity.
Republican Congressman and Trump surrogate on CNN right now pivoting to "both campaigns" when tasked to defend Trump's refusal to stick to the issues instead of creating sideshow distractions. It felt like I was witnessing a live action political GAF thread. This is all the Temporarily Embarrassed Right has at the moment. Both sides! Both candidates! We know we're a disaster but so are those guys too! This entire election is disgraceful! Everyone is awful! It's even exemplified in Donald Trump's "But But But Bill!" deflections.

Remember, kids, this is the party of "personal responsibility."


I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Its better to have a strong, stable enemy you know, than an unpredictable enemy you don't know.

Did we forget the obstructionist GOP in the past 8 years? The only concern you pose is that if the alt-right spreads and takes anywhere close to half of the population on the US. If that ever happens then maintaining the current two party system is the least of the concerns isn't it? At that point Democracy itself would be called into question.
Ohh, good question about regulations and the 2008 financial collapse.

I'm shocked that more moderators don't have the backbone to ask "wait, if regulations are bad, then what about the 2008 economic crisis?"

McCain just said: "Lack of regulations did not cause the crisis, just the housing industry," lol, weak man.


Shep Smith's tirade about Trump was epic today. He is 100% convinced the whole thing is about starting a media network and bringing his base with him.
The evidence is piling up: his baiting of the media with no apparent purpose besides pissing them off and him trying so, so hard to claim the debate moderators were biased - constantly whining in an unbecoming manner and even timimg Hillary's answers as opposed to thinking about his own - heavily indicates this.



This might be the first night since last Thursday where I'm actually able to sleep well. The past three nights have been exhilirating, but a few down nights would be welcome.


Wait a tic..

Jacob Kornbluh ‏@jacobkornbluh 51s52 seconds ago

Did someone finally call Sean Hannity?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He brings up good points about the debate and you can understand why a Fox News anchor might have something like that on the brain.

The evidence is piling up: his baiting of the media with no apparent purpose besides pissing them off and him trying so, so hard to claim the debate moderators were biased - constantly whining in an unbecoming manner and even timimg Hillary's answers as opposed to thinking about his own - heavily indicates this.

Right. I think he makes a great argument. I love Shep.


The evidence is piling up: his baiting of the media with no apparent purpose besides pissing them off and him trying so, so hard to claim the debate moderators were biased - constantly whining in an unbecoming manner and even timimg Hillary's answers as opposed to thinking about his own - heavily indicates this.

Smith is pretty good. Seems like on Hannity and Bill are all in for Trump over there.

I think by and large the media is starting to treat Trump and his ilk as an actual danger and not some sideshow circus that gets them ratings.
I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Its better to have a strong, stable enemy you know, than an unpredictable enemy you don't know.
ever learn about osmosis or diffusion?

They'll figure it out in a cycle or two. No doubt.

Why? They have to.


How is this not blowing up as definite proof of Trump in bed with Russia and using false information?

It's very fishy - pulling the same couple of sentences out of a 10k word story and (mis)attributing them to the same person. I'd be interested in hearing an explanation from Trump's camp.

Ding II

\so....given that massive pile of word salad, tell me how you feel about this photo:

Heh, kinda strong words from a fella that hasn't learned how to do capitalization yet. Or, how TLDRs work, apparently. Your strawman-fu is clearly very strong, however.

That photo is super cool, obviously. Those guys are using a well known gesture to indicate their support for a specific concept. Quite the opposite of Kaepernick's, "I'll just insult everyone and everything associated with America, including those that agree with my cause" approach to things.

Were they disrespecting the very concept of america? the people of america? everything about america?

It certainly doesn't appear that they were. Maybe I'm missing some context. Do you think they were?

Was their protest non specific, with no meaning besides being anti american in every way possible?

What the fuck are you babbling on about? The "black power salute" is pretty dang specific in its meaning. Probably too specific for this particular usage, since I think this meant to be a display in support for downtrodden peoples everywhere. But hey, close enough for guv'ment work. This was at the Olympics, right? I think I read a story recently about how the (white) guy that won 2nd place was happy to support the American dudes' gesture. Or that he got some blowback. Or both.

Oh, is it the bowed heads? Eh, that still seems like more nuanced gesture than Kaep's. They got up there, standing and facing the flags, listened to the anthems, but also displayed their unhappiness about a particular aspect of US culture. (race relations) More sadness/disappointment/grief, as opposed to a blanket denunciation. That clearly depends on your personal interpretation, though. I guess you're supposed to leave that sort of domestic/political shit at the door during the Olympics, but to me, up here in 2016, it seems like their "gesture" was quite thoughtful, well targeted, and given the times, very understandable. Noble, even. They worked pretty hard to convey a lot of context. Specially chosen clothing, etc.

Kaep's display just seems lazy and entitled, in comparison. He may indeed mean well, and God knows his cause is just, but he's trying to kill flies with a cannon, IMO. A tighter focus on exactly what sucks about America would both better illuminate his cause, and also serve to not insult aspects of this country that he presumably has no beef about. He's undoubtedly made some enemies that would otherwise be on his side. Maybe just a few, maybe a lot. I don't claim to know.

Sorry about the "word salad".
I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Honestly, there are not enough white nationalist voters who are also heavily sexist (which is what the alt-right is) in a country that is rapidly becoming minority-majority for that group to win at the federal level. They might wreak a bit of havoc at the local and state levels for a while(and maybe Democratic bloc voters would finally get motivated to vote in elections besides the presidential year ones as a result!), but at the federal level, we'd effectively be a single-party state until conservatives either figured their shit out or (more hopefully) centrist Democrats break away and join up in a new party with New England-style moderate Republicans and marginalize the alt-right nutbars. Then we'd have an actual leftist party and a conservative party that I could consider voting for.

That's the dream, anyway.


The only reason the alt-right has been able to take over the Republican party is because it HAS BEEN the Republican party for the past two decades at least.

This alt-right movement is NOTHING NEW. It's white supremacy and "fiscal conservatism" under a new name. This is what the Republican party has been for decades. Minorities have been TELLING you this. In our songs, our movements, our unjustified deaths, for decades.

Own the shame that you deserve for allowing yourselves to ignore it for this long. Don't insult the collective intelligence of persecuted people in this country by pretending what you're only now seeing is new. The Republican party is the party of racism, of sexism, of white nationalism, of hate. And that's what it has been for as long as many of us have been alive.
Ohh, good question about regulations and the 2008 financial collapse.

I'm shocked that more moderators don't have the backbone to ask "wait, if regulations are bad, then what about the 2008 economic crisis?"

McCain just said: "Lack of regulations did not cause the crisis, just the housing industry," lol, weak man.

So I dont even know why McCain is fighting for another Senate term. Come on fella. You accomplished everything in life. War hero, US senator, ran for president. He's what, 80 now? Just ride off into the sunset with all the fanfare. Why thrust yourself into a crazy uncertain future of your own party that has been taken over by a tin-pot dictator who called you a loser, and your base has turned been morphed into nativist zombified dunces? Take the hint from Boehner and gtfo. Unless you want to be a part of the future where the party is brought into submission by the racist ringmaster.


McCain got owned over and over again in foreign policy, lol.

Yep, all the foreign policy stuff was really bad on his part. You'd think he'd know better but I guess not. I laughed when he said he's still a maverick. If that were true he would have never endorsed Trump. And that tacit approval of everything else Trump has done. "Oh I have a wife and family, so that one was too far"


The only reason the alt-right has been able to take over the Republican party is because it HAS BEEN the Republican party for the past two decades at least.

This alt-right movement is NOTHING NEW. It's white supremacy and "fiscal conservatism" under a new name. This is what the Republican party has been for decades. Minorities have been TELLING you this. In our songs, our movements, our unjustified deaths, for decades.

Own the shame that you deserve for allowing yourselves to ignore it for this long. Don't insult the collective intelligence of persecuted people in this country by pretending what you're only now seeing is new. The Republican party is the party of racism, of sexism, of white nationalism, of hate. And that's what it has been for as long as many of us have been alive.

The term "alt-right" is ironically a politically correct way of constantly reassuring conservatives that only half of them are in the basket of deplorables.

At what level of marginalization do we start calling the center-right folk "alternative"?
Can someone explain to me what exactly McCain said or did that gave him the "Maverick" label? Cause ever since 08 I've seen nothing a but a bitter, whiny old fart who toes the party line...
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