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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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The people around Kathy Sheldon have failed her immeasurably, why is she going on Sean Hannity's radio show?


She was raped and Hillary was the defense attorney for her rapist... Like defense attorneys are supposed to do.

And Hillary tried to get out of the case but the judge denied it, the guy was found guilty because Hillary wanted that, but got his sentence reduced as part of a plea bargain supporter by the victim's mother in order to just put an end to the whole thing.

This is all known, but Trump and his campaign have no shame and that poor woman was lied to believe that HIllary laughed at her case, which 100% false.


Every time a Trump surrogate claims they want to focus on the issues, I want Cooper to point out that the Clinton campaign has not release ANY of this information.



I don't understand why they think attacking Bill Clinton is the way to go. It's clear Hillary isn't behind this. If she is she's been very good about keeping her hands clean. It's why she took the approach she did at the debate. She's not going to own what is coming out against Trump. Yet him flying off the handle and attacking her via Bill Clinton instead of the actual reporters doing the reporting makes him look crazy, etc. and is going to ensure he loses.
I mean it's obvious especially in hindsight how horrible of a person Bill Clinton is, but this strategy is so bad especially now with his own accusers.

I mean her calling Lewinsky a loony toon obviously isn't nice but at this point she probably despised both her and Bill.
AC360 just did a segment on Clinton accusers: Fact vs Fiction. So happy they did that, and Jeffrey Toobin repeatedly mentioned there is no evidence Hillary went after any of the accusers and that Bill Clinton's affairs were already litigated in the past including by Ken Starr with no proof.
What happens when you can't reach someone? Even if you can reach them, how long do you expect every single member of the council to be briefed of the situation to take? If they are not supposed to be briefed and they are just suppose to base judgement on just "We are being attacked," then what is the point of the council? Anyone can make up saying that we are being attacked. If you do brief them, it will be too late to do anything.

All of these problems are applicable to the actual President as well. You make the group of 5 people (odd, low number but not too low since for whatever reason 3 creeps me out) always as reachable as the President. You brief them of the same shit you brief the President.

The idea is that the President right now has the sole right to end the human race at his/her discretion, and the only actual safeguard is that the person receiving such an order is supposed to guess whether or not the President is mentally unfit (and I do mean guess since there's no requirement at all on that person having any training in that sort of thing).

This is terrifying. If you make it so that 5 people are already sitting in a room, then you call them and say whatever you'd say to the President in such a situation. They then take a vote, and whatever the result is, you do that. If any one of them has snapped for some reason, then the other 4 clearly out-vote them. You'd need 3 mental breakdowns (or 3 nutjobs like Trump) before something stupid like "Kim Jong Un called me dumb, no more Korean peninsula" could happen.

There's a reason that a lot of these national defense types are scared of Trump. They know that he's one stupid pissing contest away from killing the human race.

This is no longer about winning the election for Trump. At this point it's about just preaching to the choir. Trump lost any chance he had at getting the majority of female voters a long time ago, this most recent scandal just re-cemented it. It's so blatantly clear (laughably so, in fact) that this sudden obsession with Bill Clinton's accusers is nothing more than a knee-jerk, desperate reaction to the leaked Access Hollywood footage and the profoundly negative affect it's had on his campaign. Nobody outside his most devoted followers believes for a second he gives a rat's ass about these women. It's the definition of a Hail Mary political stunt.

Thing is, right now he has about 40% of the country eating out of the palm of his hand. If he can ingrain into that 40% that Hillary and Bill are literally the two worst people to have ever existed, then even after he's lost the election he can take some solace in the fact that he has turned a sizable chunk of the country against the woman (<-- important detail) who beat him before she even enters office.

I said this when he fired Manafort, but Trump is just riding this thing out with sycophants around him. Stuff like debate prep might lead to a better downticket, but he doesn't care about that. And debate prep means people yelling at him, and correcting him, and nitpicking about his hair, his suit, his body language, etc...

That's annoying, and since he's already going to lose and he doesn't care about the rest of the election beyond that, he'll ride this out with family and suck-ups by his side to feel good. It's why he ran from this tape thing and did like 9 rallies since then; he likes the cheers, and he doesn't want it to end.

Trump's campaign is mostly run by Donald, Ailes, Bannon, Guliani, and possibly Gingrich (sorry, but it appears that Conway is the PR side of things even though she is more than qualified to run a campaign) and it is no surprise their approach in this final month is to do what they're doing.

Privileged white men who think of women as objects..

This bubble is why the GOP is so bad at fixing their messaging. I think there might be some Republicans who want to appeal to Hispanic or female voters, but when the only ideas to do so are brainstormed by old white dudes, you obviously aren't going to move the needle very much. Not only do you need to think up solutions to your issues with those groups, you don't even know what your issues are because you haven't asked any of those groups!

Said without a hint of irony...
I am sorry. I have never, ever hated someone more than I hate Donald Trump. What he said about a ten year old.....SHE IS A CHILD. What kind of man does this!?

What the actual fuck right now.

This shit has me furious.

I found out a few years back that my cousin was molested by her father. It started when she was in first grade and lasted until her senior year in high school. I remember the day I found out when she finally told me and my mom. I was devastated and fucking pissed. It was a good thing that I was out of state at the time because I would have came real close to killing him.
All of this stuff coming out about Trump is dragging up some really bad memories from that time.

My uncle is a lying, manipulative disgusting piece of shit. I'll party when I hear that he's dead. And at his funeral, I'll piss on his grave.

Trump is now on the same level as that. My in laws better hope they remember I hate people who sexually abuse others. If anyone in my family tries to get me to vote for this disgusting fuckwad, I'll explode with the fury of a thousand suns.


I agree. I am so angry and so sad.

It's disgusting.

That said, I'm not surprised that it's taken this turn. This was sealed the moment he became the nominee.

I hope that Team Hillary continues to favor taking the high road. They don't need to touch any of this.
AC360 just did a segment on Clinton accusers: Fact vs Fiction. So happy they did that, and Jeffrey Toobin repeatedly mentioned there is no evidence Hillary went after any of the accusers and that Bill Clinton's affairs were already litigated in the past including by Ken Starr with no proof.

Oh, and BTW he was impeached, so it wasn't like he got away scot free. He'll be in the history books forever and that's part of his legacy no matter what.

Also hilarious regarding millennial not knowing about this. Someone posted the article earlier, but we got a pretty damn good overview of Bill in history classes. It isn't like his impeachment was downplayed when we would have been in middle and high school in the early to mid 2000s.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


I saw that. We have no audio but I tried to follow the captions and wasn't sure if this guy would be that stupid, but surprise surprise.
When we learned about the late 90s in middle school (which was the early 2000s lol), they glossed over why Clinton was impeached and just said it was "because he may have lied under oath"
Perhaps protesters should shout the same to Trump. Maybe get the rape shirts that Trump supporters are wearing with Bill's face and replace it with Donald's?

It'd be nice until you realize people who did that would have a good shot at getting shot, arrested, or beat up for voicing themselves.


Like I said. This doesn't even seem like an oppo dump. Just seems like the media naturally digging after that first tape got leaked. That was always a natural response. Media has probably been combing over every public tape, All interviews and even reaching out to the women themselves.

Something could drop tomorrow as well, but this will be the narrative heading into the weekend. This will most likely be on your daytime talk shows tomorrow and your nightly news segments.

If there's a big oppo tomorrow, I hope they dump it an hour before the Hannity shit show and the resulting media blitz renders their little stunt useless (more useless).
It'd be nice until you realize people who did that would have a good shot at getting shot, arrested, or beat up for voicing themselves.

Yeah. This election is making me dislike a large swathe of the country.

Edit: As an aside, I always wanted to protest Trump with a sign saying "The Westboro Baptist Church Endorses Donald Trump"...I dont think they would realize it was a protest sign which makes it great.
Is their any proof? Of course not. Meanwhile the Trump campaign is holding pressers and interviews with these women accusing Bill.

So yeah, I think it's a very important distinction.

You wants reporters to investigate the sources of other reporters and other media organizations? Good luck with that.

I mean at this point there isn't any proof. Of course there is a chance. The timing is too perfect, but this did come from the media. It's not like Hillary trotted out these women or brought up these stories.

Why would the Clinton campaign release this story from its communication team? It would lose legitimacy coming directly from the campaign. There's no physical evidence, unlike the Machado story.
I just saw a clip of Trump saying, "Wikileaks - I love Wikileaks" and the crowd around him cheered. LOL! So Republicans now like Wikileaks? Jesus Christ. Can these fucking people decide on whom they like and whom they don't?
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