Sean Hanity trying to defend trump...
My hope is Trump takes down his legacy, Fox News, Hanity, Breitbart and its ilk, and especially the GOP.
Sean Hanity trying to defend trump...
Trump's brand is going to be so damaged after this.
Trump's brand is going to be so damaged after this.
How did they manage to lock Trump in a tower for the weekend? Did they cut his internet, too?
This is unusual, he doesn't usually retreat like this. He can't be self aware to know this was the nail in the coffin, right?
I present to you the dumbest man in the world:
Yes, Republicans will definitely respect Hillary if she gets the "mandate" of beating Mike Pence. Just like the Republicans respected Obama after Obama won a clear mandate in 2012 by soundly beating Mitt Romney.
Why does Vox allow guest writers this stupid to write for their site?
Matthew Yglesias ‏@mattyglesias 10 minutes ago
Translation: they knew he was bad, but they were hoping there wasnt tape.
Chris Cillizza ‏@TheFix 27 minutes ago
Republicans I talk to tonight are sort of stunned. They knew Trump was dangerous for the party. They didn't know he was this dangerous.
Has anyone told him Bill isn't running for president yetSean "Bill also did it or worse" Hannity
Plinking I think is a bit better.. the O is out of placePlinkoing rolls off the tongue okay.
So how many states is Gary Johnson gonna win y'all?
McConnell demanded an apology from Trump.
They can lock him in his tower, but if they don't take a hammer to his phone, it's all for naught.
Anyone else starting to think that the whole 'don't campaign in August and let Trump catch up' strategy was planned out from the beginning? The GOP bound themselves inextricably to this sexist maniac throughout September as they saw the polling tighten. And now they're all going down.
How do you even teach this election in schools? What an awkward time it must be to be a teacher and have to explain a situation like this to grade schoolers.
Barack Lesner or QWERTY? QWERTY said this pushed him to Johnson earlier in this thread, and Barack Lesner posted in Off Topic yesterday or this morning before this broke and is still firmly on Trump's side. Even brought up the mic issues and how it affected the audience from cheering. Told him they weren't allowed to cheer anyways and people from the debate said they could hear him just fine.I wonder about that guy that used to post in here who was having doubts about Trump, but kept trying to excuse his problems as not really being big enough deals to change his mind.
Utah could very well be off the map for Trump.
How do you even teach this election in schools? What an awkward time it must be to be a teacher and have to explain a situation like this to grade schoolers.
Utah could very well be off the map for Trump.
@GODNATE: This has a bit of an '06 feel to it. The GOP kinda seemed like it was going to dodge the wave in late Sept. Then Foley.
2016 GOP autopsy: unqualified nominee who said a lot of racist stuff worked better than you'd think, but sexual assault jokes sunk us.
That's gross, if you're okay with trump all this time you don't get to ask for apologies now.Mitch McConnell totally disgusted and thinks Trump should apologize directly.
(That's it of course)
Can any pollsters who were in the field yesterday and today bill Trump for their wasted effort?
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
This has a bit of an '06 feel to it. The GOP kinda seemed like it was going to dodge the wave in late Sept. Then Foley.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
Nate Cohn Retweeted Nate Cohn
And this is not a prediction of a wave, to be clear. Who knows what's going to happen! But the prelude feels similar