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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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The Wall St Journal opinion pages are next, since everyone knows those are typically considered to be very balanced.

First up, Peggy Noonan's new piece, Hillary Clinton is a Stupid Bitch.

Mark Halperin, your take?

"Hillary clearly is a stupid bitch."
The first day of my Wall Street Journal subscription, there was a column about how the 99% movement was literally going to turn into Nazi Germany. "They came for the ..." and everything. It really set the stage for what to expect.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You can click it to find what the last poll said. There actually not a lot of movement except for Florida, which, whatever. Trump actually lost a point in North Carolina.

Even in their results Clinton wins btw.


You can click it to find what the last poll said. There actually not a lot of movement except for Florida, which, whatever. Trump actually lost a point in North Carolina.

Even in their results Clinton wins btw.
Oh yeah lol. Lame poll is lame
Today is when the local news affiliates make all their Halloween puns about the election they've been dying to make.

"An October Surprise that might... HAUNT Hillary for the next week!"




In Vilnius to show my game at an expo, but I had to check out the Putin/Trump mural :)


Lol @ that mural (what game?)

Omg at Weld on CNN comparing Trump screaming about Clintons emails to the guy from Monty Python saying "thats a witch! Burn her! Bun her!" He even did the voice lmfao


Weld really should've been at the top of the Libertarian ticket. Even though their policies are BS, he sounds so much more reasonable and competent on TV.
All is well

Hillary Clinton appears unbruised so far from the reopening of the FBI’s investigation of her and holds a slight lead as the final full week of the campaign begins.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey finds Clinton with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 42%. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson has five percent (5%) of the vote, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein earns two percent (2%). Another two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Clinton and Trump were tied with 45% each on Friday. They were within two points or less of each other nationally all last week in a survey with a +/- 2.5% margin of error.

Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers 16m16 minutes ago
SurveyUSA/@11AliveNews Poll (10/25-27):

Trump 49 (+7)
Clinton 42
Johnson 3





Honestly this email scandal is not the worst development. I was genuinely worried that Democrats were becoming increasingly complacent. This is very motivating.


Doesn't this only apply if you're a Nielsen household? Unless they changed things.

It's the principle.

It also makes for a better conversation when every other post isn't OMG JOE HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT or HALPERIN FUCK OFF ALREADY.

Like everyone has been saying, Ras will move itself closer to the actual result for the last week of polling so they can brag later about how accurate they were when they start polling in 2020.

I don't understand...is that their model is fucked up, and in the last week they start making up results to not sound off?


Honestly this email scandal is not the worst development. I was genuinely worried that Democrats were becoming increasingly complacent. This is very motivating.

People were fucking fired up at her rally in Daytona Saturday. Goddamn, the passion that people had there was just infectious and it really helped reinvigorate me for the last dash here.
so now we like rass?

Yes, obviously

1. Trash pollster is trash
2. HOWEVER might be shifting into real pollster mode for the home stretch
3. But since you have to guess at their motivations, trash pollster is still trash

I don't understand...is that their model is fucked up, and in the last week they start making up results to not sound off?

It's more like they *stop* making up results or at least stop using stupid weighting and assumptions to get the results they want. But bottom line is you can't trust their polling, period, at any time.


I don't understand...is that their model is fucked up, and in the last week they start making up results to not sound off?

I've always suspected they intentionally build their model to have a GOP lean and then put their thumb on the scale when needed to either give it an even stronger GOP lean (to get hits from Drudge and the like), or to put it back to the neutral poll average right before the election.
I don't understand...is that their model is fucked up, and in the last week they start making up results to not sound off?
I'm not even sure they don't just always make up numbers. They may actually do polls, but then just mess with the weights to get what they want. They don't release any of their methods or raw numbers or anything (which is suspicious). So we'll never really know.

They're never accurate, and have weird, wild swings that make no sense and no other polls show. And those swings always seem to benefit Republicans and always seem to come when Republican morale is at its lowest. And then the final week of polling everything comes into place to be in line with everyone else to create the illusion they aren't a garbage, incredibly biased, pollster.


Don't think this has been posted yet. More of Trump being a literal projector.


Beginning around 2003, the company wiped clear the data from everyone’s computers every year. Lawyers for Trump Hotels had never sent out the usual communication issued during litigation instructing employees to stop destroying records that might be related to this case. The deletions continued, and backup tapes were reused—thus erasing the data they held. Power Plant lawyers also discovered that after the lawsuit was filed, Trump Hotels disposed of a key witness’s computer without preserving the data on it.

Yeah, this article is a good read.

Edit: just finished, the closing paragraph is fire put into words:
THIS REVIEW OF TRUMP’S many decades of abusing the judicial system, ignoring judges, disregarding rules, destroying documents and lying about it is not simply a sordid history lesson. Rather, it helps explain his behavior since he declared his candidacy. He promised to turn over his tax returns and his health records—just as he promised to comply with document discovery requirements in so many lawsuits—then reneged. As a result, he has left a sparse evidentiary trail that can be used to assess his wealth, his qualifications for the presidency or even his fitness. Should voters choose him to be the next U.S. president, he will enter the Oval Office as a mystery, a man who has repeatedly flouted the rules. He has solemnly told the country to trust him while refusing to produce any records to prove whether he speaks the truth or has utter contempt for it.



People were fucking fired up at her rally in Daytona Saturday. Goddamn, the passion that people had there was just infectious and it really helped reinvigorate me for the last dash here.

It seems like it's at the point where people truly believe that Hillary should win, and anything that goes against that is seen as a last ditch attempt to prevent her from getting what's rightfully hers.

Which, to be fair, sounds right. Reading the WSJ article on the FBI's internal feud, the bias against her and the foundation seems pretty stark.


Edgy internet Socialists really don't know what words mean, part 192. This week's word: McCarthyite.

Rania Khalek was fired from her job at Electronic Intifada (and yes, the site is as edgy as the name suggests) for agreeing to be a speaker at a conference put on by the Assad family. She was going to speak about why the U.S. shouldn't put sanctions on Assad. The other speakers were mostly war criminals employed by Assad.


I used to follow her on twitter because I do largely agree with her but I soon realized how toxic her world view was. To her and her type of commentators, everything is a lie, cover up, fault of the US, and a huge conspiracy.


I don't think Obama should fire him, that might look bad.

But he should strong arm him to seriously consider resigning.

all he has to say is he is removing an FBI director suspected of having violated the Hatch Act and that is unacceptable for the leader of a non-partisan non-political investigative body in the United States of America. Beyond that screw Optics screw looking bad do you think Republicans care if they look bad? no they don't. we're past this BS


Considering Comey is being attacked from across the political spectrum, Obama could easily just release a statement - "James Comey has brought into the question the non-partisan stance of the FBI. As such, and with a view to ensuring the FBI is and always will be an apolitical entity, I have asked for his removal."

And you know? If the Republicans whine, they look like they want the FBI to be biased against the Democrats.
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