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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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What if Hillary wins, but during her victory speech FBI agents come in and take her away. Then it cuts away to Comey, gripping a gift from his dark sith master - a harmonica.

Let's see House of Cards top that series finale.


What if Hillary wins, but during her victory speech FBI agents come in and take her away. Then it cuts away to Comey, gripping a gift from his dark sith master - a harmonica.

Let's see House of Cards top that series finale.

Darth Kaine's master plan all along.


I still don't get this email thing. Are folks at the white house expected to have to keep copies of everything they say? Why would it be different with emails? And why would you not delete emails after reading their content? How is it on the recepient's hands to keep copies of all the shit they get sent? And for those sent; same as above; why would you have to keep copies? If anyone has questions just ask, if you have accusations then go to court. Doesn't make sense that emails or documents are inherently more necessary to archive than words. Plus if you delete something it's less likely to be hacked, and if you are so worried that it could have been hacked by being on private servers then find another way of communicating. I doubt the non-private servers are any safer.


Let's see House of Cards top that series finale.

Fuck i never thought about it before. How absurd that show is. I mean no way that dude is a Democrat.

But after this campaign... Maybe i have to re-evaluate how absurd that show is. Nothing can top the insanity of this election.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So I think it sucks that PA and NH have no early voting!

And we are sucking in NC! Where is souls to the polls data


It would be the swerve of the year if Trump is actually the one who ends up going to prison because of all this, heh

but I'm sure his behavior is not uncommon among the ultra rich


What if Hillary wins, but during her victory speech FBI agents come in and take her away. Then it cuts away to Comey, gripping a gift from his dark sith master - a harmonica.

Let's see House of Cards top that series finale.

Big daddy Kaine Prez y'all!


It's a UK based newspaper, but the Financial Times has endorsed Hillary (note: website has a paywall): https://www.ft.com/content/f61b93c8-9f5a-11e6-891e-abe238dee8e2

This is a moment for the renewal of American leadership. One candidate has the credentials. Mrs Clinton has served as first lady, senator for New York and US secretary of state. Mr Trump deals in denigration not diplomacy. He has abused allies, threatening to remove east Asia’s nuclear umbrella, sideline Nato and unleash trade wars. Mr Trump casts himself in the role of a western strongman to stand alongside the likes of Mr Putin.

Mr Trump has demonstrated contempt towards American democracy itself. He has persistently raised the prospect of a rigged election and declined, even when pressed, to guarantee he would accept the result. He has threatened to jail Mrs Clinton. Such arrogance is unprecedented and it points to a fatal flaw in his character. The first role of the president is to be commander-in-chief, in charge of the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. Mr Trump has a thin skin and a questionable temperament. For all his many years as a reality TV host, he is simply not ready for prime time.

The 2016 election, more than any in recent memory, is a test for the legitimacy of the US political system, with profound implications for the liberal world order. Mrs Clinton carries enough baggage to fill a Boeing 747. She is not trusted by the majority of voters. But she is manifestly more competent than Mr Trump whose braggadocio, divisiveness and meanness are on daily display. Despite her faults, Mrs Clinton is eminently qualified to be the first woman elected to the White House. She has the Financial Times’ endorsement.
Ugh, RCP dropped below a 3 point average so now my dad's being all doomsday. I think my least favorite thing about polling shifts and biased aggregates is having to talk my parents off ledges every single time.
At this point I have zero confidence in Comey's intentions/his end game and if he goes scorched earth on Hillary, the GOP will follow him without hesitation

I understand I am talking absolute worst case scenario but I guess it's a way of just preparing for the worst

Do also worry about a meteor falling from the sky and taking out her plane?

The way this CNN host is going after Lewandowski lol

His hand gestures are so animated it is hilarious.

I'm going to assume both based on the time of day and the fact that they are calling out Trump surrogates on their BS that you are talking about Chris Cuomo.

He's awesome at that. He does the same thing to Rudy.


Ugh, RCP dropped below a 3 point average so now my dad's being all doomsday. I think my least favorite thing about polling shifts and biased aggregates is having to talk my parents off ledges every single time.

Same here. My mum insists that "It's going to be Brexit all over again" and I can't seem to talk her down.


aka andydumi
Doesn't this only apply if you're a Nielsen household? Unless they changed things.

Not wholly. They now also source data from cable boxes like Tivos. So when you watch live, or record and watch within 72 or so hours it gets included in various ratings. I don't think long term save/watch does right now, say record a whole season of Game of Thrones then watch it all in one go.


Hard to read because of the states changes to early voting.

But we are not doing that great across the country. Enough to win, sure. But the Senate? I am concerned.

Oh really? I was under the impression that early dem turnout has been much greater than 2012.

Now you have me concerned. I really, really want the Senate. Like, we NEED to have the Senate to get anything at all done.


I'm going to assume both based on the time of day and the fact that they are calling out Trump surrogates on their BS that you are talking about Chris Cuomo.

He's awesome at that. He does the same thing to Rudy.

Yeah i have terrible vision so couldnt make out who it was, but his hand gestures came through loud and clear. Was like a cartoon character.
Same here. My mum insists that "It's going to be Brexit all over again" and I can't seem to talk her down.

For both of you, just explain to your loved ones that the UK is 83% White while the US is only 65% white. Add in the fact that only 70% of white men in America are even registered to vote while more than 70% of black women voted in 2012.

Also tell them that if they have so much energy to worry, they should instead use that energy to help their local Democratic campaign with GOTV.


When you really think about the lengths Republicans have gone to paint Hillary as corrupt, it's staggering. They investigated her 13 times for Benghazi, keep that up for 4 years. This lead to the emails, kept that up for over a year and then got pressured the FBI to "reopen" the investigation right before the election. Of course it has worked (public perception of Clinton), when you have constant headlines about investigations, they will take their toll. I hope it was all in vain. Fuck the modern day GOP.


When you really think about the lengths Republicans have gone to paint Hillary as corrupt, it's staggering. They investigated her 13 times for Benghazi, keep that up for 4 years. This lead to the emails, kept that up for over a year and then got pressured the FBI to "reopen" the investigation right before the election. Of course it has worked (public perception of Clinton), when you have constant headlines about investigations, they will take their toll. I hope it was all in vain. Fuck the modern day GOP.

To see how corrupt Republicans are, you just have to look at the money involved in these investigations as well as time wasted on them. Literally more on Benghazi than watergate. Absurd misuse of power.


For both of you, just explain to your loved ones that the UK is 83% White while the US is only 65% white. Add in the fact that only 70% of white men in America are even registered to vote while more than 70% of black women voted in 2012.

Also tell them that if they have so much energy to worry, they should instead use that energy to help their local Democratic campaign with GOTV.

I've tried that, she just won't listen to numbers.

Also, sadly I'm in the UK otherwise I'd have my entire family helping :p


The thing that really amazes me is, after over two decades of painting Hillary as a criminal, no one has been able to stop her from becoming president. Like, if she really did something incredibly illegal, don't you think that she would already be locked up at this point? No one would've cut her the benefit of the doubt. Trump has been in the political spotlight for 18 months, and look at all the evidence that's turned up against his character in that time. You might not agree with some of Hillary's policies or decisions, but no one is going to be a perfect politician. This narrative that she's some criminal mastermind is absolutely ludicrous, and there are people dumb enough to buy into it.
Same here. My mum insists that "It's going to be Brexit all over again" and I can't seem to talk her down.

Eight days

We have come this far, no amount of bedwetting can stop time in it's place.

Hold the line, the bedwetting and picnic!!!! will be over soon.


Fun question: What are the worst state amendments you've had on your ballots?

A few years ago here in TX we passed an amendment to make gay marriage even more illegal. It was already illegal of course, but there were concerns that it wasn't illegal enough, so we amended the state constitution just to be on the safe side. Small government at its finest!


When you really think about the lengths Republicans have gone to paint Hillary as corrupt, it's staggering. They investigated her 13 times for Benghazi, keep that up for 4 years. This lead to the emails, kept that up for over a year and then got pressured the FBI to "reopen" the investigation right before the election. Of course it has worked (public perception of Clinton), when you have constant headlines about investigations, they will take their toll. I hope it was all in vain. Fuck the modern day GOP.

It's not even just the modern day GOP. They've been shit for decades.

I'm just finishing up Mann and Ornstein's It's Worse Than it Was and it really could have been renamed Newt Started it. They dedicated an entire chapter in the beginning to Newt Gingrich being the genesis of the modern GOP obstructionism and how he started the whole notion of getting everyone to hate Congress by making Congress not work.

The whole party is rotten to the core.


aka andydumi
I don't think Obama should fire him, that might look bad.

But he should strong arm him to seriously consider resigning.

And none of that will happen until after the election. I imagine quite a few people will announce their plans to resign after the election, as it's often the case many leave to allow the new President to fill positions.
You know how Donald Trump's support vacillates between 36-44% depending on which scandal he's trying to get through?

I've come to realize that those 8% are utter, cowardly turds and might actually be the true villains of this election.

The deplorables have no platform and no political will. It's the 8% that grants them legitimacy.


Just saw a parade of aerial ads (planes towing banners) past my work in Philly.




[fourth one was illegible because the text was all red]


Was a fun novelty.
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